leetcode解题报告(2):Remove Duplicates from Sorted ArrayII
Follow up for ”Remove Duplicates”: What if duplicates are allowed at most twice?
For example, Given sorted array A = [1,1,1,2,2,3],
Your function should return length = 5, and A is now [1,1,2,2,3]
要解该题,只需要在上一题(leetcode解题报告(1):Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array)的基础上,加一个计算重复次数的变量count,再做相应的改动即可。
class Solution{
int removeDulicatesII(int A[],int n){
if(n <= 2) //if n <= 2,then the result is n
return n;
int index = 0; //index of new array
int count = 1; //count the duplicated elements
for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i){
if(A[index] != A[i]){ //not equal,so add this element into new array
A[++index] = A[i];
count = 1; //and reset count
//this is because that A[index] != A[i] means no constantly duplicated elements
else if(A[index] == A[i] && count < 2){ //if equal and count < 2
A[++index] = A[i]; //add it
++count; //increment the value of count
//if A[index] == A[i] and count >= 2,then skip it
return index + 1;
代码略长,但是有较好的扩展性。如若将count < 2改为count < 3,结果依然正确。
这引出了一个新的问题:对于第一个元素(下标为0),前一元素就会使下标为负数;对于最后一个元素(下标为n - 1),下一元素的下标会溢出。解决办法是去掉这个边界情况。
class Solution{
int removeDuplicatesII(int A[],int n){
int index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i){
if(i > 0 && i < n - 1 && A[i - 1] == A[i] &&A[i + 1] == A[i])
A[index++] = A[i];
return index;
换种思路:将index的值设置为2,遍历从i = 2开始,每次比较A[index - 2]和A[i]是否相等,若不相等,则将该值加入新的数组,并将index加1。
class Solution{
int removeDuplicatesII(int A[],int n){
if(n <= 2)return n;
int index = 2;
for(int i = 2; i != n; ++i){
if(A[index - 2] != A[i])
A[index++] = A[i];
//A[index] = A[i];
//index += 1;
return index;
注意返回的值。此处返回的是为index,而解法一返回的是index + 1。
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