How to stretch the life of your SSD storage

July 18, 2013, 9:06 PM — Once a PC enthusiast's dream storage device, the solid-state drive (SSD) is quickly becoming commonplace in custom PC builds and retail desktops alike. After taking a detailed look at SSD technology, we're moving on to basic care and feeding--how to stretch the life of your drive. All it takes is a little education, and some new ways of managing storage that have nothing to do with your traditional hard drive's maintenance routine.

What wears down an SSD?

An SSD is flash storage. It has no moving parts. So unlike on a traditional mechanical hard drive, nothing breaks. SSD wear and tear has to do with write cycles.


Flash storage handles data in a specific way. When data is written to a block, the entire block must be erased before it can be written to again. The lifespan of an SSD is measured in these program-erase (P/E) cycles. Modern, consumer-grade, Multi-Level Cell (MLC) NAND memory can generally endure about 3,000 to 5,000 P/E cycles before the storage's integrity starts to deteriorate. The higher-end, Single-Level Cell (SLC) flash memory chip can withstand up to 100,000 P/E cycles.


七月18号,2013,9:06 PM——一旦一个电脑爱好者产生一个理想化的存储设备的想法的时候,固态驱动器很快出现在pc市场就会变成一件司空见惯的事情。仔细看看SSD技术之后,我们将会把注意力转移到最基本的事情,即如何增加你的设备的寿命。他只需要一点知识和管理存储设备的一些新方法,在你的硬盘的日常维护当中,你并不需要做任何事情。

闪存是用另一种特殊的方式来处理数据。当数据被写入某一个区域的时候之前,他会在擦除整个磁盘。ssd的寿命取决于程序的擦除周期。现在市场上有多种存储设备,一类是NAND闪存,他可以承受3000-5000次的擦除周期。一种更高端的设备(SLC)闪存可以经得起100 000次的擦除周期。

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