* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: brady
* Date: 2018/4/8
* Time: 10:31
* esticsearch helper
*/ require APPPATH.'third_party/vendor/autoload.php'; use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder; class O_es
protected $db_name;
protected $tb_name;
protected $client;
protected $host; //初始化
public function init($db_name,$tb_name)
{ try{
$this->db_name = $db_name;
$this->tb_name = $tb_name;
$this->host = config_item('db')['host'];
if(ENVIRONMENT !== 'development'){
$this->client = ClientBuilder::create()->setHosts($host)->build();
} else {
$this->client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();
} return $this->client;
} catch(Exception $e){
$msg = $e->getMessage();
echo json_encode(['success'=>false,'msg'=>$msg]);exit;
} public function add_doc($id,$body=[])
$params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'type' => $this->tb_name,
'id' => $id,
'body' => $body
$response = $this->client->index($params);
if( isset($response['_shards']['successful']) && $response['_shards']['successful'] >0){
return true;
} else {
return false;
} //根据id获取完整的搜索结果
public function get_doc($id)
{ try{
$params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'type' => $this->tb_name,
'id' => (string)$id
]; $response = $this->client->get($params);
return $response;
} catch(Exception $e){
$msg = $e->getMessage();
echo json_encode(['success'=>false,'msg'=>$msg]);exit;
} } //根据id获取搜索结果
public function get_doc_source($id)
$params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'type' => $this->tb_name,
'id' => $id
]; $response = $this->client->getSource($params);
return $response;
} //文档搜索
public function search_index($search_index,$search_val)
try { $params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'type' => $this->tb_name,
'body' => [
'query' => [
'match' => [
$search_index => $search_val
]; $response = $this->client->search($params);
if($response['hits']['total'] > 0) {
return $response['hits']['hits'];
} else {
return false;//未搜索到
} } catch(Exception $e){
$msg = $e->getMessage();
echo json_encode(['success'=>false,'msg'=>$msg]);exit;
} public function search_index_mul($field,$string,$type='dis_max',$tie_breaker = 0.3)
{ try { foreach($field as $v){
$querys[] = ['match'=>[$v=>$string]];
} switch($type)
case 'dis_max':
$body = [
'queries'=>[ ],
$body['query'][$type]['queries'] = $querys;
break; case 'bool':
$body = [
'should'=>[ ]
$body['query'][$type]['should'] = $querys;
break; default :
$body = [
'queries'=>[ ]
$body['query'][$type]['queries'] = $querys;
break; } $params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'type' => $this->tb_name,
'body' => $body
$response = $this->client->search($params);
if($response['hits']['total'] > 0) {
return $response['hits']['hits'];
} else {
return [];//未搜索到
} } catch(Exception $e){
$msg = $e->getMessage();
echo json_encode(['success'=>false,'msg'=>$msg]);exit;
} //文档删除
public function del_doc($id)
$params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'type' => $this->tb_name,
'id' => (string)$id
$response = $this->client->delete($params);
return $response;
} catch(Exception $e){
$msg = $e->getMessage();
echo json_encode(['success'=>false,'msg'=>$msg]);exit;
} public function add_index()
$params = [
'index' => $this->db_name,
'body' => [
'settings' => [
'number_of_shards' => 2,
'number_of_replicas' => 0
]; $response = $this->client->indices()->create($params);
} public function del_index()
$deleteParams = [
'index' => $this->db_name
$response = $this->client->indices()->delete($deleteParams);
return $response;
} }


$this->O_es->init(config_item("db")['db'],'articles'); //$res = $this->Tb_articles->get_list(1,1000,'*','desc'); // $this->O_es->del_index();
// foreach($res as $v){
// $res = $this->O_es->add_doc($v['id'],$v);
// dump("索引".$v['id'].$res);
// } // $res = $this->O_es->add_doc('1',['testField' => 'hello 天安门']);
//$res = $this->O_es->add_doc('1',['title' => 'Quick brown rabbits','body'=>'Brown rabbits are commonly seen.']);
// $res = $this->O_es->add_doc('2',['title' => 'Keeping pets healthy','body'=>'My quick brown fox eats rabbits on a regular basis.']);
$list = $this->O_es->search_index_mul(['title','content'],'bootstrap');
foreach($list as $v){


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