Can jxta be used to develop online card game (p2p style)?
Can jxta be used to develop online card game (p2p style)?
I am new to jxta.
The game need 4 players, so 4 peers in a group can play it.
There will be no additional server.
Can jxta support it?
When the group has 3 peers, and the 4th peer join, the game should start on all 4 peers.
Can all 3 peers learn the 4th peer's joining at the same time?
My worry is synchronization
Technically speaking, JXTA can allow 4 peers to play together. No issue with that.
Regarding synchronization, the solution I would suggest is to centralize registration within one peer (for example, that peer creates a 4 player tables) and have other peers request to join that table. The central peer would grant such a request (or not) and notify the three other peers when the table is full to start playing.
If a peer act as central server, it'll be easy to program
but it'll be far less robust
what if the central server fail?
No. No peer as to act as a central server. Any peer can offer to create a table and any other peer can as to join. The peers who create a table just notify other peers in the group.
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