
 #ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H #include "Object.h"
#include "SharedPointer.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "DynamicArray.h"
#include "LinkQueue.h"
#include "LinkStack.h" namespace DTLib
{ template < typename E >
struct Edge : public Object
int b;
int e;
E data; Edge(int i=-, int j=-)
b = i;
e = j;
} Edge(int i, int j, const E& value)
b = i;
e = j;
data = value;
} bool operator == (const Edge<E>& obj)
return (b == obj.b) && (e == obj.e); //在这里不关注权值大小
} bool operator != (const Edge<E>& obj)
return !(*this == obj);
}; template < typename V, typename E >
class Graph : public Object
template < typename T >
DynamicArray<T>* toArray(LinkQueue<T>& queue)
DynamicArray<T>* ret = new DynamicArray<T>(queue.length()); if( ret != NULL )
for(int i=; i<ret->length(); i++, queue.remove())
ret->set(i, queue.front());
THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to create ret object...");
} return ret;
virtual V getVertex(int i) = ;
virtual bool getVertex(int i, V& value) = ;
virtual bool setVertex(int i, const V& value) = ;
virtual SharedPointer< Array<int> > getAdjacent(int i) = ;
virtual E getEdge(int i, int j) = ;
virtual bool getEdge(int i, int j, E& value) = ;
virtual bool setEdge(int i, int j, const E& value) = ;
virtual bool removeEdge(int i, int j) = ;
virtual int vCount() = ;
virtual int eCount() = ;
virtual int OD(int i) = ;
virtual int ID(int i) = ;
virtual int TD(int i)
return ID(i) + OD(i);
} SharedPointer< Array<int> > BFS(int i)
DynamicArray<int>* ret = NULL; if( ( <= i) && (i < vCount()) )
LinkQueue<int> q;
LinkQueue<int> r;
DynamicArray<bool> visited(vCount()); for(int i=; i<visited.length(); i++)
visited[i] = false;
} q.add(i); while( q.length() > )
int v = q.front(); q.remove(); if( !visited[v] )
SharedPointer< Array<int> > aj = getAdjacent(v); for(int j=; j<aj->length(); j++)
} r.add(v); visited[v] = true;
} ret = toArray(r);
THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidParameterException, "Index i is invalid...");
} return ret;
} SharedPointer< Array<int> > DFS(int i)
DynamicArray<int>* ret = NULL; if( ( <= i) && (i < vCount()) )
LinkStack<int> s;
LinkQueue<int> r;
DynamicArray<bool> visited(vCount()); for(int j=; j<visited.length(); j++)
visited[j] = false;
} s.push(i); while( s.size() > )
int v = s.top(); s.pop(); if( !visited[v] )
SharedPointer< Array<int> > aj = getAdjacent(v); for(int j=aj->length() - ; j>=; j--)
} r.add(v); visited[v] = true;
} ret = toArray(r);
THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidParameterException, "Index i is invalid...");
} return ret;
}; } #endif // GRAPH_H


 #include <iostream>
#include "BTreeNode.h"
#include "ListGraph.h"
#include "MatrixGraph.h" using namespace std;
using namespace DTLib; int main()
MatrixGraph<, char, int> g;
const char* VD = "ABEDCGFHI"; for(int i=; i<; i++)
g.setVertex(, VD[i]);
} g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); SharedPointer< Array<int> > sa = g.DFS(); for(int i=; i<sa->length(); i++)
cout << (*sa)[i] << " ";
} cout << endl; return ;




 #include <iostream>
#include "BTreeNode.h"
#include "ListGraph.h"
#include "MatrixGraph.h" using namespace std;
using namespace DTLib; template < typename V, typename E>
void DFS(Graph<V, E>& g, int v, Array<bool>& visited)
if( ( <= v) && (v < g.vCount()) )
cout << v << endl; visited[v] = true; SharedPointer< Array<int> > aj = g.getAdjacent(v); for(int i=; i<aj->length(); i++)
if( !visited[(*aj)[i]] )
DFS(g, (*aj)[i], visited);
THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidParameterException, "Index v is invalid...");
} template < typename V, typename E >
void DFS(Graph<V, E>& g, int v)
DynamicArray<bool> visited(g.vCount()); for(int i=; i<visited.length(); i++)
visited[i] = false;
} DFS(g, v, visited);
} int main()
MatrixGraph<, char, int> g;
const char* VD = "ABEDCGFHI"; for(int i=; i<; i++)
g.setVertex(, VD[i]);
} g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); g.setEdge(, , );
g.setEdge(, , ); SharedPointer< Array<int> > sa = g.DFS(); for(int i=; i<sa->length(); i++)
cout << (*sa)[i] << " ";
} cout << endl; DFS(g, ); return ;



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