2019-09-21 18:54:16

  • 715. Range Module




class RangeModule {
Node root; class Node {
int l;
int r;
int m;
Node left;
Node right;
boolean tracked; public Node(int l, int r, int m, boolean tracked) {
this.l = l;
this.r = r;
this.m = m;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
this.tracked = tracked;
} public RangeModule() {
root = new Node(0, (int)1e9, -1, false);
} public void addRange(int left, int right) {
root = addRange(left, right, root);
} private Node addRange(int l, int r, Node root) {
if (root.m == -1) {
if (root.tracked) return root;
if (root.l == l && root.r == r) root.tracked = true;
else if (root.l == l) {
root.m = r;
root.left = new Node(l, r, -1, root.tracked);
root.right = new Node(r, root.r, -1, root.tracked);
root.left = addRange(l, r, root.left);
else {
root.m = l;
root.left = new Node(root.l, l, -1, root.tracked);
root.right = new Node(l, root.r, -1, root.tracked);
root.right = addRange(l, r, root.right);
else {
if (r <= root.m) {
root.left = addRange(l, r, root.left);
else if (l >= root.m) {
root.right = addRange(l, r, root.right);
else {
root.left = addRange(l, root.m, root.left);
root.right = addRange(root.m, r, root.right);
return root;
} public boolean queryRange(int left, int right) {
return queryRange(left, right, root);
} private boolean queryRange(int l, int r, Node root) {
if (root.m == -1) {
return root.tracked;
else {
if (r <= root.m) return queryRange(l, r, root.left);
else if (l >= root.m) return queryRange(l, r, root.right);
else return queryRange(l, root.m, root.left) && queryRange(root.m, r, root.right);
} public void removeRange(int left, int right) {
root = removeRange(left, right, root);
} private Node removeRange(int l, int r, Node root) {
if (root.m == -1) {
if (!root.tracked) return root;
if (root.l == l && root.r == r) {
root.tracked = false;
else if (root.l == l) {
root.m = r;
root.left = new Node(l, root.m, -1, root.tracked);
root.right = new Node(root.m, root.r, -1, root.tracked);
root.left =removeRange(l, r, root.left);
else {
root.m = l;
root.left = new Node(root.l, root.m, -1, root.tracked);
root.right = new Node(root.m, root.r, -1, root.tracked);
root.right = removeRange(l, r, root.right);
else {
if (r <= root.m) root.left = removeRange(l, r, root.left);
else if (l >= root.m) root.right = removeRange(l, r, root.right);
else {
root.left = removeRange(l, root.m, root.left);
root.right = removeRange(root.m, r, root.right);
return root;
} /**
* Your RangeModule object will be instantiated and called as such:
* RangeModule obj = new RangeModule();
* obj.addRange(left,right);
* boolean param_2 = obj.queryRange(left,right);
* obj.removeRange(left,right);


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