php 抽象类适配器设计模式
以Kohana Cache设计为例
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); abstract class Cache extends Kohana_Cache {}
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Kohana Cache provides a common interface to a variety of caching engines. Tags are
* supported where available natively to the cache system. Kohana Cache supports multiple
* instances of cache engines through a grouped singleton pattern.
* ### Supported cache engines
* * [APC](
* * [eAccelerator](
* * File
* * [Memcache](
* * [Memcached-tags](
* * [SQLite](
* * [Xcache](
* ### Introduction to caching
* Caching should be implemented with consideration. Generally, caching the result of resources
* is faster than reprocessing them. Choosing what, how and when to cache is vital. PHP APC is
* presently one of the fastest caching systems available, closely followed by Memcache. SQLite
* and File caching are two of the slowest cache methods, however usually faster than reprocessing
* a complex set of instructions.
* Caching engines that use memory are considerably faster than the file based alternatives. But
* memory is limited whereas disk space is plentiful. If caching large datasets it is best to use
* file caching.
* ### Configuration settings
* Kohana Cache uses configuration groups to create cache instances. A configuration group can
* use any supported driver, with successive groups using the same driver type if required.
* #### Configuration example
* Below is an example of a _memcache_ server configuration.
* return array(
* 'memcache' => array( // Name of group
* 'driver' => 'memcache', // using Memcache driver
* 'servers' => array( // Available server definitions
* array(
* 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'port' => 11211,
* 'persistent' => FALSE
* )
* ),
* 'compression' => FALSE, // Use compression?
* ),
* )
* In cases where only one cache group is required, set `Cache::$default` (in your bootstrap,
* or by extending `Kohana_Cache` class) to the name of the group, and use:
* $cache = Cache::instance(); // instead of Cache::instance('memcache')
* It will return the cache instance of the group it has been set in `Cache::$default`.
* #### General cache group configuration settings
* Below are the settings available to all types of cache driver.
* Name | Required | Description
* -------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------
* driver | __YES__ | (_string_) The driver type to use
* Details of the settings specific to each driver are available within the drivers documentation.
* ### System requirements
* * Kohana 3.0.x
* * PHP 5.2.4 or greater
* @package Kohana/Cache
* @category Base
* @version 2.0
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2009-2012 Kohana Team
* @license
abstract class Kohana_Cache { const DEFAULT_EXPIRE = 3600; /**
* @var string default driver to use
public static $default = 'file'; /**
* @var Kohana_Cache instances
public static $instances = array(); /**
* Creates a singleton of a Kohana Cache group. If no group is supplied
* the __default__ cache group is used.
* // Create an instance of the default group
* $default_group = Cache::instance();
* // Create an instance of a group
* $foo_group = Cache::instance('foo');
* // Access an instantiated group directly
* $foo_group = Cache::$instances['default'];
* @param string $group the name of the cache group to use [Optional]
* @return Cache
* @throws Cache_Exception
public static function instance($group = NULL)
// If there is no group supplied
if ($group === NULL)
// Use the default setting
$group = Cache::$default;
} if (isset(Cache::$instances[$group]))
// Return the current group if initiated already
return Cache::$instances[$group];
} $config = Kohana::$config->load('cache'); if ( ! $config->offsetExists($group))
throw new Cache_Exception(
'Failed to load Kohana Cache group: :group',
array(':group' => $group)
} $config = $config->get($group); // Create a new cache type instance
$cache_class = 'Cache_'.ucfirst($config['driver']);
Cache::$instances[$group] = new $cache_class($config); // Return the instance
return Cache::$instances[$group];
} /**
* @var Config
protected $_config = array(); /**
* Ensures singleton pattern is observed, loads the default expiry
* @param array $config configuration
protected function __construct(array $config)
} /**
* Getter and setter for the configuration. If no argument provided, the
* current configuration is returned. Otherwise the configuration is set
* to this class.
* // Overwrite all configuration
* $cache->config(array('driver' => 'memcache', '...'));
* // Set a new configuration setting
* $cache->config('servers', array(
* 'foo' => 'bar',
* '...'
* ));
* // Get a configuration setting
* $servers = $cache->config('servers);
* @param mixed key to set to array, either array or config path
* @param mixed value to associate with key
* @return mixed
public function config($key = NULL, $value = NULL)
if ($key === NULL)
return $this->_config; if (is_array($key))
$this->_config = $key;
if ($value === NULL)
return Arr::get($this->_config, $key); $this->_config[$key] = $value;
} return $this;
} /**
* Overload the __clone() method to prevent cloning
* @return void
* @throws Cache_Exception
final public function __clone()
throw new Cache_Exception('Cloning of Kohana_Cache objects is forbidden');
} /**
* Retrieve a cached value entry by id.
