* Post-process the given property values before the factory applies them
* to the given bean, without any need for property descriptors.
* <p>Implementations should return {@code null} (the default) if they provide a custom
* {@link #postProcessPropertyValues} implementation, and {@code pvs} otherwise.
* In a future version of this interface (with {@link #postProcessPropertyValues} removed),
* the default implementation will return the given {@code pvs} as-is directly.
* @param pvs the property values that the factory is about to apply (never {@code null})
* @param bean the bean instance created, but whose properties have not yet been set
* @param beanName the name of the bean
* @return the actual property values to apply to the given bean (can be the passed-in
* PropertyValues instance), or {@code null} which proceeds with the existing properties
* but specifically continues with a call to {@link #postProcessPropertyValues}
* (requiring initialized {@code PropertyDescriptor}s for the current bean class)
* @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException in case of errors
* @since 5.1
* @see #postProcessPropertyValues
default PropertyValues postProcessProperties(PropertyValues pvs, Object bean, String beanName)
throws BeansException { return null;
* Post-process the given property values before the factory applies them
* to the given bean. Allows for checking whether all dependencies have been
* satisfied, for example based on a "Required" annotation on bean property setters.
* <p>Also allows for replacing the property values to apply, typically through
* creating a new MutablePropertyValues instance based on the original PropertyValues,
* adding or removing specific values.
* <p>The default implementation returns the given {@code pvs} as-is.
* @param pvs the property values that the factory is about to apply (never {@code null})
* @param pds the relevant property descriptors for the target bean (with ignored
* dependency types - which the factory handles specifically - already filtered out)
* @param bean the bean instance created, but whose properties have not yet been set
* @param beanName the name of the bean
* @return the actual property values to apply to the given bean (can be the passed-in
* PropertyValues instance), or {@code null} to skip property population
* @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException in case of errors
* @see #postProcessProperties
* @see org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues
* @deprecated as of 5.1, in favor of {@link #postProcessProperties(PropertyValues, Object, String)}
default PropertyValues postProcessPropertyValues(
PropertyValues pvs, PropertyDescriptor[] pds, Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException { return pvs;
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