
R3(config-archive)#log config
R3(config-archive-log-cfg)#logging enable
R3(config-archive-log-cfg)#notify syslog

R3#sho logging
Syslog logging: enabled (11 messages dropped, 0 messages rate-limited,
                0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
    Console logging: level debugging, 35 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging: level debugging, 16 messages logged, xml disabled,
                    filtering disabled
    Logging Exception size (4096 bytes)
    Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled

No active filter modules.

Trap logging: level informational, 38 message lines logged

Log Buffer (4096 bytes):

*Mar  1 00:19:35.555: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar  1 00:19:52.779: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar  1 00:20:44.227: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:logging enable
*Mar  1 00:20:47.935: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar  1 00:20:56.847: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:interface Ethernet0/0
*Mar  1 00:21:00.967: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:ip address
*Mar  1 00:21:01.731: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar  1 00:22:12.543: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:username cisco password cisco
*Mar  1 00:22:12.543: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:!config: USER TABLE MODIFIED
*Mar  1 00:22:13.327: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar  1 00:22:45.299: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:archive
*Mar  1 00:22:50.751: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:log config
*Mar  1 00:23:00.003: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:notify syslog
*Mar  1 00:23:12.295: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:logging enable
*Mar  1 00:33:32.739: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console  logged command:notify syslog
*Mar  1 00:33:38.299: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console


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