
Attempts to start IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v6.1.x through Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software (RAD) v7.0.x results in the error ADMU7704E: Failed while trying to start the Windows Service associated
with server.


Complete error while starting WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v6.1.x:

ADMU7704E: Failed while trying to start the Windows Service associated with server: server1;

probable error executing WASService.exe: Starting Service: [service name]

Timed out waiting for service to respond to command, after 60 seconds.Failed to start service, or

timed out while waiting for start to complete. Check the logs for details.


The server was configured as a Windows Service.

Resolving the problem

If this was unintentional, create a new server profile that does not run the application as a Windows Service.

Steps describing how to do this can be found in the Related URL section.

Alternatively, you can do the following:

  1. Open Windows Services Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
  2. Look for the service name of WAS V6.1:

    "IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - [service_name]".
  3. Open a command window and go to [RAD_Installation]\runtimes\base_v61\bin
  4. Run the command:

    WASService.exe -remove [service_name]

    You should see a message "Successfully removed service".

Restart RAD and you should now be able to successfully start your WASv6.1.x server.

需要注意的是WASService.exe -remove [service_name]中的[service_name]参数,查找方法如下


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