mkv封装格式相关内容可以参考:MKV 文件格式解析_Martyn哥的博客-CSDN博客_mkv 格式解析
本篇主要是用来记录MatroskaExtractor是如何解析EBML的,如何解析EBML header以及SEGMENT的
先看构造函数,android MKV文件的解析需要依赖外部库mkvparser,首先会去解析EBML header(这个部分在sniff中会先调用一次判断是否为mkv文件)
MatroskaExtractor::MatroskaExtractor(DataSourceHelper *source)
: mDataSource(source),
mReader(new DataSourceBaseReader(mDataSource)),
mSeekPreRollNs(0) {
off64_t size;
mIsLiveStreaming =
& (DataSourceBase::kWantsPrefetching
| DataSourceBase::kIsCachingDataSource))
&& mDataSource->getSize(&size) != OK; // 1、解析EBML header
mkvparser::EBMLHeader ebmlHeader;
long long pos;
if (ebmlHeader.Parse(mReader, pos) < 0) {
} if (ebmlHeader.m_docType && !strcmp("webm", ebmlHeader.m_docType)) {
mIsWebm = true;
} // 2、创建Segment
long long ret =
mkvparser::Segment::CreateInstance(mReader, pos, mSegment); if (ret) {
CHECK(mSegment == NULL);
} if (mIsLiveStreaming) {
// from mkvparser::Segment::Load(), but stop at first cluster
ret = mSegment->ParseHeaders();
if (ret == 0) {
long len;
ret = mSegment->LoadCluster(pos, len);
if (ret >= 1) {
// no more clusters
ret = 0;
} else if (ret > 0) {
ret = mkvparser::E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;
} else {
// 3、parse Segment header
ret = mSegment->ParseHeaders();
if (ret < 0) {
ALOGE("Segment parse header return fail %lld", ret);
delete mSegment;
mSegment = NULL;
} else if (ret == 0) {
// 找到Cues
const mkvparser::Cues* mCues = mSegment->GetCues();
// 找到SeekHead
const mkvparser::SeekHead* mSH = mSegment->GetSeekHead();
if ((mCues == NULL) && (mSH != NULL)) {
size_t count = mSH->GetCount();
const mkvparser::SeekHead::Entry* mEntry;
for (size_t index = 0; index < count; index++) {
mEntry = mSH->GetEntry(index);
if (mEntry->id == libwebm::kMkvCues) { // Cues ID
long len;
long long pos;
mSegment->ParseCues(mEntry->pos, pos, len);
mCues = mSegment->GetCues();
ALOGV("find cue data by seekhead");
} if (mCues) {
long len;
ret = mSegment->LoadCluster(pos, len);
ALOGV("has Cue data, Cluster num=%ld", mSegment->GetCount());
} else {
long status_Load = mSegment->Load();
ALOGW("no Cue data,Segment Load status:%ld",status_Load);
} else if (ret > 0) {
ret = mkvparser::E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;
} if (ret < 0) {
char uri[1024];
if(!mDataSource->getUri(uri, sizeof(uri))) {
uri[0] = '\0';
ALOGW("Corrupt %s source: %s", mIsWebm ? "webm" : "matroska",
delete mSegment;
mSegment = NULL;
} // 获取tracks
下图是EMBL Tree解析的mkv文件,EBML_ReadVersion是element id(0x47),对应红色部分;后面的s(1):0x1,括号里的1表示数据长度,冒号后面的0x01表示数据内容的长度为1,对应绿色部分(这里的计算比较复杂一些,使用的是ReadUInt);最后面的0x01表示数据内容;
long long EBMLHeader::Parse(IMkvReader* pReader, long long& pos) {
if (!pReader)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; long long total, available; long status = pReader->Length(&total, &available); if (status < 0) // error
return status; pos = 0; // 检查0x1A的位置
while (pos < kMaxScanBytes) {
status = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &scan_byte); if (status < 0) // error
return status;
else if (status > 0)
return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if (scan_byte == kEbmlByte0)
break; ++pos;
} long len = 0;
// 读取ID
const long long ebml_id = ReadID(pReader, pos, len); if (ebml_id == E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL)
return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; // 检查ID是否为0x1A45DFA3,mkv文件会以这四个字节为开头
if (len != 4 || ebml_id != libwebm::kMkvEBML)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // Move read pos forward to the EBML header size field.
// 修改文件读取偏移量
pos += 4; // Read length of size field.