* // Retrieve cache entry from default group
* $data = Cache::instance()->get('foo');
* // Retrieve cache entry from default group and return 'bar' if miss
* $data = Cache::instance()->get('foo', 'bar');
* // Retrieve cache entry from memcache group
* $data = Cache::instance('memcache')->get('foo');
* @param string $id id of cache to entry
* @param string $default default value to return if cache miss
* @return mixed
* @throws Cache_Exception
abstract public function get($id, $default = NULL); /**
* Set a value to cache with id and lifetime
* $data = 'bar';
* // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in default group, using default expiry
* Cache::instance()->set('foo', $data);
* // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in default group for 30 seconds
* Cache::instance()->set('foo', $data, 30);
* // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in memcache group for 10 minutes
* if (Cache::instance('memcache')->set('foo', $data, 600))
* {
* // Cache was set successfully
* return
* }
* @param string $id id of cache entry
* @param string $data data to set to cache
* @param integer $lifetime lifetime in seconds
* @return boolean
abstract public function set($id, $data, $lifetime = 3600); /**
* Delete a cache entry based on id
* // Delete 'foo' entry from the default group
* Cache::instance()->delete('foo');
* // Delete 'foo' entry from the memcache group
* Cache::instance('memcache')->delete('foo')
* @param string $id id to remove from cache
* @return boolean
abstract public function delete($id); /**
* Delete all cache entries.
* Beware of using this method when
* using shared memory cache systems, as it will wipe every
* entry within the system for all clients.
* // Delete all cache entries in the default group
* Cache::instance()->delete_all();
* // Delete all cache entries in the memcache group
* Cache::instance('memcache')->delete_all();
* @return boolean
abstract public function delete_all(); /**
* Replaces troublesome characters with underscores.
* // Sanitize a cache id
* $id = $this->_sanitize_id($id);
* @param string $id id of cache to sanitize
* @return string
protected function _sanitize_id($id)
// Change slashes and spaces to underscores
return str_replace(array('/', '\\', ' '), '_', $id);
// End Kohana_Cache
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); class Cache_File extends Kohana_Cache_File {}
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* [Kohana Cache](api/Kohana_Cache) File driver. Provides a file based
* driver for the Kohana Cache library. This is one of the slowest
* caching methods.
* ### Configuration example
* Below is an example of a _file_ server configuration.
* return array(
* 'file' => array( // File driver group
* 'driver' => 'file', // using File driver
* 'cache_dir' => APPPATH.'cache/.kohana_cache', // Cache location
* ),
* )
* In cases where only one cache group is required, if the group is named `default` there is
* no need to pass the group name when instantiating a cache instance.
* #### General cache group configuration settings
* Below are the settings available to all types of cache driver.
* Name | Required | Description
* -------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------
* driver | __YES__ | (_string_) The driver type to use
* cache_dir | __NO__ | (_string_) The cache directory to use for this cache instance
* ### System requirements
* * Kohana 3.0.x
* * PHP 5.2.4 or greater
* @package Kohana/Cache
* @category Base
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2009-2012 Kohana Team
* @license
class Kohana_Cache_File extends Cache implements Cache_GarbageCollect { /**
* Creates a hashed filename based on the string. This is used
* to create shorter unique IDs for each cache filename.
* // Create the cache filename
* $filename = Cache_File::filename($this->_sanitize_id($id));
* @param string $string string to hash into filename
* @return string
protected static function filename($string)
return sha1($string).'.cache';
} /**
* @var string the caching directory
protected $_cache_dir; /**
* Constructs the file cache driver. This method cannot be invoked externally. The file cache driver must
* be instantiated using the `Cache::instance()` method.
