$textbf{Trajectory Data Mining: An Overview}$



  1. $textbf{Trajectory Data}$:主要分为四个类别
    1. $texttt{Mobility of people}$
    2. $texttt{Mobility of transportation}$
    3. $texttt{Mobility of animals}$
    4. $texttt{Mobility of natural phenomena}$
  2. $textbf{Trajectory Data Preprocessing}$
    1. $texttt{Noise Filtering}$
      1. $textit{Mean Filter}$
      2. $textit{Kalman and Particle Filters}$
      3. $textit{Heuristics-Based Outlier Detection}$
    2. $texttt{Stay Point Detection}$
    3. $texttt{Trajectory Compression}$:对轨迹数据进行压缩,以减少计算量
      1. $textit{Distance Metric}$
      2. $textit{Offline Compression}$
      3. $textit{Online Data Reduction}$
      4. $textit{Compression with Semantic Meaning}$
    4. $texttt{Trajectory Segmentation}$:对轨迹数据进行切割
      1. $textit{time interval}$
      2. $textit{shape of a trajectory}$
      3. $textit{semantic meanings}$
    5. $texttt{Map Matching}$:对原始的经纬度数据转化为路网数据
      1. $textit{geometric}$
      2. $textit{topological}$
      3. $textit{probabilis 大专栏  VI.应用-Trajectory Data Miningtic}$
      4. $textit{other advanced techniques}$
  3. $textbf{Trajectory Data Management}$
    1. $texttt{Trajectory Indexing and Retrieval}$:没看懂是为了解决什么问题
    2. $texttt{Distance/Similarity of Trajectories}$:了解一下度量方式
  4. $textbf{Uncertainty in Trajectory Data}$
    1. $texttt{Reducing Uncertainty from Trajectory Data}$:解决因采样率低,造成数据稀疏,不确定性增大等问题
      1. $textit{Modeling Uncertainty of a Trajectory for Queries}$
      2. $textit{Path Inference from Uncertain Trajectories}$
    2. $texttt{Privacy of Trajectory Data}$:为保护隐私性,需要增大数据的不确定性。
  5. $textbf{Trajectory Pattern Mining}$
    1. $texttt{Moving Together Patterns}$
    2. $texttt{Trajectory Clustering}$
    3. $texttt{Mining Sequential Patterns from Trajectories}$
    4. $texttt{Mining Periodical Patterns from Trajectories
  6. $textbf{Trajectory Classification}$:做运动状态分类、交通方式分类等分类任务
  7. $textbf{Anomalies Detection From Trajectories}$
    1. $texttt{Detecting Outlier Trajectories}$
    2. $texttt{Identifying Anomalous Events by Trajectories}$
  8. $textbf{Transfer Trajectory To Other Representations}$
    1. $texttt{From Trajectory to Graph}$
    2. $texttt{From Trajectory to Matrix}$
    3. $texttt{From Trajectory to Tensor}$

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