

keystone的v3 API与v2.0相比有很大的不同,从API的请求格式到response的返回结果都有差别,主要几点如下:

1. 引入了domain的概念,domain是在project,user, group之上抽象出的一个概念,是指

container for projects, users and groups

2. v3中用project代替了以前的v2.0的tenant概念

3. v3的验证/auth/tokens,相比v2.0的/tokens,token的ID不再在body中包含,而是在返回header中的X-Subject-Token

4. v3还在验证上引入plugin方式,

methods = password,token
password = keystone.auth.methods.password.Password
token = keystone.auth.methods.token.Token



1. project 
If a project is specified by name, then the domain of the project must
also be specified in order to uniquely identify the project
2.  domain
Alternatively, a domain name may be used to uniquely identify the project.

A token scoped to a project will also have a service catalog, along with
the user's roles applicable to the project. Example response:
A token scoped to a domain will also have a service catalog along with
the user's roles applicable to the domain. Example response:

1. user
If the user is specified by name, then the domain of the user must also be specified in order to uniquely identify the user


所以现在用的keystoneclient还不完全支持v3 keystone。如果你要提前用keystoneclient,那就需要修改其中v3的client的代码


为了让v2.0 的scheme迁移到v3,v2.0会默认的使用(keystone,conf)

# default_domain_id = default


1. v3 API design:


2. v3 API doc


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