在网络上,看到有SQL Server 2000和SQL Server 2005 的存储过程加密和解密的方法,后来分析了其中的代码,发现它们的原理都是一样的。后来自己根据实际的应用环境,编写了两个存储过程,一个加密存储过程(sp_EncryptObject),和一个解密存储过程(sp_EncryptObject),它们可以应用于SQL Server中的储过程,函数,视图,以及触发器。


用于加密的存储过程 (sp_EncryptObject) :

存储过程(sp_EncryptObject)加密的方法是在存储过程,函数,视图的“As”位置前加上“with encryption”;如果是触发器,就在“for”位置前加“with encryption”。

如果触发器是{ AFTER | INSTEAD OF} 需要修改下面代码"For"位置:

  1. if objectproperty(object_id(@Object),'ExecIsAfterTrigger')=0 set @Replace='As' ; else set @Replace='For ';


  1. Use master
  2. Go
  3. if object_ID('[sp_EncryptObject]') is not null
  4. Drop Procedure [sp_EncryptObject]
  5. Go
  6. create procedure sp_EncryptObject
  7. (
  8. @Object sysname='All'
  9. )
  10. as
  11. /*
  12. 当@Object=All的时候,对所有的函数,存储过程,视图和触发器进行加密
  13. 调用方法:
  14. 1. Execute sp_EncryptObject 'All'
  15. 2. Execute sp_EncryptObject 'ObjectName'
  16. */
  17. begin
  18. set nocount on
  20. if @Object <>'All'
  21. begin
  22. if not exists(select 1 from sys.objects a where a.object_id=object_id(@Object) And a.type in('P','V','TR','FN','IF','TF'))
  23. begin
  24. --SQL Server 2008
  25. raiserror 50001 N'无效的加密对象!加密对象必须是函数,存储过程,视图或触发器。'
  27. --SQL Server 2012
  28. --throw 50001, N'无效的加密对象!加密对象必须是函数,存储过程,视图或触发器。',1
  30. return
  31. end
  33. if exists(select 1 from sys.sql_modules a where a.object_id=object_id(@Object) and a.definition is null)
  34. begin
  35. --SQL Server 2008
  36. raiserror 50001 N'对象已经加密!'
  38. --SQL Server 2012
  39. --throw 50001, N'对象已经加密!',1
  40. return
  41. end
  42. end
  44. declare @sql nvarchar(max),@C1 nchar(1),@C2 nchar(1),@type nvarchar(50),@Replace nvarchar(50)
  45. set @C1=nchar(13)
  46. set @C2=nchar(10)
  48. declare cur_Object
  49. cursor for
  50. select object_name(a.object_id) As ObjectName,a.definition
  51. from sys.sql_modules a
  52. inner join sys.objects b on b.object_id=a.object_id
  53. and b.is_ms_shipped=0
  54. and not exists(select 1
  55. from sys.extended_properties x
  56. where x.major_id=b.object_id
  57. and x.minor_id=0
  58. and x.class=1
  59. and x.name='microsoft_database_tools_support'
  60. )
  61. where b.type in('P','V','TR','FN','IF','TF')
  62. and (b.name=@Object or @Object='All')
  63. and b.name <>'sp_EncryptObject'
  64. and a.definition is not null
  65. order by Case
  66. when b.type ='V' then 1
  67. when b.type ='TR' then 2
  68. when b.type in('FN','IF','TF') then 3
  69. else 4 end,b.create_date,b.object_id
  71. open cur_Object
  72. fetch next from cur_Object into @Object,@sql
  73. while @@fetch_status=0
  74. begin
  76. Begin Try
  78. if objectproperty(object_id(@Object),'ExecIsAfterTrigger')=0 set @Replace='As' ; else set @Replace='For ';
  80. if (patindex('%'+@C1+@C2+@Replace+@C1+@C2+'%',@sql)>0)
  81. begin
  82. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C1+@C2+@Replace+@C1+@C2,@C1+@C2+'With Encryption'+@C1+@C2+@Replace+@C1+@C2)
  83. end
  84. else if(patindex('%'+@C1+@Replace+@C1+'%',@sql)>0)
  85. begin
  86. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C1+@Replace+@C1,@C1+'With Encryption'+@C1+@Replace+@C1)
  87. end
  88. else if(patindex('%'+@C2+@Replace+@C2+'%',@sql)>0)
  89. begin
  90. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C2+@Replace+@C2,@C2+'With Encryption'+@C2+@Replace+@C2)
  91. end
  92. else if(patindex('%'+@C2+@Replace+@C1+'%',@sql)>0)
  93. begin
  94. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C2+@Replace+@C1,@C1+'With Encryption'+@C2+@Replace+@C1)
  95. end
  96. else if(patindex('%'+@C1+@C2+@Replace+'%',@sql)>0)
  97. begin
  98. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C1+@C2+@Replace,@C1+@C2+'With Encryption'+@C1+@C2+@Replace)
  99. end
  100. else if(patindex('%'+@C1+@Replace+'%',@sql)>0)
  101. begin
  102. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C1+@Replace,@C1+'With Encryption'+@C1+@Replace)
  103. end
  104. else if(patindex('%'+@C2+@Replace+'%',@sql)>0)
  105. begin
  106. set @sql=Replace(@sql,@C2+@Replace,@C2+'With Encryption'+@C2+@Replace)
  107. end
  109. set @type =
  110. case
  111. when object_id(@Object,'P')>0 then 'Proc'
  112. when object_id(@Object,'V')>0 then 'View'
  113. when object_id(@Object,'TR')>0 then 'Trigger'
  114. when object_id(@Object,'FN')>0 or object_id(@Object,'IF')>0 or object_id(@Object,'TF')>0 then 'Function'
  115. end
  116. set @sql=Replace(@sql,'Create '+@type,'Alter '+@type)
  118. Begin Transaction
  119. exec(@sql)
  120. print N'已完成加密对象('+@type+'):'+@Object
  121. Commit Transaction
  123. End Try
  124. Begin Catch
  125. Declare @Error nvarchar(2047)
  126. Set @Error='Object: '+@Object+@C1+@C2+'Error: '+Error_message()
  128. Rollback Transaction
  129. print @Error
  130. print @sql
  131. End Catch
  133. fetch next from cur_Object into @Object,@sql
  135. end
  137. close cur_Object
  138. deallocate cur_Object
  139. end
  141. Go
  142. exec sp_ms_marksystemobject 'sp_EncryptObject' --标识为系统对象
  143. go

