From cleaning to personal beauty, many people use spray bottles every day, but few people know how they work. The spray bottle is designed to draw liquid from the bottle using a one-way valve. A pump powered by a trigger forces liquid through a nozzle that ruptures the flow of liquid, turning it into a fine mist or stream of water.

The bottle is a reservoir from which the pump draws
liquid when the user presses the trigger onto the spray bottle. The liquid is
moved from the bottle to the tube. Spray bottles and other types of pumps (such
as pumps in soap dispensers) are similar to tubes and reservoirs. For thinner
liquids (such as cleaning products), thinner tubes can be used, but for thicker
liquids (such as hand sanitizers), thicker tubes are needed to pump the

Water pump
The pump is the main working part of the spray
bottle. The pump consists of a trigger mechanism, a piston, a cylinder and a
check valve. When the user presses the trigger, it forces the piston into the
cylinder, forcing the liquid to flow through the nozzle as a concentrate. When
the trigger is released, the piston moves back and pulls the liquid back into
the cylinder. The liquid is forced to leave the nozzle the next time the trigger
is pressed. The check valve at the bottom of the pump only allows liquid to flow
up the tube to the pump and not to the bottle.

The nozzle of the spray bottle concentrates the liquid
into a liquid by forcing it through a small hole. The spray bottle nozzle also
has a check valve that prevents air from flowing back into the pump and allows
suction in the pump to draw liquid up into the tube. Without this valve, the
pump will draw air back into the tank instead of drawing it out of the

Other design elements
Some nozzles have a built-in screen
with a number of fine holes that allow the liquid to emerge like a mist, and
some of the nozzles can be tightened to lock the bottle and prevent liquid from
escaping. Some of the tubes on the spray bottle also have a wider portion at the
bottom to facilitate liquid absorption. Sometimes there is a screen on the wider
tube end to prevent solid material from being drawn into the tube.

Commodity Packaging CO , Ltd
.   is a China. professional    Plastic Sprayers
and  Plastic Sprayers
It efficiently produces and supplies spray pumps for cosmetic packaging. It is
simple and convenient to use. For specific product information visit:

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