
├── base # use to store database file(SELECT oid, datname FROM pg_database;)
├── global # under global, all the filenode is hard-code(select oid,relname,relfilenode from pg_class where relfilenode=0 order by oid;)
├── pg_clog # dir of transaction commit log
│ └── 0000
├── pg_commit_ts
├── pg_dynshmem
├── pg_hba.conf # client authentication config file
├── pg_ident.conf # user ident map file
├── pg_logical
│ ├── mappings
│ └── snapshots
├── pg_multixact
│ ├── members
│ │ └── 0000
│ └── offsets
│ └── 0000
├── pg_notify
│ └── 0000
├── pg_replslot
├── pg_serial
├── pg_snapshots # dir of snapshot file
├── pg_stat
├── pg_stat_tmp # dir of tmp stat file
│ ├── db_0.stat
│ ├── db_12407.stat
│ ├── db_16384.stat
│ └── global.stat
├── pg_subtrans
│ └── 0000
├── pg_tblspc
├── pg_twophase
├── PG_VERSION # version file
├── pg_xlog # dir of xlog file
│ ├── 000000010000000000000001
│ └── archive_status # status info of xlog archive
├── postgresql.auto.conf
├── postgresql.conf # config file of postmaster progress
├── postmaster.opts
└── postmaster.pid # pid file of postmaster progress




  1. pg_control
  2. pg_filenode.map
  3. pg_internal.init
  4. 全局系统表文件
├── global # under global, all the filenode is hard-code(select oid,relname,relfilenode from pg_class where relfilenode=0 order by oid;)
│ ├── 1136 # pg_pltemplate
│ ├── 1137 # pg_pltemplate_name_index
│ ├── 1213 # pg_tablespace
│ ├── 1214 # pg_shdepend
│ ├── 1232 # pg_shdepend_depender_index
│ ├── 1233 # pg_shdepend_reference_index
│ ├── 1260 # pg_authid
│ ├── 1261 # pg_auth_members
│ ├── 1262 # pg_database
│ ├── 2396 # pg_shdescription
│ ├── 2397 # pg_shdescription_o_c_index
│ ├── 2671 # pg_database_datname_index
│ ├── 2672 # pg_database_oid_index
│ ├── 2676 # pg_authid_rolname_index
│ ├── 2677 # pg_authid_oid_index
│ ├── 2694 # pg_auth_members_role_member_index
│ ├── 2695 # pg_auth_members_member_role_index
│ ├── 2697 # pg_tablespace_oid_index
│ ├── 2698 # pg_tablespace_spcname_index
│ ├── 2846 # pg_toast_2396
│ ├── 2847 # pg_toast_2396_index
│ ├── 2964 # pg_db_role_setting
│ ├── 2965 # pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index
│ ├── 2966 # pg_toast_2964
│ ├── 2967 # pg_toast_2964_index
│ ├── 3592 # pg_shseclabel
│ ├── 3593 # pg_shseclabel_object_index
│ ├── 4060 # pg_toast_3592x
│ ├── 4061 # pg_toast_3592_index
│ ├── 6000 # pg_replication_origin
│ ├── 6001 # pg_replication_origin_roiident_index
│ ├── 6002 # pg_replication_origin_roname_index
│ ├── pg_control # global control file, use pgcheck -pc to see it.
│ ├── pg_filenode.map # system table (oid -> filenode) mapping file, use pgcheck -pm to see it.
│ └── pg_internal.init # system table cache file, use pgcheck -pr to see it.



testdb=# select oid,datname from pg_database;
oid | datname
12407 | postgres
16384 | testdb
1 | template1
12406 | template0
(4 rows)


├── base # use to store database file(SELECT oid, datname FROM pg_database;)
│ ├── 1 # template database
│ ├── 12406 # template0 database
│ ├── 12407 # postgres database
│ └── 16384 # testdb, first user database
│ │ ├── 3600
│ │ ├── 3600_fsm
│ │ ├── 3600_vm
│ │ ├── 16385
│ │ ├── pg_filenode.map
│ │ ├── pg_internal.init
│ │ └── PG_VERSION
  1. pg_filenode.map 是pg_class里relfilenode为0的系统表,OID与文件的硬编码映射。
  2. pg_internal.init 是系统表的cache文件,用于加快读取。默认不存在,查询系统表后自动产生。
  3. PG_VERSION 是当前数据库数据格式对应的版本号
  4. 其它文件是需要到pg_class里根据OID查到对应的relfilenode来与文件名匹配的。
    testdb=# select oid,relfilenode,relname from pg_class where relname='tab1';
oid | relfilenode | relname
16385 | 16385 | tab1
(1 row)
  1. 空闲空间映射表
    名字以_fsm结尾的文件是数据文件对应的FSM(free space map)文件,用map方式来标识哪些block是空闲的。用一个Byte而不是bit来标识一个block。对于一个有N个字节的block,它在_fsm文件中第blknum个字节中记录的值是(31+N)/32。通过这种方式标识一个block空闲字节数。FSM中不是简单的数组,而是一个三层的树形结构。FSM文件是在需要用到它时才自动产生的。
  2. 可见性映射表文件
    名字以_vm结尾的文件是数据文件对应的VM(visibility map)。PostgreSQL中在做多版本并发控制时是通过在元组头上标识“已无效”来实现删除或更新的,最后通过VACUUM功能来清理无效数据回收空闲空间。在做VACUUM时就使用VM开快速查找包含无效元组的block。VM仅是个简单的bitmap,一个bit对应一个block。



testdb=# select oid,* from pg_tablespace;
oid | spcname | spcowner | spcacl | spcoptions
1663 | pg_default | 10 | |
1664 | pg_global | 10 | |
49162 | dbspace | 10 | |
(3 rows)


 tree ../data/pg_tblspc/
└── 49162 -> /home/postgres/postgresql-9.6.6/postgres/data/dbspace


testdb=# create table tab3(a int) tablespace dbspace;
CREATE TABLE testdb=# select oid,relname,relfilenode from pg_class where relname='tab3';
oid | relname | relfilenode
57351 | tab3 | 57351
(1 row) tree ../data/pg_tblspc/49162
└── PG_9.6_201608131
└── 16384
└── 57351


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