作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



Given a binary tree where all the right nodes are either leaf nodes with a sibling (a left node that shares the same parent node) or empty, flip it upside down and turn it into a tree where the original right nodes turned into left leaf nodes. Return the new root.


Input: [1,2,3,4,5]

/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5 Output: return the root of the binary tree [4,5,2,#,#,3,1] 4
/ \
5 2
/ \
3 1


给定一个二叉树,其中所有的右节点要么是具有兄弟节点(拥有相同父节点的左节点)的叶节点,要么为空,将此二叉树上下翻转并将它变成一棵树, 原来的右节点将转换成左叶节点。返回新的根。






* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
TreeNode* upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode* root) {
if (!root || !root->left) return root;
TreeNode* l = root->left;
TreeNode* r = root->right;
TreeNode* newRoot = upsideDownBinaryTree(root->left);
l->left = r;
l->right = root;
root->left = nullptr;
root->right = nullptr;
return newRoot;





* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
TreeNode* upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode* root) {
TreeNode* cur = root, *pre = nullptr, *temp = nullptr, *nxt = nullptr;
while (cur) {
nxt = cur->left;
cur->left = temp;
temp = cur->right;
cur->right = pre;
pre = cur;
cur = nxt;
return pre;


2019 年 9 月 17 日 —— 听了hulu宣讲会,觉得hulu的压力不大

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