// 接下来的一个字节表示数据长度,下面这部分到ReadUInt之前都是在检查数据长度是否正常
long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error
else if (result > 0) // need more data
return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if (len < 1 || len > 8)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((total >= 0) && ((total - pos) < len))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((available - pos) < len)
return pos + len; // try again later // 真正读取数据长度
// Read the EBML header size.
result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error
return result; pos += len; // consume size field // pos now designates start of payload if ((total >= 0) && ((total - pos) < result))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((available - pos) < result)
return pos + result; const long long end = pos + result; Init(); while (pos < end) {
long long id, size; status = ParseElementHeader(pReader, pos, end, id, size); if (status < 0) // error
return status; if (size == 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (id == libwebm::kMkvEBMLVersion) {
m_version = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_version <= 0)
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvEBMLReadVersion) {
m_readVersion = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_readVersion <= 0)
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvEBMLMaxIDLength) {
m_maxIdLength = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_maxIdLength <= 0)
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvEBMLMaxSizeLength) {
m_maxSizeLength = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_maxSizeLength <= 0)
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvDocType) {
if (m_docType)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; status = UnserializeString(pReader, pos, size, m_docType); if (status) // error
return status;
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvDocTypeVersion) {
m_docTypeVersion = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_docTypeVersion <= 0)
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvDocTypeReadVersion) {
m_docTypeReadVersion = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_docTypeReadVersion <= 0)
} pos += size;
} if (pos != end)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // Make sure DocType, DocTypeReadVersion, and DocTypeVersion are valid.
if (m_docType == NULL || m_docTypeReadVersion <= 0 || m_docTypeVersion <= 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // Make sure EBMLMaxIDLength and EBMLMaxSizeLength are valid.
if (m_maxIdLength <= 0 || m_maxIdLength > 4 || m_maxSizeLength <= 0 ||
m_maxSizeLength > 8)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; return 0;
} long long ReadID(IMkvReader* pReader, long long pos, long& len) {
if (pReader == NULL || pos < 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // Read the first byte. The length in bytes of the ID is determined by
// finding the first set bit in the first byte of the ID.
unsigned char temp_byte = 0;
// 先读取一个字节,读到得应该是0x1A
int read_status = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &temp_byte); if (read_status < 0)
else if (read_status > 0) // No data to read.
return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if (temp_byte == 0) // ID length > 8 bytes; invalid file.
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; int bit_pos = 0;
const int kMaxIdLengthInBytes = 4;
const int kCheckByte = 0x80; // Find the first bit that's set.
// 这里会对应到博文里面的 ID数据长度等于起始0的个数加1
bool found_bit = false;
for (; bit_pos < kMaxIdLengthInBytes; ++bit_pos) {
if ((kCheckByte >> bit_pos) & temp_byte) { // 用0x80不断向右移位,并且和读到数据与运算,计算0的个数
found_bit = true;
} if (!found_bit) {
// The value is too large to be a valid ID.
} // Read the remaining bytes of the ID (if any).
const int id_length = bit_pos + 1; // ID长度等于起始0的个数加1
long long ebml_id = temp_byte;
for (int i = 1; i < id_length; ++i) {
ebml_id <<= 8;
read_status = pReader->Read(pos + i, 1, &temp_byte); if (read_status < 0)
else if (read_status > 0)
return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; ebml_id |= temp_byte; // 继续往后读取ID,并做与运算,返回真正的ID
} len = id_length;
return ebml_id;
} long long GetUIntLength(IMkvReader* pReader, long long pos, long& len) {
if (!pReader || pos < 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; long long total, available; int status = pReader->Length(&total, &available);
if (status < 0 || (total >= 0 && available > total))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; len = 1; if (pos >= available)
return pos; // too few bytes available unsigned char b; // 读取下一个字节 0xA3
status = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b); if (status != 0)
return status; if (b == 0) // we can't handle u-int values larger than 8 bytes
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; unsigned char m = 0x80; // 数据长度为起始0的个数 + 1
while (!(b & m)) {
m >>= 1;
} return 0; // success
} long long ReadUInt(IMkvReader* pReader, long long pos, long& len) {
if (!pReader || pos < 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; len = 1;
unsigned char b;
int status = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b); if (status < 0) // error or underflow
return status; if (status > 0) // interpreted as "underflow"
return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if (b == 0) // we can't handle u-int values larger than 8 bytes
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; unsigned char m = 0x80; // 数据长度为起始0的个数 + 1(这个长度为数据长度的长度)
while (!(b & m)) {
m >>= 1;
} // result为数据内容的长度,第一个字节需要用m取反并做与运算
long long result = b & (~m);
++pos; for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
status = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b); if (status < 0) {
len = 1;
return status;
} if (status > 0) {
len = 1;
} result <<= 8;
result |= b; ++pos;
} return result;
long long Segment::CreateInstance(IMkvReader* pReader, long long pos,
Segment*& pSegment) {
if (pReader == NULL || pos < 0)
return E_PARSE_FAILED; pSegment = NULL; long long total, available; const long status = pReader->Length(&total, &available); if (status < 0) // error
return status; if (available < 0)
return -1; if ((total >= 0) && (available > total))
return -1; for (;;) {
if ((total >= 0) && (pos >= total))
long len;
long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result) // error, or too few available bytes
return result; if ((total >= 0) && ((pos + len) > total))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > available)
return pos + len; const long long idpos = pos;
// 读取element id
const long long id = ReadID(pReader, pos, len); if (id < 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; pos += len; // consume ID // Read Size
// 下面是老套的数据长度检查
result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result) // error, or too few available bytes
return result; if ((total >= 0) && ((pos + len) > total))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > available)
return pos + len;
// 读取数据内容长度
long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (size < 0) // error
return size; pos += len; // consume length of size of element // Pos now points to start of payload // Handle "unknown size" for live streaming of webm files.
