Modules used:
For this, we will use the opencv-python module which provides us various functions to work on images.
Download opencv-python
- General Way:
- pip install opencv-python
- Pycharm Users:
- Go to the project Interpreter and install this module from there.
opencv-python Module:
opencv-python is a python library that will solve the Computer Vision Problems and provides us various functions to edit the Images.
Note: The edge Detection is possible only in grayscale Image.
What we will do in this script?
To detect the edges of the images we will use opencv-python various Functions and Provide thresholds.
In this article we will detect the edge of the Image with the help of various functions and the accuracy of edge increases as we go down,
Sobel Function: This Function will create the Horizontal and vertical edges and after that, we will use the Bitwise or operator to combine them
Sobel函数 :此函数将创建水平边缘和垂直边缘,然后,我们将使用按位或运算符将它们组合
Laplacian Function: This Function is the simplest Function in which we just have to put the Grayscale Variable into it, and we will get the edge detected image.
拉普拉斯函数 :此函数是最简单的函数,只需要将灰度变量放入其中,就可以得到边缘检测到的图像。
Canny Function: This is the most powerful function for edge detection and most accurate.
Canny功能 :这是边缘检测功能最强大且最准确的功能。
Let's see the code:
1)使用Sobel函数 (1) Using Sobel Function)
- # importing the module
- import cv2
- # read the image and store the data in a variable
- image=cv2.imread("/home/abhinav/PycharmProjects/untitled1/b.jpg")
- # make it grayscale
- Gray=cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- # Make it with the help of sobel
- # make the sobel_horizontal
- # For horizontal x axis=1 and yaxis=0
- # for vertical x axis=0 and y axis=1
- Horizontal=cv2.Sobel(Gray,0,1,0,cv2.CV_64F)
- # the thresholds are like
- # (variable,0,<x axis>,<y axis>,cv2.CV_64F)
- Vertical=cv2.Sobel(Gray,0,0,1,cv2.CV_64F)
- # DO the Bitwise operation
- Bitwise_Or=cv2.bitwise_or(Horizontal,Vertical)
- # Show the Edged Image
- cv2.imshow("Sobel Image",Bitwise_Or)
- cv2.imshow("Original Image",Gray)
- cv2.waitKey(0)
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()

2)拉普拉斯函数 (2) Laplacian Function)
- # importing the module
- import cv2
- # read the image and store the data in a variable
- image=cv2.imread("/home/abhinav/PycharmProjects/untitled1/b.jpg")
- # make it grayscale
- Gray=cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- # Make Laplacian Function
- Lappy=cv2.Laplacian(Gray,cv2.CV_64F)
- cv2.imshow("Laplacian",Lappy)
- cv2.imshow("Original",Gray)
- cv2.waitKey(0)
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()

3)使用Canny函数 (3) Using Canny Function)
- # importing the module
- import cv2
- # read the image and store the data in a variable
- image=cv2.imread("/home/abhinav/PycharmProjects/untitled1/b.jpg")
- # make it grayscale
- Gray=cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- # Make canny Function
- canny=cv2.Canny(Gray,40,140)
- # the threshold is varies bw 0 and 255
- cv2.imshow("Canny",canny)
- cv2.imshow("Original",Gray)
- cv2.waitKey(0)
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/python/edge-detection-of-image-using-opencv-cv2.aspx
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