Maven Missing artifact jar
maven error:
Multiple annotations found at this line:- Missing artifact log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.15:compile
- Missing artifact org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans-xpath:jar:2.4.0:compile
- Missing artifact
- Missing artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0-alpha5:compile
.... and so many more ...
It is not a unique issue, happens every now and then (sometimes due to a slow connection and sometimes due to proxy servers now allowing to download)
You can get rid of this by either of the following ways:
1) Force Update: Right Click on the Project in Eclipse -> Maven -> Update Project On this screen select the check box Force Update for Snapshots/Releases
2) Clearing Maven Cache: If you still face a problem, go to the local repository on your system, which might be present at C:\Users\myusername\.m2\repository
and delete the .cache folder and then follow step 1.
3)If still facing issues, manually go to the org/apache folder and delete everything and then follow step 1. (This will definitely solve the issue.这将一定能解决.)
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