const long long unknown_size = (1LL << (7 * len)) - 1; // Segment的id为0x18 53 80 67
if (id == libwebm::kMkvSegment) {
if (size == unknown_size)
size = -1; else if (total < 0)
size = -1; else if ((pos + size) > total)
size = -1;
// 创建Segment,传入参数为Segment element起始位置、数据内容开始位置、数据长度
pSegment = new (std::nothrow) Segment(pReader, idpos, pos, size);
if (pSegment == NULL)
return E_PARSE_FAILED; return 0; // success
} if (size == unknown_size)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((total >= 0) && ((pos + size) > total))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + size) > available)
return pos + size; pos += size; // consume payload
这个方法用于parse Segment中的track、seekhead等信息,比较重要,它会找到对应的element id以及数据,如何解析数据的这里就不贴代码了,如果碰到问题可以去查看相关的parse方法
long long Segment::ParseHeaders() {
// Outermost (level 0) segment object has been constructed,
// and pos designates start of payload. We need to find the
// inner (level 1) elements.
long long total, available; const int status = m_pReader->Length(&total, &available); if (status < 0) // error
return status; if (total > 0 && available > total)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; const long long segment_stop = (m_size < 0) ? -1 : m_start + m_size; if ((segment_stop >= 0 && total >= 0 && segment_stop > total) ||
(segment_stop >= 0 && m_pos > segment_stop)) {
} for (;;) {
if ((total >= 0) && (m_pos >= total))
break; if ((segment_stop >= 0) && (m_pos >= segment_stop))
break; long long pos = m_pos;
const long long element_start = pos; // Avoid rolling over pos when very close to LLONG_MAX.
unsigned long long rollover_check = pos + 1ULL;
if (rollover_check > LLONG_MAX)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + 1) > available)
return (pos + 1); // 很熟悉,检查数据长度
long len;
long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error
return result; if (result > 0) {
// MkvReader doesn't have enough data to satisfy this read attempt.
return (pos + 1);
} if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > available)
return pos + len; const long long idpos = pos;
// 读取ID
const long long id = ReadID(m_pReader, idpos, len); if (id < 0)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // 如果ID 为Cluster则结束本次循环
if (id == libwebm::kMkvCluster)
break; pos += len; // consume ID if ((pos + 1) > available)
return (pos + 1); // Read Size
// 检查数据长度
result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error
return result; if (result > 0) {
// MkvReader doesn't have enough data to satisfy this read attempt.
return (pos + 1);
} if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > available)
return pos + len; // 读取数据内容长度
const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len); if (size < 0 || len < 1 || len > 8) {
// TODO(tomfinegan): ReadUInt should return an error when len is < 1 or
// len > 8 is true instead of checking this _everywhere_.
return size;
} pos += len; // consume length of size of element // Avoid rolling over pos when very close to LLONG_MAX.
rollover_check = static_cast<unsigned long long>(pos) + size;
if (rollover_check > LLONG_MAX)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; const long long element_size = size + pos - element_start; // Pos now points to start of payload if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + size) > segment_stop))
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // We read EBML elements either in total or nothing at all. if ((pos + size) > available)
return pos + size; // 如果ID为Info,则去创建SegmentInfo
if (id == libwebm::kMkvInfo) {
if (m_pInfo)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; m_pInfo = new (std::nothrow)
SegmentInfo(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pInfo == NULL)
return -1; const long status = m_pInfo->Parse(); if (status)
return status;
// 如果ID为Track,则去创建Track
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvTracks) {
if (m_pTracks)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; m_pTracks = new (std::nothrow)
Tracks(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pTracks == NULL)
return -1;
// 调用Tracks.parse方法来解析Track信息
const long status = m_pTracks->Parse(); if (status)
return status;
// 如果ID为Cues,则创建Cues对象
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvCues) {
if (m_pCues == NULL) {
m_pCues = new (std::nothrow)
Cues(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pCues == NULL)
return -1;
// 如果id为SeekHead,那么创建SeekHead对象
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvSeekHead) {
if (m_pSeekHead == NULL) {
m_pSeekHead = new (std::nothrow)
SeekHead(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pSeekHead == NULL)
return -1; const long status = m_pSeekHead->Parse(); if (status)
return status;
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvChapters) {
if (m_pChapters == NULL) {
m_pChapters = new (std::nothrow)
Chapters(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pChapters == NULL)
return -1; const long status = m_pChapters->Parse(); if (status)
return status;
} else if (id == libwebm::kMkvTags) {
if (m_pTags == NULL) {
m_pTags = new (std::nothrow)
Tags(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pTags == NULL)
return -1; const long status = m_pTags->Parse(); if (status)
return status;
} m_pos = pos + size; // consume payload
} if (segment_stop >= 0 && m_pos > segment_stop)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (m_pInfo == NULL) // TODO: liberalize this behavior
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (m_pTracks == NULL)
return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; return 0; // success
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