to install wxPython

pip install -U wxPython



Python 3.6.2 (v3.6.2:5fd33b5, Jul 8 2017, 04:14:34) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import wx
>>> exit
Use exit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
>>> exit()


Hello World

Hello World, but with more meat.
""" import wx class HelloFrame(wx.Frame):
A Frame that says Hello World
""" def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
# ensure the parent's __init__ is called
super(HelloFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kw) # create a panel in the frame
pnl = wx.Panel(self) # and put some text with a larger bold font on it
st = wx.StaticText(pnl, label="Hello World!", pos=(25,25))
font = st.GetFont()
font.PointSize += 10
font = font.Bold()
st.SetFont(font) # create a menu bar
self.makeMenuBar() # and a status bar
self.SetStatusText("Welcome to wxPython!") def makeMenuBar(self):
A menu bar is composed of menus, which are composed of menu items.
This method builds a set of menus and binds handlers to be called
when the menu item is selected.
""" # Make a file menu with Hello and Exit items
fileMenu = wx.Menu()
# The "\t..." syntax defines an accelerator key that also triggers
# the same event
helloItem = fileMenu.Append(-1, "&Hello...\tCtrl-H",
"Help string shown in status bar for this menu item")
# When using a stock ID we don't need to specify the menu item's
# label
exitItem = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT) # Now a help menu for the about item
helpMenu = wx.Menu()
aboutItem = helpMenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT) # Make the menu bar and add the two menus to it. The '&' defines
# that the next letter is the "mnemonic" for the menu item. On the
# platforms that support it those letters are underlined and can be
# triggered from the keyboard.
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&File")
menuBar.Append(helpMenu, "&Help") # Give the menu bar to the frame
self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # Finally, associate a handler function with the EVT_MENU event for
# each of the menu items. That means that when that menu item is
# activated then the associated handler function will be called.
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHello, helloItem)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExit, exitItem)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, aboutItem) def OnExit(self, event):
"""Close the frame, terminating the application."""
self.Close(True) def OnHello(self, event):
"""Say hello to the user."""
wx.MessageBox("Hello again from wxPython") def OnAbout(self, event):
"""Display an About Dialog"""
wx.MessageBox("This is a wxPython Hello World sample",
"About Hello World 2",
wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) if __name__ == '__main__':
# When this module is run (not imported) then create the app, the
# frame, show it, and start the event loop.
app = wx.App()
frm = HelloFrame(None, title='Hello World 2')


使用指导 Started




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