Python3 循环和判断小练习
设计一个函数, 在桌面上创建10个文本, 以数字给它们命名
def text_creation():
path = r'C:\Users\Black\Desktop\test\\'
for name in range(1, 11):
with open(path + str(name) + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
设计一个复利计算函数 invest(), 它包含三个参数: amount(资金), rate(利率), time(投资时间). 输入每个参数后调用函数, 应该返回每一年的资金总额
def invest(amount, rate, time):
for year in range(1, time + 1):
amount = amount * (1 + rate)
print(f'year {year} : ${amount}')
invest(100, 0.05, 10)
year 1 : $105.0
year 2 : $110.25
year 3 : $115.7625
year 4 : $121.55062500000001
year 5 : $127.62815625000002
year 6 : $134.00956406250003
year 7 : $140.71004226562505
year 8 : $147.74554437890632
year 9 : $155.13282159785163
year 10 : $162.8894626777442
摇骰子(3个), 猜大小. 点数小于10则为小, 大于10则为大
import random
def dice_game():
while True:
print('<<<< GAME STARTS! >>>>>')
point1 = random.randrange(1, 7)
point2 = random.randrange(1, 7)
point3 = random.randrange(1, 7)
lis = [point1, point2, point3]
if sum(lis) <= 10:
result = 'Small'
result = 'Big'
guess = input('Big or Small: ')
if guess in ['Big', 'Small']:
print('<<<< ROLL THE DICE! >>>>>')
if guess == result:
print(f'The point are {lis} You Win!')
print(f'The point are {lis} You Lose!')
print('Invalid Words!')
在上一个项目的基础上增加下注功能, 赔率默认为1, 初始金额为1000, 当金额为0时退出游戏
import random
def dice_game():
money = 1000
while True:
print('<<<< GAME STARTS! >>>>>')
point1 = random.randrange(1, 7)
point2 = random.randrange(1, 7)
point3 = random.randrange(1, 7)
lis = [point1, point2, point3]
if sum(lis) <= 10:
result = 'Small'
result = 'Big'
guess = input('Big or Small: ')
bet = int(input('How much you wanna bet? - '))
if money - bet < 0:
if guess in ['Big', 'Small']:
print('<<<< ROLL THE DICE! >>>>>')
if guess == result:
print(f'The point are {lis} You Win!')
money += bet
print(f'You gained {bet}, you have {money} now!')
print(f'The point are {lis} You Lose!')
money -= bet
print(f'You lose {bet}, you have {money} now!')
print('Invalid Words!')
if money == 0:
print('GAME OVER')
给定各运营商号段, 判断用户输入号码的运营商, 要求如下:
- 号码长度不少于11位
- 输入的号码必须是数字
- 号码是运营商号段中的一个号码
def number_verification():
CN_mobile = [134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 147, 178, 1705]
CN_union = [130, 131, 132, 155, 156, 185, 186, 145, 176, 1709]
CN_telecom = [133, 153, 180, 181, 189, 177, 1700]
while True:
number = input('Enter your number: ')
if not number.isdigit():
print('Invalid input, please enter digits')
if not len(number) == 11:
print('Invalid length, your number should be in 11 digits')
first_three = int(number[0:3])
first_four = int(number[0:4])
if first_four in CN_mobile or first_three in CN_mobile:
print('Operator: China mobile')
print(f'We are sending verification code via text to your phone: {number}')
elif first_four in CN_union or first_three in CN_union:
print('Operator: China union')
print(f'We are sending verification code via text to your phone: {number}')
elif first_four in CN_telecom or first_three in CN_telecom:
print('Operator: China telecom')
print(f'We are sending verification code via text to your phone: {number}')
print('No such a operator!')
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