- 1 /** 根据参数定制表格
- * api接口:
- * form-model:[item1,item2,item3]
- * form-properties:[
- * {key:'',label:'',thClass:''}, key为item对象的key,label为该key对应的表头,thClass主要用于列少时平分一行
- * ...
- * ]
- * 对应一行后面的编辑,删除,详情按钮
- * form-actions:{
- * edit/delete/detail:{
- * stateUrl:'', 对应点击该按钮后跳转的路由状态
- * stateParams:[{
- * key:'', 用来拼接ui-router的sref-->({key:object.objectKey}),支持多参数传递。
- * objectKey:'',
- * }]
- * }
- * }
- *示例
- * <by-table tb-models="formModel" tb-properties="formProperties" tb-actions="formAction"></by-table>
- *
- *
- *
- model用于初始表格数据
- $scope.formModel = [
- {id:1,name:"张三",sex:'男'},
- {id:2,name:"李四",sex:'男'},
- {id:3,name:"王五",sex:'男'}
- ];
- thClass 主要用于珊格布局,控制其长度
- $scope.formProperties = [
- {key:'id',label:'ID'},
- {key:'name',label:'姓名','thClass':'col-md-3'},
- {key:'sex',label:'性别','thClass':'col-md-3'}
- ]
- 配合而ui-route 完成到增删改查的路由跳转
- $scope.formAction = {
- //stateParams:
- //stateUrl({key:object.objectKey});
- //add 不需要stateUrl
- detail:{
- stateUrl:'person.detail',
- stateParams:{
- key:'id',
- objectKey:'id'
- }
- },
- edit:{
- stateUrl:'person.edit'
- },
- delete:{
- stateUrl:'person.delete'
- }
- }
- */
- angular.module('testApp')
- .directive('byTable', function(){
- return{
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl:'scripts/components/form/form-template/table.html',
- scope:{
- tbModels:'=',
- tbProperties:'=',
- tbActions:'='
- },
- link:function ($scope,$elem,$attr){
- $scope.hasOper = false;
- var notNull = function (data){
- return !!data;
- }
- //private action info
- $scope._tbActions = {
- detail:null,
- delete:null,
- edit:null
- }
- // 必须传递一个数组
- //输入[{key1,value1},{key2,value2}],
- //输出key1:value1,key2:value2
- var getParams = function(datas){
- console.log("....");
- var arr_len = datas.length;
- var res = "";
- var i=0;
- if(arr_len<=0){
- return "";
- }
- res = datas[0].key +":tbModel." + datas[0].objectKey;
- if(arr_len>1){
- for(i=1;i<arr_len;i++){
- res += (","+datas[i].key +":tbModel." + datas[i].objectKey);
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- //get sref str by config
- var getSref = function(dataObj){
- var params = "";
- var strtmp = "";
- if(!dataObj.stateUrl){
- return "";
- }
- if(dataObj.stateParams){
- var tmp = getParams(dataObj.stateParams);
- params = "({"+ tmp +"})";
- }
- strtmp = dataObj.stateUrl+ params;
- return strtmp;
- }
- //initOperContain:'edit','delete','detail'
- var initOper = function(){
- if($scope.tbActions.detail){
- $scope._tbActions.detail = getSref($scope.tbActions.detail)
- }
- if($scope.tbActions.edit){
- $scope._tbActions.edit = getSref($scope.tbActions.edit)
- }
- if($scope.tbActions.delete){
- $scope._tbActions.delete = getSref($scope.tbActions.delete)
- }
- console.log($scope._tbActions.detail);
- }
- initOper();
- //the oper is show?
- if(notNull($scope.tbActions.edit)||notNull($scope.tbActions.delete)||notNull($scope.tbActions.detail)){
- $scope.hasOper = true;
- }
- }
- }
- })
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