
  1. >>> with open('/home/f/py_script/passwd', 'rt+') as f1:
  2. ... print('Hello Dog!', file=f1)
  3. ...



  1. >>> l
  2. ['cat', 1, 2, 3, 4]
  3. >>> print(*l, sep=',') #更优雅的实现
  4. cat,1,2,3,4
  5. >>> print(','.join(str(x) for x in l))
  6. cat,1,2,3,4

  以同样的方式,可以使用 ** 操作符分拆关键字参数为字典:

  1. >>> def test(a, b, c='xxx'):
  2. ... print(a, b, c)
  3. ...
  4. >>> d = {'a': 'dog', 'b': 'cat', 'c': 'horse'}
  5. >>> test(**d) #以字典的values为参数
  6. dog cat horse
  7. >>> test(*d) #以字典的keys为参数
  8. b c a
  9. >>> test(*d.items()) #以字典的items为参数
  10. ('b', 'cat') ('c', 'horse') ('a', 'dog')


  1. >>> for x in a:
  2. ... print(x)
  3. ...
  4. 1
  5. 2
  6. 3
  7. 4
  8. >>> for x in a:
  9. ... print(x, end=' ')
  10. ...
  11. 1 2 3 4

四、避免写入操作覆盖已有文件:open('/path/to/file', 'xt+')

  1. >>> with open('/home/f/py_script/passwdtestsx', 'x+') as f:
  2. ... print('just a test!!', file=f)
  3. ...
  4. >>> with open('/home/f/py_script/passwdtestsx', 'x+') as f:
  5. ... f.write('test once more!')
  6. ...
  7. Traceback (most recent call last):
  8. File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  9. FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/f/py_script/passwdtestsx'


  1. >>> with gzip.open('/home/f/testdir/tmp.sh.gz', 'rt') as f:
  2. ... f.readline()
  3. ...
  4. '#!/bin/bash\n'



  1. >>> os.path.basename('/etc/fstab')
  2. 'fstab'
  3. >>> os.path.dirname('/etc/fstab')
  4. '/etc'


  1. os.path.isdir
  2. os.path.isfile
  3. os.path.islink
  1. >>> os.path.realpath('/etc/mtab') #若为软链接,则显示其指向的真实路径
  1. '/proc/3079/mounts'
  1. os.path.exists
  2. os.path.getsize #获取文件大小
  3. os.path.getctime
  4. os.path.getmtime
  1. >>> os.path.getatime('/etc/mtab') #最近访问时间,默认显示自1970-01-01到当前时间的秒数
  1. 1470885109.0129082
    >>> import time
    >>> time.ctime(os.path.getatime('/etc/mtab')) #转换时间格式
    'Thu Aug 11 11:11:49 2016'

八、获取目录内容的列表:os.listdir()、os.path.join('', '', ''...)

  1. #显示子目录列表
    >>> [file for file in os.listdir('/home/f') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('/home/f',file))]
  2. ['.pki', '.ssh', '.links', '.config', '.gnupg', '.vim', 'book', '.dbus', 'Public', 'Downloads']
  3. #显示文件列表
    >>> [file for file in os.listdir('/home/f') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('/home/f',file))]
  4. ['.serverauth.1216', '.nvidia-settings-rc', '.xscreensaver', '.xinitrc', '.bashrc', '.bash_history']

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