We have two rows. There are a dots on the top row and b dots on the bottom row. We draw line segments
connecting every dot on the top row with every dot on the bottom row. The dots are arranged in such
a way that the number of internal intersections among the line segments is maximized. To achieve this
goal we must not allow more than two line segments to intersect in a point. The intersection points on
the top row and the bottom are not included in our count; we can allow more than two line segments
to intersect on those two rows. Given the value of a and b, your task is to compute P(a; b), the number
of intersections in between the two rows. For example, in the following gure a = 2 and b = 3. This
gure illustrates that P(2; 3) = 3.

Each line in the input will contain two positive integers a (0 < a 20000) and b (0 < b 20000).
Input is terminated by a line where both a and b are zero. This case should not be processed. You will
need to process at most 1200 sets of inputs.
For each line of input, print in a line the serial of output followed by the value of P(a; b). Look at the
output for sample input for details. You can assume that the output for the test cases will t in 64-bit
signed integers.
Sample Input
2 2
2 3
3 3
0 0
Sample Output
Case 1: 1
Case 2: 3
Case 3: 9






using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main()
ll a,b;
int kase=;
printf("Case %d: %lld\n",kase++,a*(a-)*b*(b-)/);
return ;

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