ceph crush 之 crush_do_rule
a、b两个部分就用来生成result。a、b两个部分分别由o、w两个数组指针来指向,在每完成一个select step后,o、w互换指向的位置,上一次的o将变成本次的w,成为本次step遍历的对象,而上次的w将变成本次的o用于存放本次step的output items。
以Sage Weil论文中的例子来演示此过程:
take(root) ->root
select(1, row) ->row2 //图例step1
select(3, cabinet) ->cab21 cab23 cab24 //图例step2
select(1, disk) ->disk2107 disk2313 disk2437 //图例step3
emit //图例step4 (从scratch数组中将选中的item拷贝到result数组中)
3、不考虑recursive_to_leaf的情况(此为工程优化,非Sage Weil论文的核心内容)
- int crush_do_rule(const struct crush_map *map,
- int ruleno, int x, int *result, int result_max,
- const __u32 *weight, int weight_max,
- int *scratch)
- {
- int osize, wsize = ;
- int *w, *o;
- w = scratch;
- o = scratch + result_max;
- struct crush_rule *rule = map->rules[ruleno];
- for (__u32 step = ; step < rule->len; step++) {
- struct crush_rule_step *curstep = &rule->steps[step];
- switch (curstep->op) {
- w[] = curstep->arg1;
- wsize = ;
- break;
- //Elar:
- //1. only consider fistn's situation
- //2. ignore recurse_to_leaf situation
- /* reset output */
- osize = ;
- for (int i = ; i < wsize; i++) {
- int numrep = curstep->arg1;
- int outpos = ;
- int type = curstep->arg2;
- int bno = - - w[i];//Elar: get bucketId
- struct crush_bucket *bucket = map->buckets[bno];
- osize += crush_choose_firstn(map, bucket, weight, weight_max, x, numrep, type, o+osize, outpos);
- }
- /* swap o and w arrays */
- int *tmp = o; o = w; w = tmp;
- wsize = osize;
- break;
- int i = ;
- result_len = ;
- for (; i < wsize && result_len < result_max; i++) {
- result[result_len] = w[i];
- result_len++;
- }
- wsize = ;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return result_len;
- }
- static int crush_choose_firstn(const struct crush_map *map,
- struct crush_bucket *bucket,
- const __u32 *weight,
- int weight_max,
- int x,
- int numrep,
- int type,
- int *out)
- {
- for (int rep = ; rep < numrep; rep++) {
- /* keep trying until we get a non-out, non-colliding item */
- unsigned int ftotal = ;
- bool skip_rep = ;
- do {
- unsigned int flocal = ;
- bool retry_descent = false;
- struct crush_bucket *in = bucket;
- do {
- bool retry_bucket = false;
- int r = rep + parent_r;
- /* r' = r + f_total */
- r += ftotal;
- /* bucket choose */
- int item = crush_bucket_choose(in, x, r);
- int itemtype;
- if (item < )//Elar: if item is a bucket, then get its type
- itemtype = map->buckets[--item]->type;
- else//Elar: if item is a device, then its type=0
- itemtype = ;
- //Elar: if this item's type is not what we expected, then keep going until we get an match one!
- if (itemtype != type) {
- in = map->buckets[--item];
- retry_bucket = ;
- continue;
- }
- // Elar: check if item has already been in the output array
- bool collide = false;
- for (i = ; i < outpos; i++) {
- if (out[i] == item) {
- collide = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- bool reject = false;
- if (itemtype == ){
- //Elar: check if this item has been marked as "out"
- reject = is_out(map, weight,weight_max,item, x);
- }else{
- reject = false;
- }
- reject:
- if (reject || collide) {
- ftotal++;
- flocal++;
- if still can try locally(with in the same bucket, try other items)
- retry_bucket = true;
- else if still can try descent(parent's or grandparent's sibling buckets)
- /* then retry descent */
- retry_descent = true;
- else
- /* else give up */
- skip_rep = true;
- }
- } while (true == retry_bucket);
- } while (true == retry_descent);
- if (true == skip_rep) {
- continue;
- }
- out[outpos] = item;
- outpos++;
- }
- return outpos;
- }
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