Module Objectives
1.Apply profiles, organization wide defaults, role hierarchy and sharing to given access to data.
2.Apply organization wide defaults, public groups, and manual sharing to create conditional access to data.
3.Analyze suitability of field-level security, page layouts, and record types to satisfy business requirements.

Module Agenda
1.Access to Data Based on State
2.Restricting Access to Highly Sensitive Data
3.Which Tool to Use?

Exercise 4-1:Establishing Data Access
- Create a process by which position access is determined by the status of a position.
- Universal Containers has determined that open positions should be visible to all users, but closed positions should be visible to recruiters(and their management), hiring managers and approves only. Only recruiters and their managers should be able to add sharing to a position.
- Answer the following question, then update sharing accordingly:
.What should the organization wide default for positions be?
.Who should own positions?
.Should "Grand Access Using Hierarchies" be checked?
.How will recruiters get access to closed positions?Open positions?
Their owners
.How will all users get access to open positions?
Manual sharing rules
.How will hiring managers get access to closed positions?Open positions?
Manual sharing rules
.How will approves get access to closed positions?Open positions?
The same rules as hiring managers.

Exercise 4-2:
Restricting Data Access
- Ensure that the salary for any position is visible only to the recruiter, the hiring manager, and the hiring manager's boss.
- Universal Containers has decided that salary information for any position should be visible only to the recruiter, the hiring manager for that position, and the hiring manager's boss. The recruiter should control the salary data.
- Determine how to store this information to meet the visibility requirements outlined above.

Which Tool to user?
1.While filling out positions, the hiring manager wants to fill out the job responsibilities and job description at the top  of the page.
2.The recruiter needs to see the name of the hiring manager and the status of the position first.
3.Which tool would you user?
Page Layout.

Which Tool to User?
1.When creating new technical positions, hiring managers should always have to fill out which certifications are required.
2.When creating not-technical positions, such as positions in sales and finance, there is no need to see or populate the certification fields.
3.Which tool would you user?
Record Type

Which Tool to Use?
1.Interviewers should never see a candidate's Social Security Number.
2.Which tool would you see?
Field Level Security

Module Review
1.Which feature sets the baseline level of access for an object?
Organization default level.
2.If a developer wanted interviews to see positions, but never see the grade listed on a position, which tool would the developer use?
Field Layout.
3.If a developer wanted to share records with a group of users who were not all in the same role. How could the developer do it without creating multiple sharing rules?
Create public group
4.True or False:System Administrator can see every record in Salesforce?

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