Count Different Palindromic Subsequences
Given a string S, find the number of different non-empty palindromic subsequences in S, and return that number modulo 10^9 + 7
A subsequence of a string S is obtained by deleting 0 or more characters from S.
A sequence is palindromic if it is equal to the sequence reversed.
Two sequences A_1, A_2, ...
and B_1, B_2, ...
are different if there is some i
for which A_i != B_i
Example 1:
S = 'bccb'
Output: 6
The 6 different non-empty palindromic subsequences are 'b', 'c', 'bb', 'cc', 'bcb', 'bccb'.
Note that 'bcb' is counted only once, even though it occurs twice.
Example 2:
S = 'abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcddcbadcbadcbadcbadcbadcbadcbadcba'
Output: 104860361
There are 3104860382 different non-empty palindromic subsequences, which is 104860361 modulo 10^9 + 7.
class Solution {
public int countPalindromicSubsequences(String S) {
Map<String, Set<String>> _seqMap = new HashMap<>();
return findPalindromesHelper(S, _seqMap).size();
} private Set<String> findPalindromesHelper(String s, Map<String, Set<String>> _seqMap) {
Set<String> result = _seqMap.get(s);
if (result != null) {
return result;
int len = s.length();
result = new HashSet<String>();
if (len < ) {
return result;
if (len == ) {
return result;
result.addAll(findPalindromesHelper(s.substring(, len - ), _seqMap));
result.addAll(findPalindromesHelper(s.substring(, len), _seqMap));
if (s.charAt() == s.charAt(len - )) {
Set<String> subSet = findPalindromesHelper(s.substring(, len - ), _seqMap);
String head = s.substring(, );
for (String s1 : subSet) {
result.add(head + s1 + head);
result.add(head + head);
_seqMap.put(s, result);
return result;
class Solution {
public int countPalindromicSubsequences(String s) {
int len = s.length();
int[][] dp = new int[len][len]; char[] chs = s.toCharArray();
for (int i = ; i < len; i++) {
dp[i][i] = ; // Consider the test case "a", "b" "c"...
} for (int distance = ; distance < len; distance++) {
for (int i = ; i < len - distance; i++) {
int j = i + distance;
if (chs[i] == chs[j]) {
int low = i + , high = j - ;
while (low <= high && chs[low] != chs[j]) {
while (low <= high && chs[high] != chs[j]) {
if (low > high) {
* consider the string from i to j is "a...a" "a...a"... where there is no
* character 'a' inside the leftmost and rightmost 'a'
* eg: "aba" while i = 0 and j = 2: dp[1][1] = 1 records the palindrome{"b"},
* the reason why dp[i + 1][j - 1] * 2 counted is that we count dp[i + 1][j - 1]
* one time as {"b"}, and additional time as {"aba"}. The reason why 2 counted
* is that we also count {"a", "aa"}. So totally dp[i][j] record the palindrome:
* {"a", "b", "aa", "aba"}.
dp[i][j] = dp[i + ][j - ] * + ;
} else if (low == high) {
* consider the string from i to j is "a...a...a" where there is only one
* character 'a' inside the leftmost and rightmost 'a'
* eg: "aaa" while i = 0 and j = 2: the dp[i + 1][j - 1] records the palindrome
* {"a"}. the reason why dp[i + 1][j - 1] * 2 counted is that we count dp[i +
* 1][j - 1] one time as {"a"}, and additional time as {"aaa"}. the reason why 1
* counted is that we also count {"aa"} that the first 'a' come from index i and
* the second come from index j. So totally dp[i][j] records {"a", "aa", "aaa"}
dp[i][j] = dp[i + ][j - ] * + ;
} else {
* consider the string from i to j is "a...a...a... a" where there are at least
* two character 'a' close to leftmost and rightmost 'a'
* eg: "aacaa" while i = 0 and j = 4: the dp[i + 1][j - 1] records the
* palindrome {"a", "c", "aa", "aca"}. the reason why dp[i + 1][j - 1] * 2
* counted is that we count dp[i + 1][j - 1] one time as {"a", "c", "aa",
* "aca"}, and additional time as {"aaa", "aca", "aaaa", "aacaa"}. Now there is
* duplicate : {"aca"}, which is removed by deduce dp[low + 1][high - 1]. So
* totally dp[i][j] record {"a", "c", "aa", "aca", "aaa", "aaaa", "aacaa"}
dp[i][j] = dp[i + ][j - ] * - dp[low + ][high - ];
} else {
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - ] + dp[i + ][j] - dp[i + ][j - ]; // s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(j)
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j] < ? dp[i][j] + : dp[i][j] % ;
return dp[][len - ];
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