前几天干了一件比较无聊的事儿——抄了一遍C++ STL bitset的源代码,把不懂的宏定义去掉了,发现(暂时)还能用,嘿嘿。
#ifndef BITSET_H
#define BITSET_H
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream> template <size_t Bits>
class BitSet {
typedef bool element_type;
typedef unsigned int Type; class Reference {
friend class BitSet<Bits>;
~Reference() {} Reference& operator=(bool val) {
p->set(pos, val);
return *this;
} Reference& operator=(const Reference& bitRef) {
p->set(pos, bool(bitRef));
return *this;
} Reference& flip() {
return *this;
} bool operator~() const {
return !p->test(pos);
} operator bool() const {
return p->test(pos);
} private:
Reference() : p(0), pos(0) {} Reference(BitSet<Bits>& bitSet, size_t pos) : p(&bitSet), pos(pos) {} BitSet<Bits> *p;
size_t pos;
}; bool at(size_t pos) const {
return test(pos);
} Reference at(size_t pos) {
return Reference(*this, pos);
} bool operator[](size_t pos) const {
return test(pos);
} Reference operator[](size_t pos) {
return Reference(*this, pos);
} BitSet() {
} BitSet(unsigned long long val) {
for (size_t pos = 0; val != 0 && pos < Bits; val >>= 1, ++pos) {
if (val & 1)
} BitSet(const std::string& str,
std::string::size_type pos = 0,
std::string::size_type count = std::string::npos,
char e0 = '0',
char e1 = '1') {
construct(str, pos, count, e0, e1);
} BitSet(const char *ptr,
std::string::size_type count = std::string::npos,
char e0 = '0',
char e1 = '1') {
construct(count == std::string::npos ?
std::string(ptr) : std::string(ptr, count), 0, count, e0, e1);
} void construct(const std::string& str,
std::string::size_type pos,
std::string::size_type count,
char e0,
char e1) {
std::string::size_type num;
if (str.size() < pos)
if (str.size() - pos < count)
count = str.size() - pos;
if (Bits < count)
count = Bits;
tidy(); for (pos += count, num = 0; num < count; ++num) {
if (str[--pos] == e1)
else if (str[pos] != e0)
} BitSet<Bits>& operator&=(const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos) {
array[pos] &= right.getWord(pos);
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& operator|=(const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos) {
array[pos] |= right.getWord(pos);
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& operator^=(const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos) {
array[pos] ^= right.getWord(pos);
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& operator<<=(size_t pos) {
const ptrdiff_t wordShift = (ptrdiff_t)(pos / BitsPerWord);
if (wordShift != 0) {
for (ptrdiff_t wpos = Words; 0 <= wpos; --wpos)
array[wpos] = (wordShift <= wpos ?
array[wpos - wordShift] : 0);
if ((pos %= BitsPerWord) != 0) {
// 0 < pos < BitsPerWord, shift by bits
for (ptrdiff_t wpos = Words; 0 < wpos; --wpos)
array[wpos] = (Type)((array[wpos] << pos) |
(array[wpos - 1]) >> (BitsPerWord - pos));
array[0] <<= pos;
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& operator>>=(size_t pos) {
const ptrdiff_t wordShift = (ptrdiff_t)(pos / BitsPerWord);
if (wordShift != 0) {
for (ptrdiff_t wpos = 0; wpos <= Words; ++wpos)
array[wpos] =
(wordShift <= Words - wpos ? array[wpos + wordShift] : 0);
if ((pos %= BitsPerWord) != 0) {
for (ptrdiff_t wpos = 0; wpos < Words; ++wpos)
array[wpos] = (Type)((array[wpos] >> pos) |
(array[wpos + 1] << (BitsPerWord - pos)));
array[Words] >>= pos;
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& set() {
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& set(size_t pos, bool val = true) {
if (Bits <= pos)
if (val)
array[pos / BitsPerWord] |= (Type)1 << pos % BitsPerWord;
array[pos / BitsPerWord] &= ~((Type)1 << pos % BitsPerWord);
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& reset() {
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& reset(size_t pos) {
return set(pos, false);
} BitSet<Bits>& operator~() const {
return BitSet<Bits>(*this).flip();
} BitSet<Bits>& flip() {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos)
array[pos] = (Type)~array[pos];
return *this;
} BitSet<Bits>& flip(size_t pos) {
