游戏开发过程中事件是非常多的,可以通过 Messenger 事件系统来解藕,用法如下:


在MessangerEventDef脚本(可以每个功能都有一个事件字段脚本,类似于消息)中添加字段"Demo_EventType". 步骤2、广播事件:在按下拍照按钮方法中调用
Messenger.Broadcast(MessangerEventDef.Demo_EventType); 步骤3、在OnEnable()方法中注册事件:在FriendUI_Ctrl中的OnEnable方法中添加
Messenger.AddListener(MessangerEventDef.Demo_EventType, OnCall); 步骤4、在OnDisable()方法中移除事件:在FriendUI_Ctrl中的OnDisable方法中添加
Messenger.RemoveListener(MessangerEventDef.Demo_EventType, OnCall); void OnCall()
//TODO 刷新好友相关代码
} 注意事项


 // Messenger.cs v1.0 by Magnus Wolffelt,
// Inspired by and based on Rod Hyde's Messenger:
// This is a C# messenger (notification center). It uses delegates
// and generics to provide type-checked messaging between event producers and
// event consumers, without the need for producers or consumers to be aware of
// each other. The major improvement from Hyde's implementation is that
// there is more extensive error detection, preventing silent bugs.
// Usage example:
// Messenger<float>.AddListener("myEvent", MyEventHandler);
// ...
// Messenger<float>.Broadcast("myEvent", 1.0f); using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Common.Messenger
public enum MessengerMode : byte
} static internal class MessengerInternal
static public Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>();
static public readonly MessengerMode DEFAULT_MODE = MessengerMode.DONT_REQUIRE_LISTENER; static public void OnListenerAdding(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingAdded)
if (!eventTable.ContainsKey(eventType))
eventTable.Add(eventType, null);
} Delegate d = eventTable[eventType];
if (d != null && d.GetType() != listenerBeingAdded.GetType())
throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to add listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being added has type {2}", eventType, d.GetType().Name, listenerBeingAdded.GetType().Name));
} static public void OnListenerRemoving(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingRemoved)
if (eventTable.ContainsKey(eventType))
Delegate d = eventTable[eventType]; if (d == null)
throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener with for event type {0} but current listener is null.", eventType));
else if (d.GetType() != listenerBeingRemoved.GetType())
throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being removed has type {2}", eventType, d.GetType().Name, listenerBeingRemoved.GetType().Name));
throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener for type {0} but Messenger doesn't know about this event type.", eventType));
} static public void OnListenerRemoved(string eventType)
if (eventTable[eventType] == null)
} static public void OnBroadcasting(string eventType, MessengerMode mode)
if (mode == MessengerMode.REQUIRE_LISTENER && !eventTable.ContainsKey(eventType))
throw new MessengerInternal.BroadcastException(string.Format("Broadcasting message {0} but no listener found.", eventType));
} static public BroadcastException CreateBroadcastSignatureException(string eventType)
return new BroadcastException(string.Format("Broadcasting message {0} but listeners have a different signature than the broadcaster.", eventType));
} public class BroadcastException : Exception
public BroadcastException(string msg)
: base(msg)
} public class ListenerException : Exception
public ListenerException(string msg)
: base(msg)
} // No parameters
static public class Messenger
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType)
Broadcast(eventType, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback callback = d as Callback;
if (callback != null)
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);
} // One parameter
static public class Messenger<T>
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback<T> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T>)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback<T> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T>)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1)
Broadcast(eventType, arg1, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback<T> callback = d as Callback<T>;
if (callback != null)
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);
} // Two parameters
static public class Messenger<T, U>
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U>)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U>)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2)
Broadcast(eventType, arg1, arg2, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback<T, U> callback = d as Callback<T, U>;
if (callback != null)
callback(arg1, arg2);
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);
} // Three parameters
static public class Messenger<T, U, V>
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V>)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V>)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3)
Broadcast(eventType, arg1, arg2, arg3, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback<T, U, V> callback = d as Callback<T, U, V>;
if (callback != null)
callback(arg1, arg2, arg3);
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);
} // Four parameters
static public class Messenger<T, U, V, W>
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V, W> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V, W>)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V, W> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V, W>)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4)
Broadcast(eventType, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback<T, U, V, W> callback = d as Callback<T, U, V, W>;
if (callback != null)
callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);
} // Five parameters
static public class Messenger<T, U, V, W, X>
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V, W, X> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V, W, X>)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V, W, X> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V, W, X>)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, X arg5)
Broadcast(eventType, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, X arg5, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback<T, U, V, W, X> callback = d as Callback<T, U, V, W, X>;
if (callback != null)
callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);
} // Six parameters
static public class Messenger<T, U, V, W, X, Y>
private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> eventTable = MessengerInternal.eventTable; static public void AddListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerAdding(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y>)eventTable[eventType] + handler;
} static public void RemoveListener(string eventType, Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y> handler)
MessengerInternal.OnListenerRemoving(eventType, handler);
eventTable[eventType] = (Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y>)eventTable[eventType] - handler;
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, X arg5, Y arg6)
Broadcast(eventType, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, MessengerInternal.DEFAULT_MODE);
} static public void Broadcast(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, X arg5, Y arg6, MessengerMode mode)
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Delegate d;
if (eventTable.TryGetValue(eventType, out d))
Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y> callback = d as Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y>;
if (callback != null)
callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
throw MessengerInternal.CreateBroadcastSignatureException(eventType);


 // MessengerUnitTest.cs v1.0 by Magnus Wolffelt,
// Delegates used in Messenger.cs.
namespace Common.Messenger
public delegate void Callback();
public delegate void Callback<T>(T arg1);
public delegate void Callback<T, U>(T arg1, U arg2);
public delegate void Callback<T, U, V>(T arg1, U arg2, V arg3);
public delegate void Callback<T, U, V, W>(T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4);
public delegate void Callback<T, U, V, W, X>(T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, X arg5);
public delegate void Callback<T, U, V, W, X, Y>(T arg1, U arg2, V arg3, W arg4, X arg5, Y arg6); public delegate T CallbackReturn<T>();
public delegate T CallbackReturn<T, U>(U arg1);


 namespace Common.Messenger
/// <summary>
/// This class is used to define all eventId.
/// Event string must be different.
/// </summary>
public class MessengerEventDef
{ }



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