consists several key projects separately stand-alone connected entities
massive scalability massive scalability  instructure infrastructure infrastructure complemental services facilitates   facilitates; integration  integrations   integration;
web-based self-service portal to interact with underlying launching an instance assigning ip address and configuring access controls
compute nova;
manages the lifecycle of compute instance in an openstack environemtn responsibilities include spawning scheduling decommissioning virtual machines on demand; 生成 调度  删除
compute Nova, Manages the lifecycle of compute instance in an openStack environment \
manages the lifecycle of compute instance in an openstack environment responsibilities include spawning,scheduling and decommissioning virtual machine on demand;
enables network-connectivity as  a service for other  define network and the attachments into them pluggable architecture that supports many popular networking vendors and technology
object storage swift stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructures data objects via a RESTFUL
highly fault tolerant with its data replication fault tolerant tolerant;
with its data replication and scale-out architecture
implementation is not like a file server with mountable directories,in this case it writes objects and files to multi   multiple drivers ensuring the data is replicated across a s
Block storage cinder;
provides persistents block storage to running instances,its pluggable driver
provides persistent block storage to running instance,its pluggable driver architecture
pluggable driver architecture facilitates the create and management of block storage devices;
身份服务  identity service keystone provides an authentications and authorization service for other openstack services provides a catalog of endpoints for all openstack services;
provides a catalog of endpoints for all openstack services
provides an authentication and authorization service for other openstack service provides a catalog of endpoints for all
image service glance stores and retrieves virtual machine disk images,openstack compute makes use of this duing instance
openstack compute make use of this during instance provisioning
image service glance storage and retrieves virtual machine disk images makes use of this during instance provisioning
telemetry ceilometerceilometer telemetry ceilometer monitor and meters the openstack cloud for billing benchmarking scalability
statistical purposes
higher-level services
services project name description
data processing service
data processing service sahara provides
sahara scale  trove both relational and non-relational database engines;
realistically realistically realistically; ansible chef,  puppet deploy and manage a production environment;
conceptual architecture launching a virtual machine or instance involves
involves  interactions among several services;
diagram conceptual architecture of typical
provides UI user interface;
horizon   horizon monitor ceilometer keystone auth provides;
adventure combination core and options services
highly configurable meet different needs various compute;
block storage and object storage services;\
management portions  管理部分;
controller node runns the identity service image service management portions;
management portions of compute and neteorking,networking plug-in dashboard supporting services such as a SQL database
controller node runs the identity service,image service management portions of compute services such as a
optionally optionally controller node runs portions of block storage components provide additional features for your environment;
components provide components provide additional features for your environment;
the network node runs the networking plug-in and several agents that provision tenant network
node also handles external(internet) connectivity for tenant virtual machine instance
node also handles external(internet)connectivity for tenant virtual machine instances;
network node runs the networking plug-in and several agents that provision tenant network;
network node runs the networking plug-in and several agents that provision  network node runs networking plug-in and several agents provision tenant networks and provide switching,routing,NAT,DHCP node also handles external (internet) connectivity for tenant virtual machine instance;
tenant virtual machine instance
compute node runs hypervisor portion of compute that operates tenant virtual machine or instances;
the compute node runs the hypervisor portion compute that operates tenant virtual machine or instance
the compute node runs hypervisor portion of   the compute node runs the hypervisor portion of compute that
the compute node runs compute also runs the nerworking plug-in and agent that connect tenant networks to instances and provide firewalling(security groups) services you can run more than one compute node;
telemetry agent to collect meters
contain a third network interface on a separate storage improve perforance of storage services;
controller node runns the identity service,image service,management portions of compute and networking,networking plug-in,and the also includes supporting services such as a
Optionally,the controller node runs options of block storage object storage orchestration,telemetry,database,and data processing services,these components provide additional features for your environment;
controller node runs the identity service,image service,management portion of compute,and the dashboard also include supporting services such as a message queue network time protocol
Optional,the controller node runs portions of block storage object,orchestration telemetry these components provide additional features for your environments;
dashboard horizon requires at least the image service and compute;
core services and several cirros instances;
service support various security methods including password,policy encryption
additionally supporting services including the database server and message broker
secure passwords manually;
generate them using a tool such as pwgen 十六进制
hexadecimal   hexadecimal  
for openstack service service pass reference service account passwords and service_dbpass reference database passwords;
associated reference guide;
openstack and supporting services require administrative privileges during installation and operation.cases services perform modifications deployment automation tools ansable chef/ceph;
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet dhcp;
the primary network interface;
auto lo
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
ip address network gateway();
in most cases
网络分离的重要性 highlight importance of network separation;
assume that network infrastructure provides direct


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  4. openstack单元測试用组件一览

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  6. hdu 2013

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    package;import android.os.AsyncTask;import android.util.Log;public class MyTask e ...

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