转自 http://wsfdl.com/openstack/2016/01/14/Keystone-Federation-Identity.html

Keystone federation identity 涉及很多概念,安装配置复杂,官网的文档又不够清晰,下面 4 篇文章在安装配置方面阐述的非常详细。

1. Federation Identity 简介

关于 federation identity,维基百科的定义如下:

A federated identity is the means of linking a person's electronic identity and attributes, stored across multiple distinct identity management systems(IDM).

在多个认证管理系统互相信任的基础上,federation identity 允许多个认证管理系统联邦认证各个系统的用户身份。它最重要的一个功能就是实现单点登录(Single Sign On),用户仅需认证一次,便可访问这些互相授信的资源。比如 A 公司员工需使用 AWS 公有云,出于安全考虑,不希望在 AWS 的 IAM 创建员工账户信息,通过 federation identity 打通二者之间的用户授权和认证,A 公司员工只需在本公司完成身份认证即可访问 AWS 资源。我们把 A 公司称之为 Identity Provider(IDP), AWS 称之为 Service Provider(SP)。

  • Service Provider: 服务提供方,它只提供服务,依赖 Identity Provider 认证用户身份
  • Identity Provider: 断言(assertion)方,用于认证用户身份
  • Assertion Protocol: 认证(断言)协议,Service Provider 和 Identity Provider 完成认证用户身份所用的协议,常用有 SAML, OpenID, Oauth 等

以 SAML 协议为例,典型的认证流程分为 Redirect Bindings 和 Artifact/POST Bindings 两种。

Federation identity 具有以下优点:

  • 支持 SSO 单点登录
  • 避免向 Service Provider 暴露用户信息,提高安全性
  • 避免用户注册多个账号,增加用户负担

Keystone Federation 的原理

Federation identity 为 hybrid cloud 在用户管理层面提供了良好的解决方案。Keystone 从 Icehouse 开始逐步增加 federation identity 的功能,Icehouse 支持 Keystone 作为 Service Provider,Juno 版本新增了 Identity Provider,支持 SAML 和 OpenID 两种认证协议。OpenStack 作为云服务的解决方案,对外提供计算、存储和网络等服务,多数场景下 Keystone 常常作为服务端,对接其它的 Identity Provider,所以本节着重阐述 Service Provider 的原理和流程。首先先介绍 3 类重要的 API

  • Identity Provider API: /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers
    管理 Keystone 信任的 Identity Providers。
  • Protocol API: /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols
    管理 Keystone 和某个 Identity Provider 之间认证的协议,通常为 oidc(OpenID) 或 saml2(SAML)。
  • Mapping API: /OS-FEDERATION/mappings
    管理 Identity Provider 里的用户和 Keystone 里的用户之间的映射规则,通过该 API,管理员可以管理 IDP 中用户访问 Service 的权限。比如 IDP 有用户 A,B,通过配置 mapping rule,可以允许 A 有权限而 B 无权限访问。

为了支持 Service Provider,Keystone 必须运行在 Apache HTTPD 上,mod-shibboleth 作为 apache plugin 支持 SAML 认证协议,完成了 Keystone 和 IDP 之间用户的身份认证,流程如下。

  1. 用户访问 /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{identity_provider}/protocols/{protocol}/auth,Apache 捕获该 URL 并触发 mod-shibboleth 重定向至外部的 Identity Provider。
  2. 外部的 Identity Provider 认证用户的身份并把用户的某些身份信息返回给 Apache,Apache 再把信息传给 Keystone。
  3. Keystone 根据 mapping rule 把判断用户是否有访问权限,如果有访问权限,返回一个 unscoped token。用户可拿 unscoped token 查看可用的 project 并生成 scoped token,进而访问 OpenStack 的 API。

Configure Keystone as a Service Provider

本节开始介绍如何安装配置 Keystone to Keystone Federation,重点参考了 it-is-time-to-play-with-keystone-to-keystone-federation-in-kilo(原文存在 2 处配置错误,本文已给予纠正)。 我们有两个服务器,分别作为 SP 和 IDP,二者均需按照官网的手册安装 Keystone。