if (Bits <= pos)
array[pos / BitsPerWord] ^= (Type)1 << pos % BitsPerWord;
return *this;
} unsigned long to_ulong() const {
unsigned long long val = to_ullong();
unsigned long ans = (unsigned long)val;
if (ans != val)
return ans;
} unsigned long long to_ullong() const {
ptrdiff_t pos = Words;
for (; (ptrdiff_t)(sizeof(unsigned long long) / sizeof(Type)) <= pos; --pos) {
if (array[pos] != 0)
unsigned long long val = array[pos];
while (0 <= --pos)
val = ((val << (BitsPerWord - 1)) << 1) | array[pos];
return val;
} std::string to_string(char e0 = '0', char e1 = '1') const {
std::string str;
std::string::size_type pos = Bits;
while (0 < pos) {
if (test(--pos))
str += e1;
str += e0;
return str;
} size_t count() const {
const char *const BitsPerByte =
const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)(const void *)array;
const unsigned char *const end = ptr + sizeof(array);
size_t val = 0;
for (; ptr != end; ++ptr)
val += BitsPerByte[*ptr];
return val;
} size_t size() const {
return Bits;
} bool operator==(const BitSet<Bits>& right) const {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos) {
if (array[pos] != right.getWord(pos))
return false;
return true;
} bool operator!=(const BitSet<Bits>& right) const {
return !(*this == right);
} bool test(size_t pos) const {
if (Bits < pos)
return (array[pos / BitsPerWord] & ((Type)1 << pos % BitsPerWord)) != 0;
} bool any() const {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos) {
if (array[pos] != 0)
return true;
return false;
} bool none() const {
return !any();
} bool all() const {
return count() == size();
} BitSet<Bits> operator<<(size_t pos) const {
return BitSet<Bits>(*this) <<= pos;
} BitSet<Bits> operator>>(size_t pos) const {
return BitSet<Bits>(*this) >>= pos;
} Type getWord(size_t pos) const {
return array[pos];
} private:
static const ptrdiff_t BitsPerWord = (ptrdiff_t)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(Type));
static const ptrdiff_t Words =
(ptrdiff_t)(Bits == 0 ? 0 : (Bits - 1) / BitsPerWord); void tidy(Type val = 0) {
for (ptrdiff_t pos = Words; 0 <= pos; --pos)
array[pos] = val;
if (val != 0)
} void trim() {
if (Bits % BitsPerWord != 0)
array[Words] &= ((Type)1 << Bits % BitsPerWord) - 1;
} void xinv() const {
throw std::invalid_argument("invalid BitSet<N> char");
} void xofllo() const {
throw std::overflow_error("BitSet<N> overflow");
} void xran() const {
throw std::out_of_range("invalid BitSet<N> position");
} Type array[Words + 1];
}; template<size_t Bits>
BitSet<Bits> operator&(const BitSet<Bits>& left, const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
BitSet<Bits> ans = left;
return ans &= right;
} template<size_t Bits>
BitSet<Bits> operator|(const BitSet<Bits>& left, const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
BitSet<Bits> ans = left;
return ans |= right;
} template<size_t Bits>
BitSet<Bits> operator^(const BitSet<Bits>& left, const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
BitSet<Bits> ans = left;
return ans ^= right;
} template<size_t Bits>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BitSet<Bits>& right) {
return os << right.to_string();
} template<size_t Bits>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, BitSet<Bits>& right) {
char e1 = '1';
char e0 = '0';
std::ios_base::iostate state = std::ios_base::goodbit;
bool changed = false;
std::string str;
const std::istream::sentry ok(is); if (ok) {
try {
int meta = is.rdbuf()->sgetc();
for (size_t count = right.size();
0 < count;
meta = is.rdbuf()->snextc(), --count) {
char c;
if (meta == EOF) {
state |= std::ios_base::eofbit;
else if ((c = (char)meta) != e0 && c != e1)
else if (str.max_size() <= str.size()) {
state |= std::ios_base::failbit;
else {
if (c == e1)
str.append(1, '1');
str.append(1, '0');
changed = true;
catch (...) {
is.setstate(std::ios_base::badbit, true);
if (!changed)
state |= std::ios_base::failbit;
right = BitSet<Bits>(str);
return is;
} #endif
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