PoolEntry 参数讲解
- public abstract class PoolEntry<T, C> {
- private final String id;
- private final T route; //路由
- private final C conn; //http连接
- private final long created; //创建时间
- private final long validityDeadline;
- private long updated;
- private long expiry;
- private volatile Object state;
- }
- public PoolEntry(final String id, final T route, final C conn,
- final long timeToLive, final TimeUnit tunit) {
- super();
- Args.notNull(route, "Route");
- Args.notNull(conn, "Connection");
- Args.notNull(tunit, "Time unit");
- this.id = id;
- this.route = route;
- this.conn = conn;
- this.created = System.currentTimeMillis();
- this.updated = this.created;
- if (timeToLive > 0) {
- final long deadline = this.created + tunit.toMillis(timeToLive);
- // If the above overflows then default to Long.MAX_VALUE
- this.validityDeadline = deadline > 0 ? deadline : Long.MAX_VALUE;
- } else {
- this.validityDeadline = Long.MAX_VALUE;
- }
- this.expiry = this.validityDeadline;
- }
- public synchronized void updateExpiry(final long time, final TimeUnit tunit) {
- Args.notNull(tunit, "Time unit");
- this.updated = System.currentTimeMillis();
- final long newExpiry;
- if (time > 0) {
- newExpiry = this.updated + tunit.toMillis(time);
- } else {
- newExpiry = Long.MAX_VALUE;
- }
- this.expiry = Math.min(newExpiry, this.validityDeadline);
- }
具体在:PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.releaseConnection(final HttpClientConnection managedConn, final Object state, final long keepalive, final TimeUnit tunit) 方法中调用;但是这个方法是我们在释放response是调用的。
- public void releaseConnection(
- final HttpClientConnection managedConn,
- final Object state,
- final long keepalive, final TimeUnit tunit) {
- Args.notNull(managedConn, "Managed connection");
- synchronized (managedConn) {
- final CPoolEntry entry = CPoolProxy.detach(managedConn);
- if (entry == null) {
- return;
- }
- final ManagedHttpClientConnection conn = entry.getConnection();
- try {
- if (conn.isOpen()) {
- final TimeUnit effectiveUnit = tunit != null ? tunit : TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
- entry.setState(state);
- entry.updateExpiry(keepalive, effectiveUnit); //keepalive 参数表示长连接的过期时间,在客户端通过keepAliveStrategy参数设置
- if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- final String s;
- if (keepalive > 0) {
- s = "for " + (double) effectiveUnit.toMillis(keepalive) / 1000 + " seconds";
- } else {
- s = "indefinitely";
- }
- this.log.debug("Connection " + format(entry) + " can be kept alive " + s);
- }
- conn.setSocketTimeout(0);
- }
- } finally {
- this.pool.release(entry, conn.isOpen() && entry.isRouteComplete());
- if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- this.log.debug("Connection released: " + format(entry) + formatStats(entry.getRoute()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
3、PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager 连接池参数 validateAfterInactivity说明:
当从连接池中拿到一个poolEntry时,如果validateAfterInactivity参数大于0 且 这个PoolEntry实例的updated加validateAfterInactivity小于等于当前时间,会检查这个连接(httpEntry实例中的con)的连接状态 state 值;
- org.apache.http.impl.BHttpConnectionBase
- public boolean isStale() {
- if (!isOpen()) {
- return true;
- }
- try {
- final int bytesRead = fillInputBuffer(1);
- return bytesRead < 0;
- } catch (final SocketTimeoutException ex) {
- return false;
- } catch (final IOException ex) {
- return true;
- }
- }
4、PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager 的关闭空闲超时连接方法:
指PoolEntry实例的更新时间加 空闲时间(设置)大于等于 当前时间,表示这个连接超过空闲时间
- public void closeIdleConnections(final long idleTimeout, final TimeUnit tunit) {
- if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- this.log.debug("Closing connections idle longer than " + idleTimeout + " " + tunit);
- }
- this.pool.closeIdle(idleTimeout, tunit);
- }
5、PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager 的关闭过期连接方法:
- public void closeExpiredConnections() {
- this.log.debug("Closing expired connections");
- this.pool.closeExpired();
- }
6、closeIdleConnections() 和 closeExpiredConnections() 对外提供,需要用户自己去调用,我们一般维护一个独立的线程去调用,清除空闲的连接和过期连接。
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