

当我们尝试从函数组件中返回元素组成的数组时,会产生"Type '() => JSX.Element[]' is not assignable to type FunctionComponent"错误。为了解决该错误,可以将元素数组包裹在React片段中。


  1. // App.tsx
  2. import React from 'react';
  3. // ️ Type '() => JSX.Element[]' is not assignable to type 'FunctionComponent<{}>'.
  4. // Type 'Element[]' is missing the following properties
  5. // from type 'ReactElement<any, any>': type, props, key ts(2322)
  6. const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
  7. return ['Alice', 'Bob'].map(element => <div key={element}>{element}</div>);
  8. };
  9. export default App;




为了解决该类型错误,我们必须将数组包裹在React片段(React fragment)中。

  1. // App.tsx
  2. import React from 'react';
  3. const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
  4. return (
  5. <>
  6. {['Alice', 'Bob'].map(element => (
  7. <div key={element}>{element}</div>
  8. ))}
  9. </>
  10. );
  11. };
  12. export default App;




  1. // App.tsx
  2. import React from 'react';
  3. const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
  4. return (
  5. <React.Fragment>
  6. {['Alice', 'Bob'].map(element => (
  7. <div key={element}>{element}</div>
  8. ))}
  9. </React.Fragment>
  10. );
  11. };
  12. export default App;




  1. // App.tsx
  2. import React from 'react';
  3. const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
  4. return (
  5. <div>
  6. {['Alice', 'Bob'].map(element => (
  7. <div key={element}>{element}</div>
  8. ))}
  9. </div>
  10. );
  11. };
  12. export default App;



为了解决"Type '() => JSX.Element[]' is not assignable to type FunctionComponent"错误,可以使用React片段或者div将元素数组进行包裹。

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