[Functional Programming] Randomly Pull an Item from an Array with the State ADT (Pair)
composition is a powerful concept that arises when we have one Functor
nested in another Functor
. It becomes even more powerful when both of those are Chain
s, allowing us to apply each Functor
’s special properties and effects for a given computation.
We witness this power first hand by combining our beloved State
with a Pair
type mixing the ability to randomly pick an index from an Array
using State
and use it to draw an element from the Array
. We will build up to an easy to use interface that allows us to pull as many elements as we need, by chaining on single State transaction.
// getDeck :: () -> State AppState Deck
const getDeck = () => generateCards()
.map(xs => Pair([], xs));
[ ],
[ { id: "orange-square", color: "orange", shape: "square" }, { id: "orange-triangle", color: "orange", shape: "triangle" }, { id: "orange-circle", color: "orange", shape:
"circle" }, { id: "green-square", color: "green", shape: "square" }, { id: "green-triangle", color: "green", shape: "triangle" }, { id: "green-circle", color: "green", shape: "circle" }, { id: "blue-square", color: "blue", shape: "square" }, { id: "blue-triangle", color: "blue", shape: "triangle" }, { id: "blue-circle", color: "blue", shape: "circle" }, { id: "yellow-square", color: "yellow", shape: "square" }, { id: "yellow-triangle", color: "yellow", shape: "triangle" }, { id: "yellow-circle", color: "yellow", shape: "circle" } ]
// draw :: Integer -> Deck -> Deck
const draw = compose(
// const draw = index => deck => deck.chain(drawCardAt(index)) // drawRandom :: Deck -> State AppState Deck
// From the right side pair, get a random index, then draw the card by index
const drawRandom = converge(
) console.log(
* [ { id: 'orange-square', color: 'orange', shape: 'square' },
{ id: 'blue-triangle', color: 'blue', shape: 'triangle' },
{ id: 'blue-square', color: 'blue', shape: 'square' } ]
[ { id: 'orange-triangle', color: 'orange', shape: 'triangle' },
{ id: 'orange-circle', color: 'orange', shape: 'circle' },
{ id: 'green-square', color: 'green', shape: 'square' },
{ id: 'green-triangle', color: 'green', shape: 'triangle' },
{ id: 'green-circle', color: 'green', shape: 'circle' },
{ id: 'blue-circle', color: 'blue', shape: 'circle' },
{ id: 'yellow-square', color: 'yellow', shape: 'square' },
{ id: 'yellow-triangle', color: 'yellow', shape: 'triangle' },
{ id: 'yellow-circle', color: 'yellow', shape: 'circle' } ]
const {prop,assoc, Pair, pick, bimap, State, snd, identity, omit, curry, filter, fanout, converge,map, composeK, liftA2, equals, constant,option, chain, mapProps, find, propEq, isNumber, compose, safe} = require('crocks');
const {get, modify, of} = State; const state = {
colors: [ 'orange', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow' ],
shapes: [ 'square', 'triangle', 'circle' ],
seed: Date.now()
}; const liftState = (fn) => compose(
of, fn
const getState = key => get(prop(key)) // #region random
// nextSeed :: Integer -> Integer
const nextSeed = seed =>
(seed * + ) & 0x7fffffff // value :: Integer -> Number
const value = seed =>
(seed >>> ) / 0x7fff // normalize :: (Integer, Integer) -> Number -> Integer
const normalize = (min, max) =>
x => Math.floor(x * (max - min)) + min // getNextSeed :: () -> State AppState Integer
const getNextSeed = () =>
get(({ seed }) => nextSeed(seed)) // updateSeed :: Integer -> State AppState ()
const updateSeed = seed =>
modify(assoc('seed', seed)) // nextValue :: Integer -> State AppState Number
const nextValue = converge(
) // random :: () -> State AppState Number
const random =
composeK(nextValue, getNextSeed) // between :: (Integer, Integer) -> State AppState Integer
const between = (min, max) =>
.map(normalize(min, max)); const randomIndex = xs => between(, xs.length);
// #endregion // #region generate const getColors = () => getState('colors').map(option([]));
const getShapes = () => getState('shapes').map(option([]));
const buildCard = curry((color, shape) => ({
id: `${color}-${shape}`,
const buildCards = liftA2(buildCard);
const generateCards = converge(
); // #endregion // #region draw
const getAt = index => array => Array.of(array[index]);
const unsetAt = index => array => [
...array.slice(, index),
...array.slice(index + )
const drawCardAt = index => fanout(getAt(index), unsetAt(index));
// #endregion // getDeck :: () -> State AppState Deck
const getDeck = () => generateCards()
.map(xs => Pair([], xs)); // draw :: Integer -> Deck -> Deck
const draw = compose(
// const draw = index => deck => deck.chain(drawCardAt(index)) // drawRandom :: Deck -> State AppState Deck
const drawRandom = converge(
) console.log(
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