  • Linux: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • OpenStack: Kilo

更新 keystone.conf 如下配置:

methods = external,password,token,oauth1,saml2
saml2 = keystone.auth.plugins.mapped.Mapped

Apache 新增如下配置:

Listen 5000
Listen 35357 <VirtualHost *:5000>
WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^(/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/.*?/protocols/.*?/auth)$ /var/www/cgi-bin/keystone/main/$1
</VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:35357>
WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^(/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/.*?/protocols/.*?/auth)$ /var/www/cgi-bin/keystone/admin/$1
</VirtualHost> <Location /Shibboleth.sso>
SetHandler shib
</Location> <LocationMatch /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/.*?/protocols/saml2/auth>
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
AuthType shibboleth
ShibExportAssertion Off
Require valid-user

安装 Shibboleth:

apt-get install libapache2-mod-shib2

更新 /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml 的以下配置项:

<Attribute name="openstack_user" id="openstack_user"/>
<Attribute name="openstack_roles" id="openstack_roles"/>
<Attribute name="openstack_project" id="openstack_project"/>
<Attribute name="openstack_user_domain" id="openstack_user_domain"/>
<Attribute name="openstack_project_domain" id="openstack_project_domain"/>

更新 /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml 的以下配置项:

<SSO entityID="http://idp:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp">
</SSO> <MetadataProvider type="XML" uri="http://idp:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/metadata"/>

启动 shibboleth 并重启 apache:

service apache2 restart

查看 shibboleth 是否正常运行

unbuntu@SP:~# a2enmod shib2
Module shib2 already enabled

Configure Keystone as an Identity Provider

安装 xmlsec1 和 pysaml2:

sudo apt-get install xmlsec1
sudo pip install pysaml2

更新 keystone.conf 的如下配置:


生成 DIP 的 metadata 并重启 apache HTTPD:

keystone-manage saml_idp_metadata > /etc/keystone/keystone_idp_metadata.xml
service apache2 restart

Test Keystone to Keystone federation

  • 在 Service Provider 端执行以下脚本,创建 domain, group, mapping, idp, protocol 等。其中 idp 指向另外一个作为 Identity Provider 的 Keystone,protocol 采用了 saml2 协议,mapping 的规则为只要 IDP 中名为 bob 或者 acme 的用户都可通过认证,并且映射到 Service 端的 federated_user 用户上。
import os

from keystoneclient import session as ksc_session
from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystone_v3 try:
# Used for creating the ADMIN user
OS_PASSWORD = '123456'
OS_USERNAME = 'admin'
# This will vary according to the entity:
# the IdP or the SP
OS_AUTH_URL = 'http://sp:35357/v3'
OS_DOMAIN_NAME = 'default'
except KeyError as e:
raise SystemExit('%s environment variable not set.' % e) def client_for_admin_user():
auth = v3.Password(auth_url=OS_AUTH_URL,
session = ksc_session.Session(auth=auth)
return keystone_v3.Client(session=session) # Used to execute all admin actions
client = client_for_admin_user() def create_domain(client, name):
d = client.domains.create(name=name)
d = client.domains.find(name=name)
return d def create_group(client, name, domain):
g = client.groups.create(name=name, domain=domain)
g = client.groups.find(name=name)
return g def create_role(client, name):
r = client.roles.create(name=name)
r = client.roles.find(name=name)
return r print('\nCreating domain1')
domain1 = create_domain(client, 'domain1') print('\nCreating group1')
group1 = create_group(client, 'group1', domain1) print('\nCreating role Member')
role1 = create_role(client, 'Member') print('\nGrant role Member to group1 in domain1')
client.roles.grant(role1, group=group1, domain=domain1) print('\nList group1 role assignments')
client.role_assignments.list(group=group1) def create_mapping(client, mapping_id, rules):
m = client.federation.mappings.create(
mapping_id=mapping_id, rules=rules)
m = client.federation.mappings.find(
return m print('\nCreating mapping')
rules = [
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "federated_user"
"group": {
"id": group1.id
"remote": [
"type": "openstack_user",
"any_one_of": [
] mapping1 = create_mapping(client, mapping_id='keystone-idp-mapping', rules=rules) def create_idp(client, id, remote_id):
idp_ref = {'id': id,
'remote_ids': [remote_id],
'enabled': True}
i = client.federation.identity_providers.create(**idp_ref)
i = client.federation.identity_providers.find(id=id)
return i def create_protocol(client, protocol_id, idp, mapping):
p = client.federation.protocols.create(protocol_id=protocol_id,
p = client.federation.protocols.find(protocol_id=protocol_id)
return p print('\nRegister keystone-idp')
idp1 = create_idp(client, id='keystone-idp',
remote_id='http://idp:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp') print('\nRegister protocol')
protocol1 = create_protocol(client, protocol_id='saml2', idp=idp1,

