
Getting the Software

To DDos, first your going to have to get the software. The software we are going to be using in this tutorial is called Low Orbit Ion Cannon (abreviated LOIC) you can get this from Once you download the file, go ahead and extract it to your desktop.


Targeting the Website

Now open LOIC (obvious but I want to get some of them little credit thingys so i'm trying to make it however many words long) and you will be prompted with a screen a little bit like this

First of all find the box that says 1. Select your target and fill it in. If you want to DDos a website, put the web adress in the url box, if you have an ip you want to DDos then put the ip in the box.Then press the lock on button next to the text box you filled in.


Configuring the Attack

Skip the big button that says ima chargin mah lazer and go to section 3 that says attack options. keep timeout ,http subsite and the speed bar the same but in tcp/udp message enter a random message, in port type whatever port you want to attack, and in method select UDP. (if your attacking a website keep the port the same, and for minecraft servers it is usually 25565) also, uncheck wait for reply and keep threads at 10. If you have a good pc you can change it to 20 but no more than 20. in the end, your screen should look like this:


Fire the Lazer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all thats left to do is press the big button that says IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER. once you have pressed that, you should see the requested collumn in attack status be filling up with loads of numbers and stuff. This is how many times it has requested that page or minecraft server or whatever from the server.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and be sure to give that kudos stuff, even if it does get rid of them little credit thingys.


  1. LOIC Download

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