
  • 多表连接查询
  • 符合条件连接查询
  • 子查询



create table department(
id int,
name varchar(20)
); create table employee(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20),
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
age int,
dep_id int
); #插入数据
insert into department values
(203,'运营'); insert into employee(name,sex,age,dep_id) values
; # 查看表结构和数据
mysql> desc department;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| name | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
2 rows in set (0.19 sec) mysql> desc employee;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| sex | enum('male','female') | NO | | male | |
| age | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| dep_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> select * from department;
| id | name |
| 200 | 技术 |
| 201 | 人力资源 |
| 202 | 销售 |
| 203 | 运营 |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec) mysql> select * from employee;
| id | name | sex | age | dep_id |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)






ON 表1.字段 = 表2.字段;


mysql> select * from employee,department;
| id | name | sex | age | dep_id | id | name |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | 202 | 销售 |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | 203 | 运营 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | 200 | 技术 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | 202 | 销售 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | 203 | 运营 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | 200 | 技术 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | 202 | 销售 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | 203 | 运营 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | 200 | 技术 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | 202 | 销售 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | 203 | 运营 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 | 202 | 销售 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 | 203 | 运营 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 | 200 | 技术 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 | 202 | 销售 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 | 203 | 运营 |


mysql> select employee.id,employee.name,employee.age,employee.sex,department.name from employee inner join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;
| id | name | age | sex | name |
| 1 | egon | 18 | male | 技术 |
| 2 | alex | 48 | female | 人力资源 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | 38 | male | 人力资源 |
| 4 | yuanhao | 28 | female | 销售 |
| 5 | nvshen | 18 | male | 技术 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec) #上述sql等同于
mysql> select employee.id,employee.name,employee.age,employee.sex,department.name from employee,department where employee.dep_id=department.id;


mysql> select employee.id,employee.name,department.name as depart_name from employee left join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;
| id | name | depart_name |
| 1 | egon | 技术 |
| 5 | nvshen | 技术 |
| 2 | alex | 人力资源 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | 人力资源 |
| 4 | yuanhao | 销售 |
| 6 | xiaomage | NULL |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(4) 外链接之右连接:优先显示右表全部记录

mysql> select employee.id,employee.name,department.name as depart_name from employee right join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;
| id | name | depart_name |
| 1 | egon | 技术 |
| 2 | alex | 人力资源 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | 人力资源 |
| 4 | yuanhao | 销售 |
| 5 | nvshen | 技术 |
| NULL | NULL | 运营 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(5) 全外连接:显示左右两个表全部记录(了解)

#注意:mysql不支持全外连接 full JOIN
语法:select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id = department.id
union all
select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id = department.id; mysql> select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id = department.id
select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id = department.id
| id | name | sex | age | dep_id | id | name |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 | 202 | 销售 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 | NULL | NULL |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 203 | 运营 |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec) #注意 union与union all的区别:union会去掉相同的纪录



select employee.name,department.name from employee inner join department
  on employee.dep_id = department.id
  where age > 25;


select employee.id,employee.name,employee.age,department.name from employee,department
where employee.dep_id = department.id
and age > 25
order by age asc;


#4:还可以包含比较运算符:= 、 !=、> 、<等



select id,name from department
where id in
(select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25);
# 查看技术部员工姓名
select name from employee
where dep_id in
(select id from department where name='技术');
select name from department
where id not in
(select dep_id from employee group by dep_id);


mysql> select name,age from employee where age > (select avg(age) from employee);
| name | age |
| alex | 48 |
| wupeiqi | 38 |
+---------+------+ #查询大于部门内平均年龄的员工名、年龄
(1)先对员工表(employee)中的人员分组(group by),查询出dep_id以及平均年龄。
(3)最后再将employee员工的年龄是大于平均年龄的员工名字和年龄筛选。 mysql> select t1.name,t1.age from employee as t1
inner join
(select dep_id,avg(age) as avg_age from employee group by dep_id) as t2
on t1.dep_id = t2.dep_id
where t1.age > t2.avg_age;
| name | age |
| alex | 48 |


mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where id=200);
| id | name | sex | age | dep_id |
| 1 | egon | male | 18 | 200 |
| 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 |
| 3 | wupeiqi | male | 38 | 201 |
| 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 |
| 5 | nvshen | male | 18 | 200 |
| 6 | xiaomage | female | 18 | 204 |
mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where id=204);
Empty set (0.00 sec)



create table employee(
id int not null unique auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null,
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的
age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
hire_date date not null,
post varchar(50),
post_comment varchar(100),
salary double(15,2),
office int, #一个部门一个屋子
depart_id int
); #查看表结构
mysql> desc employee;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | varchar(20) | NO | | NULL | |
| sex | enum('male','female') | NO | | male | |
| age | int(3) unsigned | NO | | 28 | |
| hire_date | date | NO | | NULL | |
| post | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| post_comment | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
| salary | double(15,2) | YES | | NULL | |
| office | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| depart_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
+--------------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ #插入记录
insert into employee(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
('egon','male',18,'20170301','老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使',7300.33,401,1), #以下是教学部
('成龙','male',48,'20101111','teacher',10000,401,1), ('歪歪','female',48,'20150311','sale',3000.13,402,2),#以下是销售部门
('格格','female',28,'20170127','sale',4000.33,402,2), ('张野','male',28,'20160311','operation',10000.13,403,3), #以下是运营部门
select * from employee as t1
inner join
(select post,max(hire_date) as new_date from employee group by post) as t2
on t1.post=t2.post
where t1.hire_date=t2.new_date;



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