如果SQL Server 2012,请修改下面两个位置的代码。在SQL Server 2012,建议在使用throw来代替raiserror。



[字符1]经过函数 fn_x(x)加密变成[加密后字符1],如果我们已知[加密后字符1],反过来查[字符1],可以这样:

[字符1]  =  [字符2]  ^  fn_x([字符2])  ^  [加密后字符1]


  1. --创建加密函数(fn_x
  2. if object_id('fn_x') is not null drop function fn_x
  3. go
  4. create function fn_x
  5. (
  6. @x nchar(1)
  7. )returns nchar(1)
  8. as
  9. begin
  10. return(nchar((65535-unicode(@x))))
  11. end
  12. go
  13. declare @nchar_1_encrypt nchar(1),@nchar_2 nchar(1)
  15. --对字符'A'进行加密,存入变量@nchar_1_encrypt
  16. set @nchar_1_encrypt=dbo.fn_x(N'A')
  18. --參考的字符@nchar_2
  19. set @nchar_2='x'
  21. --算出@nchar_1_encrypt 加密前的字符
  22. select nchar(unicode(@nchar_2)^unicode(dbo.fn_x(@nchar_2))^unicode(@nchar_1_encrypt)) as [@nchar_1]
  24. /*
  25. @nchar_1
  26. --------------------
  27. A
  28. */