* @param array $config config
* @throws Cache_Exception
protected function __construct(array $config)
// Setup parent
parent::__construct($config); try
$directory = Arr::get($this->_config, 'cache_dir', Kohana::$cache_dir);
$this->_cache_dir = new SplFileInfo($directory);
// PHP < 5.3 exception handle
catch (ErrorException $e)
$this->_cache_dir = $this->_make_directory($directory, 0777, TRUE);
// PHP >= 5.3 exception handle
catch (UnexpectedValueException $e)
$this->_cache_dir = $this->_make_directory($directory, 0777, TRUE);
} // If the defined directory is a file, get outta here
if ($this->_cache_dir->isFile())
throw new Cache_Exception('Unable to create cache directory as a file already exists : :resource', array(':resource' => $this->_cache_dir->getRealPath()));
} // Check the read status of the directory
if ( ! $this->_cache_dir->isReadable())
throw new Cache_Exception('Unable to read from the cache directory :resource', array(':resource' => $this->_cache_dir->getRealPath()));
} // Check the write status of the directory
if ( ! $this->_cache_dir->isWritable())
throw new Cache_Exception('Unable to write to the cache directory :resource', array(':resource' => $this->_cache_dir->getRealPath()));
} /**
* Retrieve a cached value entry by id.
* // Retrieve cache entry from file group
* $data = Cache::instance('file')->get('foo');
* // Retrieve cache entry from file group and return 'bar' if miss
* $data = Cache::instance('file')->get('foo', 'bar');
* @param string $id id of cache to entry
* @param string $default default value to return if cache miss
* @return mixed
* @throws Cache_Exception
public function get($id, $default = NULL)
$filename = Cache_File::filename($this->_sanitize_id($id));
$directory = $this->_resolve_directory($filename); // Wrap operations in try/catch to handle notices
// Open file
$file = new SplFileInfo($directory.$filename); // If file does not exist
if ( ! $file->isFile())
// Return default value
return $default;
// Test the expiry
if ($this->_is_expired($file))
// Delete the file
$this->_delete_file($file, FALSE, TRUE);
return $default;
} // open the file to read data
$data = $file->openFile(); // Run first fgets(). Cache data starts from the second line
// as the first contains the lifetime timestamp
$data->fgets(); $cache = ''; while ($data->eof() === FALSE)
$cache .= $data->fgets();
} return unserialize($cache);
} }
catch (ErrorException $e)
// Handle ErrorException caused by failed unserialization
if ($e->getCode() === E_NOTICE)
throw new Cache_Exception(__METHOD__.' failed to unserialize cached object with message : '.$e->getMessage());
} // Otherwise throw the exception
throw $e;
} /**
* Set a value to cache with id and lifetime
* $data = 'bar';
* // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in file group, using default expiry
* Cache::instance('file')->set('foo', $data);
* // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in file group for 30 seconds
* Cache::instance('file')->set('foo', $data, 30);
* @param string $id id of cache entry
* @param string $data data to set to cache
* @param integer $lifetime lifetime in seconds
* @return boolean
public function set($id, $data, $lifetime = NULL)
$filename = Cache_File::filename($this->_sanitize_id($id));
$directory = $this->_resolve_directory($filename); // If lifetime is NULL
if ($lifetime === NULL)
// Set to the default expiry
$lifetime = Arr::get($this->_config, 'default_expire', Cache::DEFAULT_EXPIRE);
} // Open directory
$dir = new SplFileInfo($directory); // If the directory path is not a directory
if ( ! $dir->isDir())
$this->_make_directory($directory, 0777, TRUE);
} // Open file to inspect
$resouce = new SplFileInfo($directory.$filename);
$file = $resouce->openFile('w'); try
$data = $lifetime."\n".serialize($data);
$file->fwrite($data, strlen($data));
return (bool) $file->fflush();
catch (ErrorException $e)
// If serialize through an error exception
if ($e->getCode() === E_NOTICE)
// Throw a caching error
throw new Cache_Exception(__METHOD__.' failed to serialize data for caching with message : '.$e->getMessage());
} // Else rethrow the error exception
throw $e;
} /**
* Delete a cache entry based on id
* // Delete 'foo' entry from the file group
* Cache::instance('file')->delete('foo');
* @param string $id id to remove from cache
* @return boolean
public function delete($id)
$filename = Cache_File::filename($this->_sanitize_id($id));
$directory = $this->_resolve_directory($filename); return $this->_delete_file(new SplFileInfo($directory.$filename), FALSE, TRUE);
} /**
* Delete all cache entries.
* Beware of using this method when
* using shared memory cache systems, as it will wipe every
* entry within the system for all clients.
* // Delete all cache entries in the file group
* Cache::instance('file')->delete_all();
* @return boolean
public function delete_all()
return $this->_delete_file($this->_cache_dir, TRUE);
} /**
* Garbage collection method that cleans any expired
* cache entries from the cache.
