OpenAI’s retro gym is a great tool for using Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms on classic video game systems like Super Nintendo, Genesis, Game Boy, Atari, and more. The latest version comes configured to train your RL agent on dozens of games (roms not included). What if you want to add your own game? I’ll walk through the steps to do so in this post

Pick a Game

To integrate a game into Retro Gym you’ll need to find a rom of the game. For the Retro Contest you had to buy the Sonic the Hedgehog roms from Steam. There are more classic Sega roms on Steam. When you get the rom, check that it is the correct extension. The Super Nintendo (SNES) game I chose had a .smc and .sfc rom. Retro Gym wants .sfc for SNES. I chose the puzzle game Bust A Move (aka Puzzle Bobble) for my rom.

Install Retro Gym

I did my installation on a ML-in-a-box instance (like in this post). TLDR:

git clone --recursive gym-retro
cd gym-retro
pip3 install -e .

Install the Integration UI

The Integration UI lets you play the game in order to create save states and find key areas of the games memory. Using these areas of the game’s memory you can come up with a reward function, a done condition, and other useful data for training your RL agent. Install steps for Linux from Retro Gym’s

sudo apt-get install capnproto libcapnp-dev libqt5opengl5-dev qtbase5-dev
make -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)

If you have some install problems, the issues section of the repo has some pointers.

Configure the Rom

The ./gym-retro-integration line launches the Integration UI. Here your goal is to:

  • Create states for Retro Gym environment to load
  • Inspect the rom’s memory for points of interest
  • Find the address and types of those points of interest

The official guide and this issue thread (in particular MaxStrange) offer some pointers.

Creating states is simple enough. From the official guide:

  1. Open Gym Retro Integration after setting up the UI.
  2. Load a new game — Command-Shift-O
  3. Select the ROM of the game you’d like to integrate in the menu.
  4. Name the game.
  5. The game will open. To see what keys correspond to what controls in-game, go to Window > Control.
  6. Using the available controls, select a level, option, mode, character, etc. and take note of these options.
  7. When you are finally at the first playable moment of the game, pause the game (in the integrator, not within the actual game) (Command-P), and save the state (Command-S). This moment can be hard to find, and you might have to go back through and restart the game (Command-R) to find and save that exact state.
  8. Save the state — include the options you chose in the previous menus — e.g. SailorMoon.QueenBerylsCastle.Easy.Level1.state

Examining the Game’s Memory

Inspecting the rom for points of interest is a trial-and-error process. I recommend reading through the the official guide and the issue thread I linked to for some tips to speed this up. I used a tool called BizHawk to do this (requires Windows). BizHawk has some convenient tools like a RAM Search that lets you search through RAM values and add them to a RAM Watch list. Retro Gym has a similar tool which I tested out and will work. I was already familiar with BizHawk so I mainly used that. There are many guides to using BizHawk and BizHawk has some convenient frame-by-frame play through methods.

In Bust A Move I was interested in finding where rom’s memory addess for three specific things:

  • Bubbles popped (alternative for the reward function)
  • Game over condition
  • Score (alternative for the reward function)

Finding the bubbles value in memory was simple. I played the game for a bit in the game mode where bubbles is displayed on the top of the screen. Then I searched the RAM for that value. In BizHawk this is done with the RAM Search tool. I found memory addresses with the bubbles value (ie if 16 bubbles had been popped I searched for all memory address with a value of 16). I then added them to the RAM Watch list. I continued to play the game and watched which memory address followed the bubbles score as it increased. This can also be done in Retro Gym. In Retro Gym, I searched for the bubbles value in the address list and then created a variable which I could monitor to confirm that this value was correct.

I found the game over condition by looking for all values that were 1 during the game and 0 when the round was lost. I came up with 100 values that did that and tested that the values were consistent in different game modes and playthroughs. I picked one of the hundred values to be my game over condition.

Score was trickier. The hints in the official guide were helpful for me to figure out what was going on. In particular how one value can be broken up over multiple addresses and often those addresses are located near each other. Score is not stored in one location but by combinations of some powers of 10 in multiple different locations. The 10s score is stored in one address, the hundreds and thousands in another, and the ten-thousands and hundred-thousands in a third. While the 10s score is stored simply as 0 to 9 (ie 2 for 20, 9 for 90 etc.), the 100s are stored by the following formula:

(number of 100s) +16*(number of 1000s) = value stored in address

When you have your memory addresses you’ll need to convert them from hex to decimal and add the emulator system specific rombase number. The rombase number is found in the .json files located in retro/cores. For SNES that meant turning the bubbles hex address (000A5C) into a decimal (2652) adding the rombase number (8257536) and using this value (8260188) in a game specific data.json file (see below).

The system specific .json file also has the allowed types. You will need the type along with the address for the data.json file. See the official guide, the file, the .json file located in retro/cores, and whatever tool you use to find the address for how to find the type.

Create Your Game Files

Each game in Retro Gym has the following files that you’ll want to create for your integrated game:

  • metadata.json: Tells Retro Gym the default state to load
  • data.json: File that tells Retro Gym what memory addresses to read
  • scenario.json: Creates the reward function and the done condition for your RL agent. Optionally, can use this file to link to a .lua script to create more advanced functions.
  • script.lua (optional): Helps create more advanced rewards and done functions.

Click on any game like Sonic (for the Retro Contest set up) or Airstriker(Genesis rom that comes with Retro Gym) to see examples. After creating these files I moved my BustAMove-Snes directory from retro/retro/data/contrib to retro/retro/data/stable in order to run the game. Let’s walk through creating the files.


"default_state": "BustAMove.Challengeplay0"


"info": {
"gameover": {
"address": 8294221,
"type": "|u1"
"bubbles": {
"address": 8260188,
"type": "<u4"
"score_jyuu": {
"type": "|u1"
"score_hyaku": {
"type": "|u1"
"score_man": {
"type": "<u4"

Those familiar with gym know that every time you call a gym environment.step() function an observation, reward, done, and info are returned. Whatever you put in your data.json file will be accessible from this info. Example:

import retro

env = retro.make(game='BustAMove-Snes', state='BustAMove-Snes.Challengeplay0')
while True:
_obs, _rew, done, _info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
print('I have popped {}.format(_info['bubbles']))


"done": {
"script": "lua:done_check"
"reward": {
"script": "lua:correct_bubbles"
"scripts": [

This scenario.json directs to script.lua to do the calculations. Alternatively, Airstriker does the work in the scenario file and doesn’t use a lua script:

"done": {
"condition": "all",
"variables": {
"gameover": {
"op": "equal",
"reference": 1
"lives": {
"op": "zero"
"reward": {
"variables": {
"score": {
"reward": 1.0


previous_bubbles = 0
function correct_bubbles()
if data.bubbles > previous_bubbles then
local delta = data.bubbles - previous_bubbles
previous_bubbles = data.bubbles
return delta
return 0
endfunction done_check()
if data.gameover == 0 then
return true
return false
endprevious_score = 0
function correct_score ()
local current_score = 0
local hundreds = (data.score_hyaku % 16)*100
local thousands = (math.floor(data.score_hyaku/16))*1000
local ten_thousands = (data.score_man % 16)*10000
local hundred_thousands = (math.floor(data.score_man/16))*100000
current_score = data.score_jyuu * 10 + hundreds + thousands + ten_thousands + hundred_thousands if current_score > previous_score then
local delta = current_score - previous_score
previous_score = current_score
return delta
return 0

Feel free to ask any questions. I can also add some pictures if that would be helpful.

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