[注]:  从SQL Server 2000至 SQL Server 2012 采用异或方法都可以解密


  1. Use master
  2. Go
  3. if object_ID('[sp_DecryptObject]') is not null
  4. Drop Procedure [sp_DecryptObject]
  5. Go
  6. create procedure sp_DecryptObject
  7. (
  8. @Object sysname, --要解密的对象名:函数,存储过程,视图或触发器
  9. @MaxLength int=4000 --评估内容的长度
  10. )
  11. as
  12. set nocount on
  13. /* 1. 解密 */
  15. if not exists(select 1 from sys.objects a where a.object_id=object_id(@Object) And a.type in('P','V','TR','FN','IF','TF'))
  16. begin
  17. --SQL Server 2008
  18. raiserror 50001 N'无效的对象!要解密的对象必须是函数,存储过程,视图或触发器。'
  20. --SQL Server 2012
  21. --throw 50001, N'无效的对象!要解密的对象必须是函数,存储过程,视图或触发器。',1
  22. return
  23. end
  25. if exists(select 1 from sys.sql_modules a where a.object_id=object_id(@Object) and a.definition is not null)
  26. begin
  27. --SQL Server 2008
  28. raiserror 50001 N'对象没有加密!'
  30. --SQL Server 2012
  31. --throw 50001, N'无效的对象!要解密的对象必须是函数,存储过程,视图或触发器。',1
  32. return
  33. end
  35. declare @sql nvarchar(max) --解密出来的SQL语句
  36. ,@imageval nvarchar(max) --加密字符串
  37. ,@tmpStr nvarchar(max) --临时SQL语句
  38. ,@tmpStr_imageval nvarchar(max) --临时SQL语句(加密后)
  39. ,@type char(2) --对象类型('P','V','TR','FN','IF','TF')
  40. ,@objectID int --对象ID
  41. ,@i int --While循环使用
  42. ,@Oject1 nvarchar(1000)
  44. set @objectID=object_id(@Object)
  45. set @type=(select a.type from sys.objects a where a.object_id=@objectID)
  47. declare @Space4000 nchar(4000)
  48. set @Space4000=replicate('-',4000)
  50. /*
  51. @tmpStr 会构造下面的SQL语句
  52. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. alter trigger Tr_Name on Table_Name with encryption for update as return /**/
  54. alter proc Proc_Name with encryption as select 1 as col /**/
  55. alter view View_Name with encryption as select 1 as col /**/
  56. alter function Fn_Name() returns int with encryption as begin return(0) end/**/
  57. */
  58. set @Oject1=quotename(object_schema_name(@objectID))+'.'+quotename(@Object)
  59. set @tmpStr=
  60. case
  61. when @type ='P ' then N'Alter Procedure '+@Oject1+' with encryption as select 1 as column1 '
  62. when @type ='V ' then N'Alter View '+@Oject1+' with encryption as select 1 as column1 '
  63. when @type ='FN' then N'Alter Function '+@Oject1+'() returns int with encryption as begin return(0) end '
  64. when @type ='IF' then N'Alter Function '+@Oject1+'() returns table with encryption as return(Select a.name from sys.types a) '
  65. when @type ='TF' then N'Alter Function '+@Oject1+'() returns @t table(name nvarchar(50)) with encryption as begin return end '
  66. else 'Alter Trigger '+@Oject1+'on '+quotename(object_schema_name(@objectID))+'.'+(select Top(1) quotename(object_name(parent_id)) from sys.triggers a where a.object_id=@objectID)+' with encryption for update as return '
  67. end
  69. set @tmpStr=@tmpStr+'/*'+@Space4000
  70. set @i=0
  71. while @i < (ceiling(@MaxLength*1.0/4000)-1)
  72. begin
  73. set @tmpStr=@tmpStr+ @Space4000
  74. Set @i=@i+1
  75. end
  76. set @tmpStr=@tmpStr+'*/'
  78. ------------
  79. set @imageval =(select top(1) a.imageval from sys.sysobjvalues a where a.objid=@objectID and a.valclass=1)
  81. begin tran
  82. exec(@tmpStr)
  83. set @tmpStr_imageval =(select top(1) a.imageval from sys.sysobjvalues a where a.objid=@objectID and a.valclass=1)
  85. rollback tran
  87. -------------
  88. set @tmpStr=stuff(@tmpStr,1,5,'create')
  89. set @sql=''
  90. set @i=1
  91. while @i<= (datalength(@imageval)/2)
  92. begin
  93. set @sql=@sql+isnull(nchar(unicode(substring(@tmpStr,@i,1)) ^ unicode(substring(@tmpStr_imageval,@i,1))^unicode(substring(@imageval,@i,1)) ),'')
  94. Set @i+=1
  95. end
  97. /* 2. 列印 */
  99. declare @patindex int
  100. while @sql>''
  101. begin
  103. set @patindex=patindex('%'+char(13)+char(10)+'%',@sql)
  104. if @patindex >0
  105. begin
  106. print substring(@sql,1,@patindex-1)
  107. set @sql=stuff(@sql,1,@patindex+1,'')
  108. end
  109. else
  110. begin
  111. set @patindex=patindex('%'+char(13)+'%',@sql)
  112. if @patindex >0
  113. begin
  114. print substring(@sql,1,@patindex-1)
  115. set @sql=stuff(@sql,1,@patindex,'')
  116. end
  117. else
  118. begin
  119. set @patindex=patindex('%'+char(10)+'%',@sql)
  120. if @patindex >0
  121. begin
  122. print substring(@sql,1,@patindex-1)
  123. set @sql=stuff(@sql,1,@patindex,'')
  124. end
  125. else
  126. begin
  127. print @sql
  128. set @sql=''
  129. end
  130. end
  131. end
  133. end
  135. Go
  136. exec sp_ms_marksystemobject 'sp_DecryptObject' --标识为系统对象
  137. go

