


①get a shock 吓了一跳,得到一个惊喜

例:his wife got a shock

get into a such mess 这么不幸搞得一片狼籍弄得这样一塌糊涂

例:How did your clothes get into a such mess?

③set on fire 放火

例:University set the Embassy on fire this morning

私exclaim V.大叫,呼喊

⑤break out 爆发出

Accurate adj.精准的

例:Accurate ,don’t you think


If I had been weared the hat, I would not have been abled o get home for lunch.




Festival n. 节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐

adj. 节日的,喜庆的;快乐的

例:A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan

Hold n. 控制;保留

过去式:held 过去分词:held

The+living 活着的人

the+动名词 什么样类型的人

expect adj.预料的; 预期的;

v.预料; 预期; 预计; 等待; 期待; 盼望; 要求; 指望;

long journey 长途旅行

例:As they are expected to be hungry after they long journey,food is laid out for them.

All night long 整个夜晚

considered vt.(及物动词) 考虑;认为;考虑到;细想

vi. (不及物动词)考虑;认为;细想

例:As it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.

slowly drift out 慢慢漂

guiding v. 给某人领路

returned journey 回程

例:Thousands of the lanterns slowly drift out the sea, guiding the dead on their returned journey to the anther world.

moving spectacle 感人的场景

例:This is a moving spectacle.

crowds of people 人群


For crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.





**1.spot n.斑点,污点 ,地点 **



spot n.斑点,污点,地点

  • a spot on one's reputation 某人的名声上出现了一个污点
  • big red spot 一个大的红色斑点
  • A leopard won't change its spots 江上易改,本性难移/狗改不了吃屎

①spot of sth 有点怎么怎么样

​ a spot of bother 有一点小麻烦

例 :You seem to be having a spot of bother with your car,can i help you?


②a scenic spot 一个景点

例:A great many of scenic spots are being spoilt by the ill-behaved tourists.

③hot spot n.热点地区

④on the spot n.在现场

例:Ten minutes after calling 911,a police car arrived on the spot.

spot v.看出

例:Dr.Marcy and Dr.Butler also spotted the fist "family" of three planets.


recognize sb. as....认出来某人是谁


identify 识别某人/某物的身份,

例:ID card= identiy card

2. evidence n.证据(不可数)

  • evident adj.清楚的,清晰的,明显的

  • self-evident 不言自明

  • a piece of evidence 一条证据

3.court n.法庭

  • go to court 去打官司 (表示功能的时候一般不+the)

  • settle sth. out of court 私聊


judge n.法官

witness n.证人;目击者

evidence n.证据

testimony n.证言证词

jury n.陪审团

4.accuse sb of (doing) sth

charge sb with (doing) sth


例I: accused him of stealing my sheep

5.accumulate v.积累,积聚

  • accumulate knowledge/possessions(财富)

  • i accumulated a large vocabulary(词汇).

amass v.积累

  • amass a fortune 积累一笔财富

例:People tend to amass possessions


pile up 越来越多

collect v.收集不同的东西 聚拢起来

gather v.收割

hoard v.囤积

6.oblige v.使....感到必须

  • obligation n.责任义务(常用)


  • be/fell obliged to do 觉得不得不去做某事

  • be/feel compelled to do 觉得不得不去做某事

例:President Nixon felt compelled to resign.

President Nixon 感觉不得不辞职了

  • be/feel impelled to do 迫于内心的道义不得不去做某事

例:He felt impelled to point out that they were marking a dangerous mistake.

7.human being n.人类 (可数)

man n.人类(表示人类的时候是不可数的)

mankind humankind

human race humanity


8.corner v.使走投无路,使陷入困境 n.角落

  • Don't corner me 别逼我

例:A cornered beast will do something desperate(亡命的).

  • at the corner 在拐角处

  • around the corner 某个重要的时刻快到了

9.convince v.使....信服

  • be convince that 使某人相信...

  • convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事

例:He failed to convince the jury of his innocence(清白).

  • cure sb.of sth 治好某人的某种病

例:The doctor cured his of his lung cancer.


  • inform sb. of sth 通知某人某事

例:My ex-wife informed me of her marry.

  • remind sb. of sth 使某人想起某事

例:You remind me of one of my classmates.

  • rob sb. of sth. 抢某人什么东西

例:The robber robbed me of my wallet(钱包).

  • deprive sb. of sth 剥夺某人某个权利
  • assure sb. of sth 使某人放心

例:The dealer assured me of its quality.

