





只是POJ 0ms,而UVa就0.2左右了。


1 仅仅要有叠起来的牌。那么就使用一个down指针指向以下的牌就能够了。

2 使用双向链表,能够方便前后遍历。

3 记得有了更新牌之后。又要又一次開始检查是否须要更新牌,这是模拟的须要。不然或WA的。

#include <stdio.h>

struct Node
int size;
Node *pre, *post;
Node *down;
char a, b;
Node () : pre(NULL), post(NULL), down(NULL), size(1) {}
}; //insert n to m position
inline void insertNode(Node *&m, Node *&n)
n->post = m->post;
n->pre = m->pre;
if (m->post) m->post->pre = n;//小心断链
if (m->pre) m->pre->post = n;//小心断链
} inline void takeoutNode(Node *&n)
if (n->down)
Node *down = n->down;
insertNode(n, down);
if (n->pre) n->pre->post = n->post;
if (n->post) n->post->pre = n->pre;
} inline void inStackNode(Node *&m, Node *&n)
n->size = m->size+1;
insertNode(m, n);
n->down = m;
} inline bool checkMovable(Node *n, Node *m)
return n->a == m->a || n->b == m->b;
} inline void pre3(Node *&n)
if (n->pre) n = n->pre;
if (n->pre) n = n->pre;
if (n->pre) n = n->pre;
} inline void pre1(Node *&n)
if (n->pre) n = n->pre;
} inline void deleteNodes(Node *&n)
while (n)
Node *p = n->post;
while (n)
Node *d = n->down;
delete n; n = NULL;
n = d;
n = p;
} int main()
Node *head = new Node; //Dummy head
while (true)
Node *it = new Node;
it->a = getchar();
if (it->a == '#') break;
it->b = getchar();
getchar(); head->post = it;//initialize chain
it->pre = head; for (int i = 1; i < 52; i++)
Node *p = new Node;
p->a = getchar();
p->b = getchar();
it->post = p;
p->pre = it;
it = p;
bool checkMove = true;
while (checkMove)
checkMove = false;
it = head->post;
while (it)
Node *post = it->post;
Node *p = it;
if (p && p != head && checkMovable(p, it))
checkMove = true;
inStackNode(p, it);//调用參数不要乱了
p = it;
if (p && p != head && checkMovable(p, it))
checkMove = true;
inStackNode(p, it);
it = post;
}//while (it)
}//while (checkMove && piles > 1)
it = head->post;
int piles = 0;
while (it)
it = it->post;
if (piles == 1) printf("%d pile remaining:", piles);
else printf("%d piles remaining:", piles);
it = head->post;
while (it)
printf(" %d", it->size);
it = it->post;
}//while (true)
delete head;
return 0;

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