如果SQL Server 2012,请修改下面两个位置的代码。方法类似于前面的加密过程:


在一个测试环境中(DB: Test),先执行上面的加密存储过程(sp_EncryptObject)和解密存储过程(sp_EncryptObject);再创建两个表:TableA & TableB

  1. use test
  2. go
  3. --创建表: TableA & TableB
  4. if object_id('myTableA') is not null drop table myTableA
  5. if object_id('myTableB') is not null drop table myTableB
  6. go
  7. create table myTableA (ID int identity,data nvarchar(50),constraint PK_myTableA primary key(ID))
  8. create table myTableB (ID int ,data nvarchar(50),constraint PK_myTableB primary key(ID))
  9. go

接下来,我们要创建6个未加密的对象(对象类型包含 'P','V','TR','FN','IF','TF'):


  1. if object_id('myView') is not null drop view myView
  2. go
  3. create view myView
  4. As
  5. select * from TableA;
  6. go


  1. if object_id('MyTrigger') is not null drop Trigger MyTrigger
  2. go
  3. create trigger MyTrigger
  4. on TableA
  5. for update
  6. As
  7. insert into TableB(ID,data) select a.ID,a.Data From Inserted a
  8. go


  1. if object_id('MyProc') is not null drop proc MyProc
  2. go
  3. create proc MyProc
  4. (
  5. @data nvarchar(50)
  6. )
  7. As
  8. insert into TableA(data) values(@data)
  9. go


  1. if object_id('MyFunction_TF') is not null drop function MyFunction_TF
  2. go
  3. create function MyFunction_TF
  4. (
  5. )
  6. returns @t table
  7. (
  8. id int,
  9. data nvarchar(50)
  10. )
  11. As
  12. begin
  13. insert @t(id,data) select id,data from TableA
  14. return
  15. end
  16. go

