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Some of the important aspects covered are described breifly as follows.

To rate an Item for the first time by a user the following fields should be modified with the respective field values:

  1. item["RatingCount"]:

    This field stores the number of users who have rated the item its value should be incremented.

  2. item["Ratings"]:

    A field which stores the user ratings in CSV string format should add the new users rating like.

    NewRating = 4; //any desired number from 1 to 5.

    item["Ratings"] += NewRating + ",";

  3. item["AverageRating"]:

    This field stores the average of the ratings given by all the rated users. Simple weighted average calculation formulas can be implemented which is

    OldAverage = item["AverageRating"] == null ? 0 : float.Parse(item["AverageRating"].ToString());

    OldNumberOfRatings = item["RatingCount"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(item["RatingCount"].ToString());

    NewNumberOfRatings = OldNumberOfRatings + 1;


    NewAverage = OldAverage + ( ( NewRating - OldAverage ) / NewNumberOfRatings);


    NewAverage = ( ( OldAverage * OldNumberOfRatings ) + NewRating ) / NewNumberOfRatings;


    item["AverageRating"] = NewAverage;

  4. item["RatedBy"]:

    This field stores the user information in form of array of FieldUserValue which can be modified using following code

    FieldUserValue[] ratedUsers = item["RatedBy"] as

    //where ratedUsers becomes an array of users who have already rated.

    List<FieldUserValue> newUsersRated = new

    if (ratedUsers != null)

    foreach (FieldUserValue ratedUser in ratedUsers)



    item["RatedBy"] = newUsersRated;

To Rerate the item for a user who has already rated it before you need to first find the user index (say int userIndex) in the item["RatedBy"] field then change the following fields:

  1. item["Ratings"]:

    Change the user rating in this CSV string by use of userIndex.

    FieldUserValue[] ratedUsers = item["RatedBy"] as

    for (int i = 0; i < ratedUsers.Length; i++)

    if (ratedUsers[i].LookupValue == user.Title)

    int userIndex = i;

    string[] userRatings = item["Ratings"].split(',');

    OldRating = int.Parse(userRatings[userIndex]);

    NewRating = 3; //any desired number from 1 to 5.

    userRatings[userIndex] = NewRating.ToString();

    string ratings = userRatings.Join(',', userRatings);

    item["Ratings"] = ratings;

  2. item["AverageRating"]:

    change the average value using formula

    OldAverage = item["AverageRating"];

    NumberOfRatings = item["RatingCount"];

    NewAverage = OldAverage + ( ( NewRating - OldRating ) / NumberOfRatings );

    item["AverageRating"] = NewAverage;


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