What is a module in AngularJS?

A module is a container for different parts of your application i.e controllers,services,directives,filters,etc.

You can think of a module as a Main() method in other types of applications.

How to create a module?

Use the angular object's module() method to create a module.

var myApp = angular.module("myModule",[]);//the first parameter specify the name of module,the second parameter specify the dependence for the module,here i just set an empty array. 

What is a controller in angular?

In angular a controller is a JavaScript function. The job of the controller is to build a model for the view to display.

How to create a controller in angular?

var myController = function($scope){
$scope.message="AngularJS Tutorial";

How to register the controller with the module?

myApp.controller("myController",myController);           //  1 way
myApp.controller("myController",function($scope){ // 2 way
$scope.message="AngularJS Tutorial";

In js file , we can add a reference with angular.js to has some code tip.(autocomplete some angular member.)

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