


c++builder、Delphi 压缩文件

ZipForge is a fast and powerful VCL Zip component, written in Delphi.
It lets you easily create ZIP archives, extract files from zip files to
hard drive or memory, add files to a zip archive from disk or memory,
replace, move and delete files in zip archives. Also it creates and
reads self-extracting (SFX) zip archives, AES encrypted and
multi-volume zip files.

ZipForge main features:

    • Opens and creates archives encrypted with strong AES encryption algorithm
    • Zip64 supports - lets you create ZIP files over 4 GB
    • Unicode file names support
    • Includes transaction system which allows you to rollback changes if archive update failed
    • Adds compressed data directly from streams and extracts archived files to streams without creating temp files
    • Lets you store full path with drive for each file
    • Allows to search for files inside archive by mask
    • Progress indication
    • Full Delphi source code is available
zf: TZipForge;
zf := TZipForge.Create(nil);
zf.OpenArchive(aInStream, False);
zf.ExtractToStream(FileName, StreamOut);

setup Path

D:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentAce\ZipForge


void __fastcall TForm4::Button1Click( TObject * Sender )
TMemoryStream * ms = new TMemoryStream( );
Memo1->Text="Hello Word!";
Memo1->Lines->SaveToStream( ms );
ZipForge1->FileName = "";//压缩包的名称
ZipForge1->OpenArchive( );
ZipForge1->AddFromStream( "a.txt", ms, true );//压缩包里的文件
ZipForge1->CloseArchive( );
delete ms; }


void __fastcall TForm4::Button2Click( TObject * Sender )
TMemoryStream * ms = new TMemoryStream( );
ZipForge1->FileName = "";//压缩包名称
ZipForge1->OpenArchive( );
ZipForge1->ExtractToStream( "a.txt", ms );//压缩包里的文件
ms->Position = ;
Memo1->Lines->LoadFromStream( ms ); // To String
// String StrOut;
// ZipForge1->ExtractToString( "a.txt", StrOut );
ZipForge1->CloseArchive( );
delete ms;


void __fastcall TForm4::Button2Click( TObject * Sender )

ZipForge1->FileName = "";
    ZipForge1->OpenArchive( );
    // To String
    String StrOut;
    ZipForge1->ExtractToString( "a.txt", StrOut );
    Memo1->Text = StrOut;
    ZipForge1->CloseArchive( );



Use FindFirst and FindNext methods of TZipForgefor searching files within the archive file.


    TZFArchiveItem afItem;
bool aFound = ZipForge1->FindFirst( "*.*", afItem, faAnyFile, "" );
while ( aFound )
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.FileName );
aFound = ZipForge1->FindNext( afItem );


        this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.FileName );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( ">>>>" );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.StoredPath );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.CompressedSize );//压缩后文件大小
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.UncompressedSize );//压缩前文件大小
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.CompressionRate );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add((int) afItem.Encrypted );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.LastModFileDate );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.LastModFileTime );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.CRC );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.ExternalFileAttributes );
this->mmoFileList->Lines->Add( afItem.Comment );


    TMemoryStream * ms;
ms = new TMemoryStream( );
ms->LoadFromFile( "" );
ZipForge1->OpenArchive( ms, false );

.Net c#



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