In the long and interesting history of Christmas lights, nothing is brighter than light-emitting diodes (or LEDs). But what makes LED Christmas lights such a powerful light source? And how to create colors in the LEDs?

not only make more efficient use of the power they consume, but they also tend
to be brighter due to this efficient use of electrical energy. But now, this is
not true news for anyone. Most people know that using LEDs can save electricity,
and they now have more illumination than incandescent lights.
But what about those colors? Is the color created in the LED the same as a
traditional incandescent light?

answer is yes. The color creation of LEDs is no different.

color to an incandescent Christmas light is as simple as applying the desired
color to the light bulb. Want a deeper color? Then apply a thicker layer of
paint to the bulb. Need a lighter color shade? Use less paint. It's that

how about the color of the LED Christmas light actually produced? It is a far
cry from the way incandescent lights
are made. Let's take a closer look at this process.

do LED Christmas lights create colors?
color in the LED light comes
from the materials used in the semiconductor.

two main types together make up the entire rainbow, including:

gallium indium phosphide alloy: This LED produces red, orange and
gallium nitride alloy: This LED produces blue and green.

what caused a separate LED color? By slightly changing the composition of the
material (aluminum gallium or indium gallium), we can change the color of the
light emitted by the diode to blue or green (for indium gallium), and more red,
orange, if it is aluminum gallium. It is yellow. From this we can create the
entire rainbow.

how is this done? This is a bit tricky, so let's break it down.

LED is a p-n junction diode that illuminates when activated. When a voltage is
applied to the leads of the semiconductor, the electrons recombine with the
"holes" in the diode itself, causing it to release energy in the form of
photons. This process is called electroluminescence.

will activate the LED, but how do you create a color?

on the energy gap of the semiconductor (difference between the two sides),
different colors are emitted.

smallest gap will glow red, and if the gap gets bigger, the red will move blue
all the time, allowing you to do everything from red and green decorated holiday
homes to weird orange and purple decorations for Halloween.

to create a white LED?
is no doubt that white is the most popular color for LED Christmas lights. But
how do you create a white LED?

we know how to create colors with LED lights, but there is no mention of white.
That's because it's created differently.

are two ways to create a white LED light:

red, blue and green

it or not, unlike the feeling of mixing paint when you were young, the
combination of correctly mixed red, blue and green LED lights actually produces
white light. However, if you are familiar with this process, it is actually the
same way that the TV produces a white appearance on the screen.

addition, you can adjust this process to create more than one white shading,
including warm white and cool white.

LED with phosphor coating
addition to mixing red, blue and green, white LED illumination can also be
created by using a blue LED with a yellow luminescent phosphor

the blue LED is illuminated on the phosphor coating, the two colors combine to
produce white light.

does an LED emit multiple colors?
far, we've covered how to create colors in LED Christmas lights, from the entire
rainbow spectrum to the popular white LEDs.

how do individual LEDs emit multiple colors at the same time?

fact, a color-changing LED is not just an LED, but usually three LEDs are
combined with a basic computer controller that you can use to control them. By
combining red, blue and green LEDs, each color is simultaneously controlled by a
controller unit that creates each color in the rainbow.

example, if the red and green LEDs are off and the blue LED is lit, the LED unit
will emit blue light. The same is true for red and green.

addition, if red is turned on in addition to blue, the color turns purple. If
red is only executed with a value of 50%, the color will be between blue and
purple. You can create any color in the rainbow by adjusting these values ​​with
various combinations of red, blue, and green.

this is also the way to create color-changing LEDs. By starting with 100% blue
and setting a gradual increase from 0% to 100% red, the light seems to change
from blue to purple.

is no doubt that LED Christmas lights are bright, long lasting and powerful
Christmas lights.

Ninghai Haohua Company     is a manufacturer
that designs and produces various types of    LED Holiday Light   
. LED holiday lights are complete in specifications and beautiful
in style. The goods are exported to Europe, the United States, Australia and
other countries and regions. Https://

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