







步骤二:Cmake配置(vs2017 x64版本)

  需要zlib,之前已经编译过vs2017 x64版本的zlib了,导入再配置








ziptool.exe -h
usage: ziptool.exe [-ceghnrst] [-l len] [-o offset] archive command1 [args] [command2 [args] ...] Supported options are:
-c check consistency
-e error if archive already exists (only useful with -n)
-g guess file name encoding (for stat)
-h display this usage
-l len only use len bytes of file
-n create archive if it doesn't exist
-o offset start reading file at offset
-r print raw file name encoding without translation (for stat)
-s follow file name convention strictly (for stat)
-t disregard current archive contents, if any Supported commands and arguments are:
add name content
add file called name using content add_dir name
add directory add_file name file_to_add offset len
add file to archive, len bytes starting from offset add_from_zip name archivename index offset len
add file from another archive, len bytes starting from offset cat index
output file contents to stdout count_extra index flags
show number of extra fields for archive entry count_extra_by_id index extra_id flags
show number of extra fields of type extra_id for archive entry delete index
remove entry delete_extra index extra_idx flags
remove extra field delete_extra_by_id index extra_id extra_index flags
remove extra field of type extra_id get_archive_comment
show archive comment get_extra index extra_index flags
show extra field get_extra_by_id index extra_id extra_index flags
show extra field of type extra_id get_file_comment index
get file comment get_num_entries flags
get number of entries in archive name_locate name flags
find entry in archive print_progress
print progress during zip_close() rename index name
rename entry replace_file_contents index data
replace entry with data set_archive_comment comment
set archive comment set_extra index extra_id extra_index flags value
set extra field set_file_comment index comment
set file comment set_file_compression index method compression_flags
set file compression method set_file_dostime index time date
set file modification time and date (DOS format) set_file_encryption index method password
set file encryption method set_file_mtime index timestamp
set file modification time set_file_mtime_all timestamp
set file modification time for all files set_password password
set default password for encryption stat index
print information about entry Supported flags are:
0 (no flags)
u ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED Supported compression methods are:
store Supported encryption methods are:
PKWARE The index is zero-based.


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