python3 多线程编程
1. 多线程模块
2. 创建线程的方法
3. join()方法
5. name属性和daemon属性
1. 多线程模块
python3对多线程支持的是 threading 模块,应用这个模块可以创建多线程程序,并且在多线程间进行同步和通信。在python3 中,可以通过两种方法来创建线程:
第一:通过 threading.Thread 直接在线程中运行函数;第二:通过继承 threading.Thread 类来创建线程
view plain copy
- import threading
- def threadfun(x,y): #线程任务函数 threadfun()
- for i in range(x,y):
- print(i)
- ta = threading.Thread(target=threadfun,args=(1,6)) #创建一个线程ta,执行 threadfun()
- tb = threading.Thread(target=threadfun,args=(10,15)) #创建一个线程tb,执行threadfun()
- ta.start() #调用start(),运行线程
- tb.start() #调用start(),运行线程
- '''''打印:1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14'''
2.通过继承 thread.Thread 类 来创建线程
这种方法只需要重载 threading.Thread 类的 run 方法,然后调用 start()开启线程就可以了
- import threading
- class mythread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- for i in range(1,5):
- print(i)
- ma = mythread();
- mb = mythread();
- ma.start()
- mb.start()
view plain copy
- import threading
- import time
- class mythread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- self.i = 1
- print('%d'%(self.i))
- self.i = self.i+1
- time.sleep(1) #睡眠一秒
- print('%d'%(self.i))
- time.sleep(1)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- ta = mythread() #实例化线程
- ta.start() #开启ta线程
- ta.join() #主线程等待 ta线程结束才继续执行
- print('main thread over')
view plain copy
- import threading
- import time
- class mythread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- time.sleep(2)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- ta = mythread() #实例化线程
- print(ta.isAlive()) #打印False,因为未执行 start()来使ta线程运行
- ta.start()
- print(ta.isAlive()) #打印Ture,因为ta线程运行了
- time.sleep(3)
- print(ta.isAlive()) #打印False,因为ta线程已经结束了
5. name属性和daemon属性
1.name属性表示线程的线程名 默认是 Thread-x x是序号,由1开始,第一个创建的线程名字就是 Thread-1
- import threading
- import time
- class mythread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- ta = mythread() #实例化线程
- = 'thread-ta'
- tb = mythread()
- tb.start()
- ta.start()
- print( #打印 thread-ta
- print( #打印 Thread-2
view plain copy
- import threading
- import time
- class mythread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- time.sleep(2)
- print('my thread over')
- def main():
- ta = mythread()
- ta.daemon = True
- ta.start()
- print('main thread over')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- #打印结果 :main thread over 然后马上结束程序
python3 中的 threading 模块提供了
RLock锁(可重入锁)。对于某一时间只能让一个线程操作的语句放到 RLock的acquire 方法 和 release方法之间。即
acquire()方法相当于给RLock 锁 上锁,而 release() 相当于解锁。
- import threading
- import time
- class mythread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- global x #声明一个全局变量
- lock.acquire() #上锁,acquire()和release()之间的语句一次只能有一个线程进入,其余线程在acquire()处等待
- x += 10
- print('%s:%d'%(,x))
- lock.release() #解锁
- x = 0
- lock = threading.RLock() #创建 可重入锁
- def main():
- l = []
- for i in range(5):
- l.append(mythread()) #创建 5 个线程,并把他们放到一个列表中
- for i in l:
- i.start() #开启列表中的所有线程
- if __name__ =='__main__':
- main()
Event对象存在于 threading 模块中。Event 实例管理着 一个内部标志,通过 set() 方法来将该标志设置成 True,使用
clear() 方法将该标志重置成 False
wait() 方法会使当前线程阻塞直到标志被设置成 True,wait()可以选择给他一个参数,代表时间,代表阻塞多长时间,若不设置就是阻塞直到标志被设置为True
isSet()方法 :能判断标志位是否被设置为True
- import threading
- import time
- class Mon(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- Dinner.clear()
- print('Cooking dinner')
- time.sleep(3)
- Dinner.set() #标志设置为True
- print(,':dinner is OK!')
- class Son(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- while True:
- if Dinner.isSet(): #判断标志位是否被设置为True
- break
- else:
- print('dinner isnot ready!')
- Dinner.wait(1)
- print(,':Eating Dinner')
- def main():
- mon = Mon()
- son = Son()
- = 'Mon'
- = 'Son'
- mon.start()
- son.start()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- Dinner = threading.Event()
- main()
- '''''
- Cooking dinner
- dinner isnot ready!
- dinner isnot ready!
- dinner isnot ready!
- Mon :dinner is OK!
- Son :Eating Dinner
- '''
发出资源可用的信号,唤醒任意一条因 wait()阻塞的进程
- import threading
- import time
- class Server(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- global x
- while True:
- con.acquire()
- while x>0:
- con.wait()
- x += 1
- time.sleep(1)
- print(,':I make %d cake!'%(x))
- con.notifyAll()
- con.release()
- class Client(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- global x
- con.acquire()
- while x == 0:
- con.wait()
- x-=1
- print(,'I bought a cake! the rest is %d cake'%(x))
- con.notifyAll()
- con.release()
- def main():
- ser = Server()
- = 'Cake Server'
- client = []
- for i in range(3):
- client.append(Client())
- ser.start()
- for c in client:
- c.start()
- if __name__ =='__main__':
- x = 0
- con = threading.Condition()
- main()
- '''''
- 打印结果:
- Cake Server :I make 1 cake!
- Thread-3 I bought a cake! the rest is 0 cake
- Cake Server :I make 1 cake!
- Thread-4 I bought a cake! the rest is 0 cake
- Cake Server :I make 1 cake!
- Thread-2 I bought a cake! the rest is 0 cake
- Cake Server :I make 1 cake!
- '''
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