10.somehow adv.不知怎么搞地;不知什么原因

例句:And i couldn‘t remember what it felt like when I could not walk down the street without holding her hand. I mean she was the same woman I fell in love with, she hadn't changed. But somehow everything's different. We've lost something along the way.

我已经记不得了,那是什么感觉了,我没有牵她的手就不会 沿着这条街走下去,我意识到她还是那个我爱的女人,她没有变,但是不知道什么原因 很多事情不同了,我们一路走来失去了宝贵的东西。


  • fell in love with 爱上某人

  • along the way 沿途,一路上

  • walk down 走下去

somewhat n.有一些怎么怎么样


He was somewhat hungry.

He was somewhat embarrassed.

somewhere n.某处,在某个地方

例:I’ve lost my wallet somewhere around here.

somewhere around here 附近某地

11.disturb v.打扰,令某人不安

例:Do not disturb(不及物).

I hope I'm not disturb you

Sorry to disturb you,but...

Sorry to disturb you,but i really need your help.

11.investigate v.调查

  • investigate the market
  • investigate the case
  • the FBI: the Federal Bureau of Investigation

12.confirm 证实说

例:President Hu Jintao confirmed that he would visit the United States next month.


fur n.皮毛

  • a fur coat 皮毛大衣

feather n.羽毛

  • fur and feather 飞禽走兽

fin n.鱼鳍

  • fin,fur and feather 各种各样的动物


  1. prisoner n.囚犯 prisoner of war 战俘

  2. suspect n.嫌疑犯 v.怀疑

  3. disease n.疾病

  4. seriously adv. 认真地;严重地,严肃地

  5. ancient adj. 古代的;古老的,过时的;年老的

  6. descriptions n.描写(文字); 形容; 说明; 类型;

  7. extraordinarily adv.非常;格外;异常地;

  8. similar n.类似物; 相像的人; 相似物;

    adj.相像的; 相仿的; 类似的;

  9. specialist n.专家; 专科医生;

  10. catch (caught) the disease 得病

  11. case n.病例

  12. conform to 和....相一致

  13. attack v.咬

  14. condition n.状态

  15. clinging v.粘住

  16. countryside n.乡村; 农村;


1.At large 在逃;肆虐

  • a puma which was at large.
  • a prisoner/suspect(嫌疑犯) at large.
  • The disease is still at large.

2.be found in 产于某处

  • species n.(物种上)物种;种类
  • variety n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化;多样性
  • plant n.植物
  • rainforests n.雨林

例:Giant pandas (熊猫) are large,bear-like animals which are found in Sichuan province(省),Chinese.


give descriptions 做出描述

make descriptions 做出描述


claim done...强调先发生的**

claim to do.... 固定搭配声称

5.were extraordinarily similar

  • were particularly alike

  • had a lot in common

  • had considerable(adj.相当大的;重要的) commonalities(n.共性)

6.hunt for.. 追逐打猎,寻找某人某物,找任何东西都可以

例:I'm hunting for a job now.

​ The hunt for a job will begin tomorrow.

​ 明天开始找工作


  • the winter in America
  • the entrance to the parking lot 停车场的入口
  • a witness to the accident 目击证人
  • a longing for love 渴望爱情
  • the reason for the disaster 灾难的原因


  • just
  • only
  • merely
  • no more than 只有这么一点

9.prove (to be)+adj./n. 被证明的是...

例:The operation was proved (to be) a success/successful.

turn out to be+adj./n. 原来是..



  • 表"无论.......",引导让步状语从句= no matter+疑问词
  • 表示"到底.....",用于疑问句中

11.a trail of 一连串

  • 常用句型:Wherever he went, he left a trail of...behind him.

​ 无论他走到,他身后总会留下有


Wherever he want, he left a trail of unpaid bills behind him.

Wherever he want, he left a trail of broken hearts behind him.



①complain of/about sth. 抱怨说

②stated that 声明说

③put it 措辞说

④add 补充说

⑤confirm 证实说

⑥claim 声称说

13.on a business/honeymoon trip 在办事的/在度蜜月的途中

14.except/but that...

  • 除了....的情况之
  • 要不是...

15.in the possession of sb./in one' possession 归某人拥有

​ in possession of sth 拥有某物


The book in my possession

I’m in the possession of book.

16.in the charge of sb./in one‘s charge 归某人管

in charge of...管理某物


The bookstore in my charge.

I’m in the charge of the bookstore.

17.manage to do 设法去做某事,并且成功做了某事**

failed to do 没能完成某事

18.It is...to think that.. 一想到某事就...

  • it is worrying to think that....

  • it is exciting to think that....

  • it is comforting to think that....

  • it is amusing to think that....

  • it is irritating() to think that....



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