加油站问题 Gas Station
2019-06-01 17:09:30
对于一个循环数组,如果这个数组整体和 SUM >= 0,那么必然可以在数组中找到这么一个元素:从这个数组元素出发,绕数组一圈,能保证累加和一直是出于非负状态。
从第一个数字开始进行累加和,中间必然会有一个累加和最低的点,我们设为x。最后的sum >= 0。
【Leetcode Discuss】
If sum of all
is greater than or equal to0
, then there is a start position you can travel the whole circle.
be the index such that the the partial sumgas[0]-cost[0]+gas[1]-cost[1]+...+gas[i]-cost[i]
is the smallest, then the start position should be
). Consider any other partial sum, for example,gas[0]-cost[0]+gas[1]-cost[1]+...+gas[i]-cost[i]+gas[i+1]-cost[i+1]
is the smallest, we must havegas[i+1]-cost[i+1]>=0
in order for
to be greater.
The same reasoning gives thatgas[i+1]-cost[i+1]>=0
gas[i+1]-cost[i+1]+gas[i+2]-cost[i+2]+...+gas[n-1]-cost[n-1]>=0What about for the partial sums that wraps around?
gas[0]-cost[0]+gas[1]-cost[1]+...+gas[j]-cost[j] + gas[i+1]-cost[i+1]+...+gas[n-1]-cost[n-1]
gas[0]-cost[0]+gas[1]-cost[1]+...+gas[i]-cost[i] + gas[i+1]-cost[i+1]+...+gas[n-1]-cost[n-1]
>=0The last inequality is due to the assumption that the entire sum of
is greater than or equal to 0.
So we have that all the partial sumsgas[i+1]-cost[i+1]>=0,
gas[i+1]-cost[i+1]+...+gas[n-1]-cost[n-1] + gas[0]-cost[0]+gas[1]-cost[1]+...+gas[j]-cost[j]>=0,
is the position to start.
因此,对于本题来说,我们可以计算一下是否总的gas - cost >= 0?如果是,那么必然存在一个解,在这个前提下,只需要遍历一遍数组,如果碰到不能到达的情况,那么就从第一个不能到达的重新开始计算即可。
public int canCompleteCircuit(int[] gas, int[] cost) {
int n = gas.length;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += gas[i] - cost[i];
if (sum < 0) return -1;
int start = 0;
int tank = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
tank += gas[i];
if (tank < cost[i]) {
start = i + 1;
tank = 0;
else {
tank -= cost[i];
return start;
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