搜索: user-defined
例子。 # save this file in ~/.gdb or some where easy to find.
# then in ~/.gdbinit add the following line...
# source ~/.gdb/osip_gdb_util
# help p_osip_list_size
# help p_osip_list define p_osip_list_size
set $list = ($arg0)
set $list_size = 0
set $node = $list->node
while ($node != 0)
set $list_size++
set $node = (__node_t *)$node->next
end printf "List size: %d", $list_size
document p_osip_list_size
p_osip_list_size <list>: Print size of osip list
end define p_osip_list
set $list = ($arg0)
set $list_size = 0
set $node = $list->node
while ($node != 0)
set $list_size++
print $node->element
set $node = (__node_t *)$node->next
document p_osip_list
p_osip_list <list>: Prints the content of the list.
To see the value, cast the information back to the original form.
For example: *(osip_generic_param_t)$1

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