5.内联表值函数(IF) (MyFunction_IF):

  1. if object_id('MyFunction_IF') is not null drop function MyFunction_IF
  2. go
  3. create function MyFunction_IF
  4. (
  5. )
  6. returns table
  7. As
  8. return(select top(3) id, data from TableA order by id desc)
  9. go


  1. if object_id('MyFunction_FN') is not null drop function MyFunction_FN
  2. go
  3. create function MyFunction_FN
  4. (
  5. )
  6. returns nvarchar(50)
  7. As
  8. begin
  9. return(select top(1) data from TableA order by id desc)
  10. end
  11. go


  1. select b.name as object,b.type,a.definition
  2. from sys.sql_modules a
  3. inner join sys.objects b on b.object_id=a.object_id
  4. where b.create_date>=convert(date,getdate())
  5. order by b.object_id



  1. use test
  2. go
  3. exec sp_EncryptObject 'all'
  4. go



解密过程,必须在DAC连接SQL Server,我们这里例子是从 SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio) 查询编辑器启动 DAC,如图:


  1. use test
  2. go
  3. exec sp_DecryptObject MyTrigger
  4. go


  1. exec sp_DecryptObject fn_My,20000
  2. go


... ...


虽然,上面的脚本,我已经在SQL Server 2008 R2 和SQL Server 2012测试过,但无法避免一些未知错误 。


  1. SqlServer存储过程加密与解密

    ★ 加密存储过程 ★: IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'encrypt_this' AND type = 'P')   DRO ...

  2. (转)对存储过程进行加密和解密(SQL 2008/SQL 2012)

    原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/wghao/archive/2012/12/30/2837642.html 开始: 在网络上,看到有SQL Server 2000和SQL Se ...

  3. SQL SERVER 2008破解加密存储过程(修正存储过程过长解密出来是空白的问题)

    SQLServer2005里使用with encryption选项创建的存储过程仍然和sqlserver2000里一样,都是使用XOR进行了的加密.和2000不一样的是,在2005的系统表syscom ...

  4. MS 数据库存储过程加密解密

    存储过程加密解密在网上有很多,刚刚好最近需要用到,所以就查询了一下资料.记录一下 加密方法:执行如下存储过程 DECLARE @sp_name nvarchar(400) DECLARE @sp_co ...

  5. 查看SQL SERVER 加密存储过程,函数,触发器,视图

    原文:查看SQL SERVER 加密存储过程,函数,触发器,视图 create  PROCEDURE sp_decrypt(@objectname varchar(50))ASbeginset noc ...

  6. Sql Server数据的加密与解密

    Sql Server数据的加密与解密 在sql server中,我们如何为数据进行加密与解密,避免使用者窃取机密数据? 对于一些敏感数据,如密码.卡号,一般不能使用正常数值来存储.否则会有安全隐患.以 ...

  7. SQL SERVER 2008 使用TDE加密和解密

    SQL SERVER 2008 加密和解密,这样的文件在互联网上不胜枚举,本文的寓意还是一样,一为记录,二可以为开发者提供在实现过程中的注意事项. TDE: Transparent data encr ...

  8. Sql Server简单加密与解密 【转】

    前言: 在SQL Server 2005和SQL Server 2008之前.如果希望加密敏感数据,如财务信息.工资或身份证号,必须借助外部应用程序或算法.SQL Server 2005引入内建数据加 ...

  9. 使用EncryptByPassPhrase和DecryptByPassPhrase对MS SQLServer某一字段时行加密和解密

    在数据库实现加密与解密的文章,Insus.NET较早前也有写过,可以在本博客中可以搜索得到. 今天使用EncryptByPassPhrase和DecryptByPassPhrase来简单实现. 在数据 ...


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  3. Visual Studio 2013 sqlce 配置(转)

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