在 IDP 端执行以下脚本,用户 bob 获得一个 unscoped token,可拿该 token 向 SP 获取 scope token 后访问 Service 端的资源。

import json
import os import requests from keystoneclient import session as ksc_session
from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystone_v3 class K2KClient(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sp_id = 'keystone-sp'
self.auth_url = 'http://idp:35357/v3'
self.project_id = '582df27a0db14149a6da375b31fce3df'
self.username = 'bob'
self.password = '123456'
self.domain_id = 'default' def v3_authenticate(self):
auth = v3.Password(auth_url=self.auth_url,
self.session = ksc_session.Session(auth=auth, verify=False)
self.token = self.session.auth.get_token(self.session)
def _generate_token_json(self):
return {
"auth": {
"identity": {
"methods": [
"token": {
"id": self.token
"scope": {
"service_provider": {
"id": self.sp_id
} def _check_response(self, response):
if not response.ok:
raise Exception("Something went wrong, %s" % response.__dict__) def get_saml2_ecp_assertion(self):
token = json.dumps(self._generate_token_json())
url = self.auth_url + '/auth/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/ecp'
r = self.session.post(url=url, data=token, verify=False)
self.assertion = str(r.text) def _get_sp(self):
url = self.auth_url + '/OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/' + self.sp_id
r = self.session.get(url=url, verify=False)
sp = json.loads(r.text)[u'service_provider']
return sp def _handle_http_302_ecp_redirect(self, response, location, **kwargs):
return self.session.get(location, authenticated=False, **kwargs) def exchange_assertion(self):
"""Send assertion to a Keystone SP and get token."""
sp = self._get_sp() r = self.session.post(
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.paos+xml'},
redirect=False) self._check_response(r) r = self._handle_http_302_ecp_redirect(r, sp[u'auth_url'],
self.fed_token_id = r.headers['X-Subject-Token']
self.fed_token = r.text def list_federated_projects(self):
url = 'http://sp:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/projects'
headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.fed_token_id}
r = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)
return json.loads(str(r.text)) def _get_scoped_token_json(self, project_id):
return {
"auth": {
"identity": {
"methods": [
"token": {
"id": self.fed_token_id
"scope": {
"project": {
"id": project_id
} def scope_token(self, project_id):
# project_id can be select from the list in the previous step
token = json.dumps(self._get_scoped_token_json(project_id))
url = 'http://sp:5000/v3/auth/tokens'
headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.fed_token_id,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=token,
self.scoped_token_id = r.headers['X-Subject-Token']
self.scoped_token = str(r.text) def main():
client = K2KClient()
print('ECP wrapped SAML assertion: %s' % client.assertion)
print('Unscoped token id: %s' % client.fed_token_id) # If you want to get a scope token, please ensure federated_user has a project
# and uncommen below codes.
projects = client.list_federated_projects()
print('Federated projects: %s' % projects['projects'])
project_id = projects['projects'][0]['id']
project_name = projects['projects'][0]['name']
print('Scoped token of ' + project_name + ' : ' + client.scoped_token_id)
''' if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. https://developer.rackspace.com/blog/keystone-to-keystone-federation-with-openstack-ansible/
  2. https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/keystone-specs/api/v3/identity-api-v3-os-federation-ext.html
  3. http://blog.rodrigods.com/it-is-time-to-play-with-keystone-to-keystone-federation-in-kilo/
  4. https://bigjools.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/saml-federation-with-openstack/

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