* 实现思路:分页显示拆分 : 1...上页 12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20 ...100 下页
* function htmlPart1() : 上页
* function htmlPart2() : 1...
* function htmlPart3() : 12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20
* function htmlPart4() : ...100
* function htmlPart5() : 下页
* @param int $allCount 记录总数目
* @param int $eachPage 每页数目
* @param int $showCount 显示数目
* @param int $thenPage 当前页(页面传值)
* @param string $urlPrefix Url前缀
* @param string $urlSuffix Url后缀
* Author : intval@163.com
* Date : 2013.05.04
class zPage { /** 只可内部调用 */
private $allCount; /** 总数(非总页数) */
private $eachPage; /** 每页数(分页数) */
private $showCount; /** 显示数(显示多少页数) */
private $urlPrefix; /** 页码前缀(例如:?page=) */
private $urlSuffix; /** 页码后缀缀(例如:&type=1) */
private $startHide; /** 计算前部需要出现符号(...)的最小值 */
private $endHide; /** 计算尾部需要出现符号(...)的最小值 */
private $arrTxt = array(' ', ' '); // array('上页', '上页') /** 可外部调用 */
public $allPage; /** 总页数 */
public $thenPage; /** 当前页 */ public function __construct($allCount, $eachPage, $showCount, $thenPage, $urlPrefix = '?page=', $urlSuffix = '') { $this->allCount = intval($allCount);
$this->eachPage = intval($eachPage);
$this->showCount = intval($showCount);
$this->urlPrefix = trim($urlPrefix);
$this->urlSuffix = trim($urlSuffix); /** 计算总页数 */
$this->allPage = ceil($this->allCount / $this->eachPage); /** 使当前页的数值合法化 */
$this->thenPage = max(intval($thenPage), 1);
$this->thenPage >= $this->allPage AND $this->thenPage = $this->allPage; /** 计算前部和尾部需要出现符号(...)的最小值 */
$this->startHide = ceil($this->showCount / 2);
$this->endHide = $this->allPage - $this->startHide;
} public function parseUrl($char = '') { $val = $char;
($char === 'prev') AND $val = $this->thenPage - 1;
($char === 'next') AND $val = $this->thenPage + 1;
($char === '') AND $val = $this->allPage;
return $this->urlPrefix . $val . $this->urlSuffix;
} public function htmlPart1() { $html = '';
$this->thenPage > $this->startHide AND $html = '<a class="prev" href="' . $this->parseUrl('prev') . '" title="上一页">' . $this->arrTxt[0] . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
return $html;
} public function htmlPart2() { $dot = '';
$this->thenPage > $this->startHide AND $dot = ' ...'; $html = '<a href="' . $this->parseUrl(1) . '">1'. $dot .'</a>' . PHP_EOL;
$this->thenPage == 1 AND $html = '<span>1</span>' . PHP_EOL; return $html;
} public function htmlPart3() { $html = ''; if ($this->thenPage <= $this->startHide) { /**
* 第一种情况:[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...100 下页
* 即:当前部在 不需要出现...的 范围之内
for ($i = 2, $n = $this->showCount; $i < $n; $i++) {
$html .= (($i == $this->thenPage) ? '<span>' . $this->thenPage . '</span>' : '<a href="' . $this->parseUrl($i) . '">' . $i . '</a>') . PHP_EOL;
} } elseif ($this->thenPage >= $this->endHide) { /**
* 第二种情况:上页 1..92 93 94 95 96 97 98 [99] 100
* 即:当尾部在 不需要出现...的 范围之内
$len = $this->showCount - 2;
$i = $this->allPage - $len;
$n = $this->allPage;
for ($i; $i < $n; $i++) {
$html .= (($i == $this->thenPage) ? '<span>' . $this->thenPage . '</span>' : '<a href="' . $this->parseUrl($i) . '">' . $i . '</a>') . PHP_EOL;
} } else { /**
* 第三种情况:上页 1..12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20 ...100 下页
* 即:当前后都在 需要出现...的 范围之内
$len = $this->showCount - 2; // 此处减去2,是说明头尾各占去一个数字(1, x)
$offset = ceil($len / 2) - 1; // 对剩下的数目平分,得出平分数
$i = $this->thenPage - $offset; // 循环开始:当前页向前偏移平分数
$n = $this->thenPage + $offset; // 循环结束:当前页向后偏移平分数
for ($i; $i <= $n; $i++) {
$html .= (($i == $this->thenPage) ? '<span>' . $this->thenPage . '</span>' : '<a href="' . $this->parseUrl($i) . '">' . $i . '</a>') . PHP_EOL;
} return $html;
} public function htmlPart4() { $dot = '';
$this->thenPage < $this->endHide AND $dot = '... '; $html = '<a href="' . $this->parseUrl() . '">' . $dot . $this->allPage . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
$this->thenPage == $this->allPage AND $html = '<span>' . $this->allPage . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; return $html;
} public function htmlPart5() { $html = '';
$this->thenPage < $this->endHide AND $html = '<a class="next" href="' . $this->parseUrl('next') . '" title="下一页">' . $this->arrTxt[1] . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
return $html;
} public function html() { $pageHtml = ''; /** 总页数未达到显示页码数,则全部显示 */
if ($this->allPage <= $this->showCount) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->allPage; $i++) {
$pageHtml .= ($i == $this->thenPage) ? '<span>' . $this->thenPage . '</span>' . PHP_EOL : '<a href="' . $this->parseUrl($i) . '">' . $i . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$pageHtml = $this->htmlPart2() . $this->htmlPart1() . $this->htmlPart3() . $this->htmlPart4() . $this->htmlPart5();
} return $pageHtml;
} // 调用例子
$getPage = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 0;
$getPage = max($getPage, 1);
$zPage = new zPage(1100, 10, 11, $getPage, '?page=', '&type=1');
echo $zPage->html();


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