* @return void
public function garbage_collect()
$this->_delete_file($this->_cache_dir, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
} /**
* Deletes files recursively and returns FALSE on any errors
* // Delete a file or folder whilst retaining parent directory and ignore all errors
* $this->_delete_file($folder, TRUE, TRUE);
* @param SplFileInfo $file file
* @param boolean $retain_parent_directory retain the parent directory
* @param boolean $ignore_errors ignore_errors to prevent all exceptions interrupting exec
* @param boolean $only_expired only expired files
* @return boolean
* @throws Cache_Exception
protected function _delete_file(SplFileInfo $file, $retain_parent_directory = FALSE, $ignore_errors = FALSE, $only_expired = FALSE)
// Allow graceful error handling
// If is file
if ($file->isFile())
// Handle ignore files
if (in_array($file->getFilename(), $this->config('ignore_on_delete')))
$delete = FALSE;
// If only expired is not set
elseif ($only_expired === FALSE)
// We want to delete the file
$delete = TRUE;
// Otherwise...
// Assess the file expiry to flag it for deletion
$delete = $this->_is_expired($file);
} // If the delete flag is set delete file
if ($delete === TRUE)
return unlink($file->getRealPath());
return FALSE;
catch (ErrorException $e)
// Catch any delete file warnings
if ($e->getCode() === E_WARNING)
throw new Cache_Exception(__METHOD__.' failed to delete file : :file', array(':file' => $file->getRealPath()));
// Else, is directory
elseif ($file->isDir())
// Create new DirectoryIterator
$files = new DirectoryIterator($file->getPathname()); // Iterate over each entry
while ($files->valid())
// Extract the entry name
$name = $files->getFilename(); // If the name is not a dot
if ($name != '.' AND $name != '..')
// Create new file resource
$fp = new SplFileInfo($files->getRealPath());
// Delete the file
$this->_delete_file($fp, $retain_parent_directory, $ignore_errors, $only_expired);
} // Move the file pointer on
} // If set to retain parent directory, return now
if ($retain_parent_directory)
return TRUE;
} try
// Remove the files iterator
// (fixes Windows PHP which has permission issues with open iterators)
unset($files); // Try to remove the parent directory
return rmdir($file->getRealPath());
catch (ErrorException $e)
// Catch any delete directory warnings
if ($e->getCode() === E_WARNING)
throw new Cache_Exception(__METHOD__.' failed to delete directory : :directory', array(':directory' => $file->getRealPath()));
throw $e;
// We get here if a file has already been deleted
return FALSE;
// Catch all exceptions
catch (Exception $e)
// If ignore_errors is on
if ($ignore_errors === TRUE)
// Return
return FALSE;
// Throw exception
throw $e;
} /**
* Resolves the cache directory real path from the filename
* // Get the realpath of the cache folder
* $realpath = $this->_resolve_directory($filename);
* @param string $filename filename to resolve
* @return string
protected function _resolve_directory($filename)
return $this->_cache_dir->getRealPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename[0].$filename[1].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
} /**
* Makes the cache directory if it doesn't exist. Simply a wrapper for
* `mkdir` to ensure DRY principles
* @link
* @param string $directory directory path
* @param integer $mode chmod mode
* @param boolean $recursive allows nested directories creation
* @param resource $context a stream context
* @return SplFileInfo
* @throws Cache_Exception
protected function _make_directory($directory, $mode = 0777, $recursive = FALSE, $context = NULL)
// call mkdir according to the availability of a passed $context param
$mkdir_result = $context ?
mkdir($directory, $mode, $recursive, $context) :
mkdir($directory, $mode, $recursive); // throw an exception if unsuccessful
if ( ! $mkdir_result)
throw new Cache_Exception('Failed to create the defined cache directory : :directory', array(':directory' => $directory));
} // chmod to solve potential umask issues
chmod($directory, $mode); return new SplFileInfo($directory);
} /**
* Test if cache file is expired
* @param SplFileInfo $file the cache file
* @return boolean TRUE if expired false otherwise
protected function _is_expired(SplFileInfo $file)
// Open the file and parse data
$created = $file->getMTime();
$data = $file->openFile("r");
$lifetime = (int) $data->fgets(); // If we're at the EOF at this point, corrupted!
if ($data->eof())
throw new Cache_Exception(__METHOD__ . ' corrupted cache file!');
} //close file
$data = null; // test for expiry and return
return (($lifetime !== 0) AND ( ($created + $lifetime) < time()));
$key = 'AjSR/piQT24JaYEgh6V9tA==';
$data = array('id'=>1, 'name'=>'liuchao');
Cache::instance("file")->set($key, $data, 60);
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