9.1 The Nature of Hypothesis Testing

Over the years, however, null hypothesis has come to mean simply a hypothesis to be tested.

Null Hypothesis:

H0: μ = μ0,

where μ0 is some number

Alternative Hypothesis:

two tailed 实例:

one tailed 实例:


Type I and Type II Errors:

Significance Level


In other words, if we do not reject the null hypothesis, we conclude only that the data do not provide sufficient evidence to support the alternative hypothesis; we do not conclude that the data provide sufficient evidence to support the null hypothesis

即,reject or not reject 取决于是否满足备择假设,如果满足备择假设则reject;如果不满足备择假设则 not reject

When the null hypothesis is rejected in a hypothesis test performed at the significance level α, we frequently express that fact with the phrase “the test results are statistically significant at the α level.” Similarly, when the null hypothesis is not rejected in a hypothesis test performed at the significance level α, we often express that fact with the phrase “the test results are not statistically significant at the α level.”

Null Hypotheses| Alternative Hypotheses|Hypothesis Test|Significance Level|two tailed |one tailed|的更多相关文章

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