ORA-01652  unable to extend temp segment by %s in tablespace %s 注意这里的temp segment并不一定就是指临时表空间, 也可能是其它的表空间,见下面描述

Error:  ORA-1652

Text:   unable to extend temp segment by %s in tablespace %s

------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Cause:  Failed to allocate an extent for temp segment in tablespace.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more

files to the tablespace indicated or create the object in another


*** Important: The notes below are for experienced users - See Note:22080.1


This error is fairly self explanatory - we cannot get enough space for

a temporary segment. The size reported in the error message is

the number of contiguous free Oracle blocks that cannot be found

in the listed tablespace.

NOTE: A "temp segment" is not necessarily a SORT segment in a

temporary tablespace.

It is also used for temporary situations while creating or dropping

objects like tables and indexes in permanent tablespaces.

eg: When you perform a CREATE INDEX a TEMP segment is created

to hold what will be the final permanent index data. This

TEMP segment is converted to a real INDEX segment in the

dictionary at the end of the CREATE INDEX operation. It remains

a temp segment for the duration of the CREATE INDEX operation

and so failures to extend it report ORA-1652 rather than an

INDEX related space error.

A TEMPORARY segment may be from:

A SORT          Used for a SELECT or for DML/DDL

CREATE INDEX          The index create performs a SORT in the users

default TEMP tablespace and ALSO uses a TEMP

segment to build the final index in the INDEX

tablespace. Once the index build is complete

the segment type is changed.



CREATE TABLE New tables start out as TEMPORARY segments.

Eg: If MINEXTENTS is > 1 or you issue



When you access a global temporary table

a TEMP segment is instantiated to hold the

temporary data.

It is worth making sure the TEMP tablespace PCTINCREASE is 0 and

that it has a sensible (large) storage clause to prevent fragmentation.

For TEMPORARY temp tablespaces make sure both INITIAL and NEXT are

set to large values as extent sizes are taken from the NEXT clause

and not the INITIAL clause.

ORA-01652 错误中报出的不是Temp表空间的情况。的更多相关文章

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